View Full Version : Sonsz of Anarchy ***New Recruitment Thread***

08-28-2012, 05:11 PM
I have made one before, but it was unprofessional. Devs or moderators can delete it. This is our new recruitment thread ;)

Guild Name: <Sonsz of Anarchy>

Guild Master: Szangheili

Goal: To make a fun and large community of SL players enjoy their time playing SL. Free of judgement, criticism, descrimination, racism, and, most of all, abuse of power from the officers and guild master. Every member shall be treated equal, disregarding their level, armor, and nationality.

Promotions: Promotions shall be handed out to those who stay loyal to the guild, help other members when said members request it, and keep a positive attitude to guildmates and others online. **Promotions will not be handed out by begging**

Rules: We have a few common rules that most guilds from SL abide by, like:
- No Selling in GC
- No begging for anything at all.
- No drama within or outside of the guild.

Officers Vote: This is something probably no other guild has ever done in SL from my knowledge. This is basically a vote that all officers must do to pass either a rule, kick another member, or anything else that a few officers disagree on. You may call for a vote and whatever the majority votes for, it happens. Simple as that.

Leaving: You may leave the guild once for any reason at all. If you wish to join again, that automatically calls for an officers vote, if the majority pleads yay, you may join again without promotion until you show you deserve it. If you leave again, you will be able to join again, but during the officers vote, you automatically start off with two "Nay" votes. Good Luck ;)

Eligibility: Anyone of any level can join, we love it when a low level member joins because it gives Lvl 41 members and other high levels a reason to play PvE again, to help you out! Instead of standing on Blackstar, we get to help out a guildmate, and that is why we are here! To help each other out! ;)

Current List of Lead Officers (Not Alphabetical Order):

Ps. Hope you guys like, and hope to see the guild grow!! ;)

08-28-2012, 08:46 PM
Officer's Vote has been done before..

Love that rule about DR :'(

Any ways good luck on your guild!

08-28-2012, 09:10 PM
And what is DR??

08-30-2012, 05:11 AM
Officers are voting later on today if there should be a level limitation for eligibility. Will keep the outcome posted ;)

08-30-2012, 06:07 AM
Welcome to SL.
But isnt there a Sons of Anarchy already?

08-30-2012, 06:25 AM
And what is DR??

D.R. = Devils Reapers. (I think) :o lol.

08-30-2012, 02:42 PM
Welcome to SL.
But isnt there a Sons of Anarchy already?
Pretty sure there was since the name was already taken, but I'm sure they died out a long time ago... My guild is very active in game, but I'm pretty sure we're not on the forums which is why I'm reaching out here. To get us well recognized. We aren't dying any time soon. :) Also mine is spelled Sonsz, representing the first two letters of my name ;)

09-03-2012, 07:48 PM
We're still recruiting, just a heads up. And the officers vote for level limitation has passed, but to bring more people in, we're recruiting players 15+. We are sick of lower lvls joining and getting the help, and some free items since we were being nice, and then they leave... So that is why we are now being strict with the no begging rule. Once again, everyone is welcomed ;)

09-04-2012, 12:43 AM
GL with the guild:)

09-04-2012, 10:14 AM
Thnx, gotta update the Officers list but that comes a bit later... Lol