View Full Version : rushing maps

08-29-2012, 01:41 AM
So im like happily running a multiplayer map with a random player then after the first quarter of the map, someone joins and runs straight to the boss and kills him then leaves... >:/
I have no problem if ppl want to rush the boss....but do it solo not multiplayer. They obviously killed the boss on their own, why ruin a multiplayer map?

08-29-2012, 02:11 AM
If we do it solo, we won't get help from other players in the exp runs. Thats the point in doing fast exp runs. Besides, remaking rooms and inviting takes too long.

Btw... If you want to run the entire map, you can do it solo too ya know. ;)

08-29-2012, 02:41 AM
Yes, do it together like u say im down with that. Im talking about ppl who rush the boss and kill him by themselves leaving the others behind. O.o

08-29-2012, 02:47 AM
Thank you for this thread. Yes, it pisses me off too. And have you noticed that when someone rushes and kills the boss, lesser mobs spawn from stairs on train stations and dead ends? And sometimes, no zombies spawn at all. It kinda lessens chances of getting vanities since mobs don't pop like crazy if their boss is dead, which is logical.

08-29-2012, 03:30 AM
I agree with what Thren said. I kill my mobs during my way towards the boss.I don't do the whole map because it is time consuming and I want to level up asap. What really does irritate me is when certain individuals stand there in wait till you kill pretty much all the mobs and boss then go to the gyph (I think I misspelled it)

08-29-2012, 03:48 AM
I agree with what Thren said. I kill my mobs during my way towards the boss.I don't do the whole map because it is time consuming and I want to level up asap. What really does irritate me is when certain individuals stand there in wait till you kill pretty much all the mobs and boss then go to the gyph (I think I misspelled it)

Thats exactly how I feel about it.

08-29-2012, 01:51 PM
I prefer to clear the maps, but quickly realized there are a lot of rushers right now. So I began asking clear or boss only when entered map and went with the flow. Saved me some aggrevation (although not everyone responded :confused:).

08-29-2012, 02:03 PM
I prefer to clear the maps, but quickly realized there are a lot of rushers right now. So I began asking clear or boss only when entered map and went with the flow. Saved me some aggrevation (although not everyone responded :confused:).
Yeah lots of people in a rush to cap to get it over with. This way we can farm and pvp without worrying about capping.

08-29-2012, 02:52 PM
I prefer to run in groups while getting to cap so I can get through it quicker but I also like to do all the breakables so I can have more chances at getting vanities. I'm not a fan of people rushing to boss and leaving me with the choice of missing a boss drop or missing chances at vanities. It's a minor aggravation though, not a biggie. haha.

08-29-2012, 10:19 PM
So im like happily running a multiplayer map with a random player then after the first quarter of the map, someone joins and runs straight to the boss and kills him then leaves... >:/
I have no problem if ppl want to rush the boss....but do it solo not multiplayer. They obviously killed the boss on their own, why ruin a multiplayer map?

Was that me you are speaking of? Lol if so im sorry, was speed exp farming ;-)

08-30-2012, 03:40 AM
No, not u....lol. if it was u i would 'hunt u down in ctf' :p
In fact i dont even remember who it was, its just feels like this guy came in and rushed the map solo so why not make a solo map. I get ppl want to lvl fast but there r other ppl who r not in a rush to lvl in a few days or one day for some o.O anyhoo, i am taking threns advice and running maps solo except the last boss map. With 20xp per map and ally missions it wont take very long to cap so whatever floats ur boat.

08-30-2012, 10:59 AM
This is why solo was created. For people like you. I don't see the problemo.
Yes, do it together like u say im down with that. Im talking about ppl who rush the boss and kill him by themselves leaving the others behind. O.o

08-30-2012, 11:00 AM
Nay it was me. lol
Was that me you are speaking of? Lol if so im sorry, was speed exp farming ;-)

08-30-2012, 01:53 PM
This is why solo was created. For people like you. I don't see the problemo.

Once u cap and u want to run maps to farm vanities but u cant run maps solo cos its too hard and a rusher joins in the middle of ur map, then u will see my problemo.
Plus i think maps were designed to be run as a team hence the high number of mobs make it difficult to run solo so i do think......nvm...forget it...lol idc

08-30-2012, 02:04 PM
Lemmie see if I understand you correctly. Are you saying you choose MULTI but you want the game to be played as if you SOLO?
Once u cap and u want to run maps to farm vanities but u cant run maps solo cos its too hard and a rusher joins in the middle of ur map, then u will see my problemo.
Plus i think maps were designed to be run as a team hence the high number of mobs make it difficult to run solo so i do think......nvm...forget it...lol idc

08-30-2012, 03:40 PM
Sometimes during a multi-player game, if someone decides to join friends or is just added to a game that's already in progress, you're just thrown into it without knowing how far the current players have reached. I think that some people would rather finish it than leave. Personally, I'd leave. Although, I have stayed once or twice, but I try not to, because it annoys me too. It especially annoys me when the person who joins me is killing and destroying everything for me. I prefer to do solo, then invite the person or people I'd like to join me.

08-31-2012, 03:07 PM
^,.,^ im not a fan of pvp anymore... Dark binding has killed it... I liked pvp before it...

08-31-2012, 03:08 PM
Used to pvp all day... Then once darj binding came pvp was ruined in my perspective... I hardly do anymore, and if so i might only do one or two matches,