View Full Version : Layaway

08-28-2012, 12:23 AM
I was thinking...What if there was an option to put items on layaway. Like a separate part of the auction house.
Click on the item you want to buy. The player selling the item can get the full credits but the player buying the item will have to save up and pay when they can until the full amount is reached to get the item. I know it sounds crazy and haven't put too much thought into it. But I would love to be able to slowly pay to get that one item I've always wanted! I mean I've run into a few trusting players who were willing to let me "borrow" an item and slowly pay for it...but that leads to too many scam attempts.
That is if anyone is even trusting enough to give an expensive item out first in the first place.

Another way it could work is players can put stuff into a separate "layaway terminal" and the first player who "buys" the item has to eventually pay the full amount within a certain time frame. Lets say 30 days... with each credit payment the selling player would get whatever credits are paid at the time...but the item won't be released to the purchasing player till the full amount is reached...

I don't know....I know I would use it and it would save a whole lot of hastle finding certain items.
Is this a totally crazy idea? What are your thoughts or improvements to this idea to make it work properly without anyone getting screwed?

08-28-2012, 01:24 AM
I like the idea :-)

08-28-2012, 02:45 AM
I likey :D

08-28-2012, 04:49 AM
This is agains logic of monetization.. Unfortunately..

This is how it works:

You want an item. You don't have enough credits. You buy plat and convert it into credits. STS gets money

08-28-2012, 05:36 AM
This is unfair to the people who have all the credits and can buy it right away.

08-28-2012, 06:02 AM
My thoughts on layaway.
Well first and foremost what if someone starts and changes their mind? Like lets say someone does it for xrays and gets about 500k into it, then decides "naww" after a month or so of grinding because a new cool item is released and they want to use those creds? Does the seller get screwed and had his xrays tied up for a month? Does the purchaser get screwed and lose out on his creds? Does sts get screwed by paying the seller when the purchaser commits, then he later backs out? It's a rare few that will follow through to the end, finish paying and claim the item.

Now if sts pays the seller in advance, they assume the risk of the purchaser completing the transaction or not. (I already see a problem here, if seller lists and uses alt to purchase, sts pays up front, then he backs his alt out of the deal and he gets paid) If they don't complete, sts certainly doesn't need a pile of unclaimed items in limbo waiting for some grounded kid to get his phone/computer privleges back.

I like the idea, just not sure how it could work to be fair to both parties and not become a burden to sts.
It would need a set time limit like layaway, and a penalty for those that back out before it finishes. sounds like a fiasco, how would these things be handled so buyer and seller and sts are all satisfied?

The reason I like the AH more than any other way is because it's a clean transaction.

08-28-2012, 10:32 AM
This is unfair to the people who have all the credits and can buy it right away.
No, it isn't. Richer players can still buy items right away, the layaway just lets less wealth players have a fair shot at obtaining expensive equipment.

This is agains logic of monetization.. Unfortunately..

This is how it works:

You want an item. You don't have enough credits. You buy plat and convert it into credits. STS gets money

Layaway Access: Only 30 plat and you can buy items via layaway! Get your access now!

I think this is a great idea, it would really help open up the market and maybe resolve some of the lingering issues with SL economy.

08-28-2012, 08:13 PM
My thoughts on layaway.
Well first and foremost what if someone starts and changes their mind? Like lets say someone does it for xrays and gets about 500k into it, then decides "naww" after a month or so of grinding because a new cool item is released and they want to use those creds? Does the seller get screwed and had his xrays tied up for a month? Does the purchaser get screwed and lose out on his creds? Does sts get screwed by paying the seller when the purchaser commits, then he later backs out? It's a rare few that will follow through to the end, finish paying and claim the item.

Now if sts pays the seller in advance, they assume the risk of the purchaser completing the transaction or not. (I already see a problem here, if seller lists and uses alt to purchase, sts pays up front, then he backs his alt out of the deal and he gets paid) If they don't complete, sts certainly doesn't need a pile of unclaimed items in limbo waiting for some grounded kid to get his phone/computer privleges back.

I like the idea, just not sure how it could work to be fair to both parties and not become a burden to sts.
It would need a set time limit like layaway, and a penalty for those that back out before it finishes. sounds like a fiasco, how would these things be handled so buyer and seller and sts are all satisfied?

The reason I like the AH more than any other way is because it's a clean transaction.

If the seller cancels, his/her item is returned and the buyers funds are returned and he/she is notified. If the buyer cancels, the buyer gets a refund and the seller gets item back (or is listed again in public layaway) Seller gets no money till item is paid in full. Buyer doesn't get the item until full amount is paid. I can see this option being used more often in the 800cr-50K range...at times i can be very poor and i do wish i could pay 700cr to hold something then come back to pay the rest of the 100cr after a few levels...(item that's listed for 800cr)

Now, the item can be listed and have an auction cut which both players have to pay. Want to sell in layaway? pay ah cut. Want to buy in layaway? pay ah cut.
Or as Battlegrinder stated before...merchants can pay plat to have unlimited access to layaway. Items will be re-listed if the buyer cancels, and the next buyer has to pay ah cut to start making payments. Of course the ah cut for buyers has to be cheaper than the usual 3, 11, 24, 3 days option. I doubt a player who is poor would pay 15500cr to put an xray on layaway that is listed for 1500000cr.

Or we could get rid of the auction cut and pay plat for access both ways to buy or sell in layaway. A seller pays a fairly steep amount of credits to list an xray for 3 days.
Imagine paying plat for a listing that has no expiration date and can be cancelled anytime?

And as far as sts...even when making payments on an item there will be a time limit before the purchase is refunded and relisted publicly.
This time limit may push more players to buy plat and convert to credits to complete a transaction. I hope im making sense.

You could try selling an xray for a few weeks at full price and have no offers. Or pay plat or Ah cut prices in the layaway terminal for an unlimited listing. Cause you never know...some one may be 500k short but can pay up over a few days....

Its the same mechanic as the Regular Auction. Only difference is that the credits and items are in limbo until its paid. Seller has 30 days to collect after full payment.

I think it would work...

Im still working out the kinks on a few things...But as far as backing out...you dont get paid to back out and you dont get your item if you dont finish your payments on time...

08-28-2012, 08:58 PM
I can see a problem with rich people using this Layaway AH as stash ;)

08-28-2012, 09:12 PM
I can see a problem with rich people using this Layaway AH as stash ;)
If only they would just increase the Max stash limit. 185 isn't enough lol. I have 7 tons on one account and the one stash isn't enough....

And on another note killaskillz...sts already has alot of ah items and credits in limbo...I don't think it would be a big issue to have two terminals with items in limbo. Sts handles this issue well with the ah already.

09-11-2012, 04:23 PM
I think the idea would have to be implemented very carefully, so as not to damage the game economy, but I would use it if it were implemented. I can tell you it's the only way I would ever be able to afford a Primed Napalm Carbine...

09-11-2012, 04:28 PM
i love the idea :)

09-13-2012, 08:00 PM
Terrible idea....