View Full Version : NPCs clothing made into vanities.

01-28-2023, 05:39 AM
Instead of selling us the same items, is it possible that you guys could re-introduce items that the NPCs are wearing like how you did the negotiator sets. Various screenshots below would be great to sell either in the platinum store or droppable from events.

Im 100% certain the game would be ecstatic if this helmet is droppable from events or an easy cash grab w/ platinum. The pants, sleeves, and shirt (for female characters) could also be of use since black goes with everything or there could be recolored versions

superstar styles' outfit has been sought after for years another easy cash grab if recolored correctly.

another example of items that could be recolored

this set would definitely sell. $$$

of course there are plenty of items from other NPCs and enemies that I havent screenshotted that could be of use. Please look into this!

01-28-2023, 05:42 AM
i would definetly spend money to buy those sets, 100% guaranteed. If those sets were to be released I'd be the first in line

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01-28-2023, 06:36 AM
These would be really cool to have as vanity items in the game. They could be real refreshing changes to what we currently have. More of these would be good. Another addition would be the Cultist Robes and Stun Batons from Shipyards and maybe the "Mining tools" from Numa Prime.

Sent from the Vending Machine in Cycorp.

01-28-2023, 08:45 PM
It would also be cool if we could get the syringes in planet voleria