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View Full Version : Str/dex chantress

08-28-2012, 04:47 AM

I recently started playing PL and I've successfully leveled a lvl 45 dex bear. After playing said character, I realized I didn't like the role that bears play very much.. That's why I want to start a new char, specifically a dex/str enchantress. I wanted o know what veterans think of it.

I believe that with the similarity of dex having an effect on a bears skills, enchantress will also benefit from the dps boost. Though I'm not sure. Also, I felt that dual spending into int might be a little redundant because of that fact, so I thought about dual spending into str and using dex as my int equivalent.

I'm not sure if this will work, so I would like some feedback. Also, does heal benefit from dps boost or purely int?

08-28-2012, 05:00 AM
my lvl71 mage is still pure INT because.. because.. dex/str items are not looking good on her.. lol
and a tip.. playing a pure INT mage makes fun ^^

08-28-2012, 05:54 AM
To answer your dps question... Dex only will make auto-attack dmg (and dps) higher, but you'll loose A LOT of skill dmg.

If you want to deal the maximum amount of dmg at Lv56+, pure INT is the way to go. At lower levels, dex can be a valid option because of hit% and at 55, custom has high crit compared to a pure INT mage.

Once you get to 56 glyph sets and above, pure INT outperforms any dex mage in therms of pure dmg output.

Int is also what determines your heal. A str/dex mage almost doesn't heal anything at all.

08-28-2012, 08:02 AM
If you wanna be a 51 dex/str mage, you are like the ultimate tank. Except your damage kinda sucks but you do win mostly all bird fights. Also you have a crappy hit% so I would suggest using rr dagger (brings hit% from 81%-98%)

08-28-2012, 06:00 PM
I tried str/dex mage and let me say it wad horrible, but its up to you in the end. Also you'll probably get some haters ,but if you dont have any haters your doing something wrong. This coming from a int/str bird, and int/dex bear so I know about hate

08-29-2012, 10:47 AM
The problem with "glass mages" is not lack of armor/dodge, it's usually b/c they get so much agro. Pots don't help if you go from full health to face down in 1 blow when the boss suddenly decides you're interesting. Recommend dex/int or pally build or you'll be looking for another mage or plat before heading out.

08-29-2012, 10:55 AM
The problem with "glass mages" is not lack of armor/dodge, it's usually b/c they get so much agro. Pots don't help if you go from full health to face down in 1 blow when the boss suddenly decides you're interesting. Recommend dex/int or pally build or you'll be looking for another mage or plat before heading out.

fair point. Although i'm used to playing only with a Bird. On my new Mage alt, i am shocked at how much more durable mages are with the healing and access to shields, etc. I feel like invincible compared to my bird, who used to die at the drop of a hat! ha ha

08-30-2012, 10:07 AM
Yesterday I made a Strength/Intel mage, basically I'm putting in enough strength to use strength gear and the rest into Intel, at level 15 my toons dps is in the 40's, but my hit% is in the 60's. I'm thinking about trying out a respec with the same amount strength, but split the remainder between dex and intel. That will boost my hit% and still give me some mana to self buff and heal. I'm just experimenting, in the end I can always respecc to the tried and true pure intel build.

08-30-2012, 08:53 PM
Yesterday I made a Strength/Intel mage, basically I'm putting in enough strength to use strength gear and the rest into Intel, at level 15 my toons dps is in the 40's, but my hit% is in the 60's. I'm thinking about trying out a respec with the same amount strength, but split the remainder between dex and intel. That will boost my hit% and still give me some mana to self buff and heal. I'm just experimenting, in the end I can always respecc to the tried and true pure intel build.

Not a good idea to go str at low levels. Or pretty much any levels.

Also int does not give as much hit as dex.

08-31-2012, 05:08 AM
Take the advice of going pure int ;) I have heard many people say pure int mage is the best, including on try this thread. I switched to pure and it is a good build for mage...

08-31-2012, 02:30 PM
Thanks, I took your advice and dumped str, I went dex instead. Its MUCH better now, I can actually play now and have fun. lol

08-31-2012, 11:37 PM
Nice do you mean Dex/int? That's a nice build for mages, but you do get, extremely squishy at times. A pally mage can tank like 3 bears, but the damage was so horrible that me soloing gold fever took almost 20mins to kill, as Dex though mobs/bosses should practically disenigrate from such power

08-31-2012, 11:39 PM
Str boosts Bear's Skill Damage, Dex boosts birds skill damage, and int boosts mages skill damage. Dex increases your base damage which have a teeny effect on your skill damage.