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01-24-2023, 02:11 AM
what is the most powerful currency in the game?

is it plat or is it gold ?

im going to assume you said plat but i believe its gold. plat cant be traded thats unless you consider plat eggs.

plat cant be traded in the trade window or in auction. so its virtual useless outside of the store, locks, name change, event currencies and etc.

notice how plat has rules set in place to keep it balanced.

gold also has rules but its much more flexible. gold being so flexible means its the most powerful in my opinion.

and im not saying plat isn't powerful it is. its how we get gear

so how do you fix currency ?

ive said this before with just everything in the game this includes gold too . gold needs to be broken down into multiple currencies to separate the power it has.

Each currency will have its own vendor. this actually exist in the game already. orc tags, dragkin tooths, and etc.

a whole new system has to be designed around this concept. " Gold" shouldn't be the primary currency. gold doesn't even take up inventory slots. if your goal is to be the most wealthy you should have to feel the weight of it too.

the reason why this is good is because if everyone target farmed a currency in a map that means the value of it would decrease. whats cool about this concept is that other map currencies would rise in value.

what would all the currencies be used for?

crafting materials for items. the craftable items would be tradable for items. a new system should be made for builds and crafting modifications. in theory the currency would fuel this. but this is one of those things its easier said then done.

every 3 to 6 months the devs will change the meta and this will create a never ending cycle of new cool and unique builds that will always change.

you guys wanted a gold sink? well what about a ecosystem?

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Corviss the Lich
01-24-2023, 08:37 AM
Considering how STS put literally almost every content behind pay wall, definitely platinum. if they made gears being able to drop on certain maps then we might have an interesting conversation.

No platinum = legit MMORPG

M O A R platinums = ea

But I guess it gives us f2p players reasons to farm and work for those "exclusive" equipments.

01-24-2023, 01:35 PM
But adding new currency does not make it a gold sink until/unless they spend the new currency

You say we will spend the new stuff on crafting materials for items- why would I do that?
If the new currency has ANY utility like gold , no way I’ll spend it on stuff I don’t need when gold has value

“ gold being so flexible means its the most powerful” - ok- So why exchange it for something less powerful?

Sounds like you may have a different idea that might work for crafting mats that might be good,
but it’s not a gold sink as you have presentedwhat i said makes sense

these new currencies wont be tradable.

but ill make it clear all other in game currencies have caps. from event currencies to map currencies.

what happens if you dont use these currencies? well you wont get anymore till you spend. there's other things here too thats good for the game long term. also the concept of bag currency might be useful here so you can trade it.

for example

a cryo coin sack cost 110 cryo coins. but when opened it only gives you 100. this the only way you can trade this currency. so youre paying more for less.

keep in mind that these new currencies cant be traded the same way gold can be traded. instead you have to buy and trade the crafting matts. matts should have weight meaning they take up space.

they're other currencies in game already.
these other currencies have these restrictions for a reason. its either the currencies have these restrictions or they dont.

when dont have these restrictions the currency is very limited. you can only use it at said vendor but its a good thing. its easy to controller.

another reason why this is good is because what if a dev needs to nerf a currency? well its easy you nerf the things thats attached to it. the nerfs can be anything from vendor to the items the vendor sells.

this is the ecosystem im talking about.

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01-24-2023, 01:50 PM

what would happens to gold?

what if gold was removed the trade window and auction house? would it be useless then? or could it be repurpose for something else?.

how will trade work? how will auction work? what would be the next thing considered as currency? awaken gems? jewels?

if they really wanted to control the top 2 currencies in the game all they have to do is remove gold from trade and auction. and replace plat with a new currency like diamonds.

then what would you guys do it?

btw these concepts are in the game already they just need to develop new systems around it and its gg

gear drops will have to be changed, more modifiers will have to be added, more defenses and etc so much can be added.

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01-24-2023, 06:00 PM
You still have not explained any reason I would trade gold for the things you mention
I don’t need crafting materials

if you make some new currency I have to use in auction, I will not use auction
I’d merch in town or use traders market or discord

Still see no reason you give for me to loose goldif you can not trade gold or buy things from auction with it then what would you do with it?

you'll do exactly what a vendor tells you to do with it if not youll quit the game.

if they really wanted to force us to spend gold they can.

what will force you to spend ? shouldn't the cap force you to spend currency ? if you farmed 10,000 dragkin tooths you wont be able to loot anymore. so you have to spend this on dragkin tooth sacks " for example" or different items.

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01-25-2023, 10:55 AM
All the other limited use currencies are ummm useless. Each one was introduced at a particular expansion. Those maps have extremely limited value. Nobody farms old coins. Not on purpose. When/if my dragkin teeth max reach limit, I won’t bother to buy sacks. Same for cryo/Glintstone coins, nothing in vendor. Besides, where’s the thrill in using coins over gold? Keep things simple. No need here.

01-25-2023, 12:13 PM
All the other limited use currencies are ummm useless. Each one was introduced at a particular expansion. Those maps have extremely limited value. Nobody farms old coins. Not on purpose. When/if my dragkin teeth max reach limit, I won’t bother to buy sacks. Same for cryo/Glintstone coins, nothing in vendor. Besides, where’s the thrill in using coins over gold? Keep things simple. No need here.lol well its because the concept become useless when the next expansion comes. but when you introduced something to actually farm then people will farm the currency.

im talking about a eco system a never ending cycle.

what everyone wants is a gold sink.

but notice how they've been dodging to add a gold sink for years. what you guys dont understand i see it clear.

how would a gold sink force you to spend gold? it doesn't.

the only option they have is to make gold useless. they could allow the players only 1 option to use gold with. but the players still dont have to spend so its better to leave it useless.

you want simple? you dont understand how bad that is. keep it simple bricks the game. simplicity bricks a game like this.

it only bricks the game because its online. if this game with offline single player this game is completely fine.

if game like this is simple almost everything you guys ask for makes no sense.

we want more weapons,gear, and pets ....like the system has be exhausted there's no reason to make new stuff anymore.

then when they do make "new" things its basically the same thing as the old stuff. then you guys complain about that. they cant do anything else LOL ITS WHAT YOU GUYS WANT

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01-25-2023, 12:15 PM
Nope I would put gold on alts, no one can force me to buy currency for something I don’t need
(Another form of currency for something I don’t want like crafting materials)

If I hit gold cap I have alts & another acc to stash it
I will use forums and discord for sales if I couldn’t use gold on auction

Here’s the thing:
If you try to force me to use a different currency I’ll have incentive to find the work around to save my gold

If others trade gold for diamonds (or whatever) then my saved gold is worth more as others have less gold

if gold was made useless ? then what?

this is a possibility although i highly doubt it would be applied.

if it was made useless or if they just removed gold from the game what would you do?

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01-25-2023, 03:37 PM
what? Calculate the currency by amount of gold per item divide by plat per item. you will know plat is a lot worth than gold itself.

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