View Full Version : Level Cap Raise and New Campaign Coming Soon to Star Legends

08-29-2012, 04:34 PM
The next chapter to the Blackstar Chronicles is poised for release: Scorn Act II

After securing the USC Savant, it is clear that the Scorn threat is larger and more organized than the United Colonies had anticipated. The Scorn powers of manipulation are considerable, given the energies needed to subvert the science vessel carrying the single Glyph. The stage is set for the next confrontation with the Scorn. Are you ready for it?

The next content release for Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles will increase the level cap from 41 to 46 and continue the story of confrontation with the alien Scorn. Additionally, this release will include new system of Achievements for performing certain actions or accomplishments.

For those that enjoy puzzles, you may have some fun with tripwires. The Scorn are infamous for their use of mines...


Also, the Scorn have powers over the weak minded. Early intelligence indicates there may be psionically forced conscripts in their employ.


Look for the Scorn Act II content release Mid September.

09-04-2012, 03:19 PM

09-04-2012, 03:22 PM
Nice.. but mid Sept... :(

09-04-2012, 03:25 PM
yep.. the week after DL cap release..

im out..

09-04-2012, 03:25 PM
i see cycrops and numa

new maps -_-

09-04-2012, 03:36 PM
I'm thinking the new campaign might involve visiting elite maps in previous locations, like CyCorp and Numa. I would be okay with this, but after such a long wait, I hope we get some brand new locations to visit as well.

09-04-2012, 03:54 PM
I dunno if i could handle numa again.....*shudders*

09-04-2012, 03:55 PM
Numa woot! :rolleyes:

09-04-2012, 03:58 PM
no woot for me

09-04-2012, 03:58 PM
So this isn't brand new?

Cy trip wires and mind controlled Numa enemies. We waited 6 to 8 months for this? Although I am looking forward to it and have my platinum ready, you can't blame me for being a little disappointed. I hope this campaign is not as brutal, but doubt it.

09-04-2012, 04:32 PM
To all those who complained about the bee Numa levels answer this question: Why do you think there was a Scorn Guardian in the ruins in the first place? Ever though of what they would uncover inside? :]

09-04-2012, 04:33 PM
wow.. voleria + cycorp + numa = the new cap.. -.-
after so long time it seems like we'll just getting a remix from old maps as a new map.. -.-
and if the new map is like the ucs savant we'll getting again so low xp and capping will be so brutal like in voleria.. -.-

09-04-2012, 04:37 PM
Nice n cool at least new cap to lvl 46 expecting almost one year

09-04-2012, 04:49 PM
To all those who complained about the bee Numa levels answer this question: Why do you think there was a Scorn Guardian in the ruins in the first place? Ever though of what they would uncover inside? :]

what we were saying is, we were expecting more after all these waiting

09-04-2012, 04:49 PM
Also what happened to veteran rewards and SL birthday did they not make it?

09-04-2012, 04:52 PM
Also what happened to veteran rewards and SL birthday did they not make it?


09-04-2012, 05:02 PM
Hey guys, Gibber is putting in some pretty interesting and new gameplay mechanics. He's working with limited resources as we build across four products right now.

Please try it before you slam it.

09-04-2012, 05:10 PM
Oh MY GOD!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for this. I myself love Numa, but i'd like a cross between Cycorp and Shipyard better. I have two capped chars, and i'm ready for it.... UPDATE, HAVE AT THEE!!!

09-04-2012, 05:29 PM
Sees title: *whistles* *applause*

Sees what 'new' content there is: *crickets chirping* *tumbleweed rolls by*

09-04-2012, 05:35 PM
Hey guys, Gibber is putting in some pretty interesting and new gameplay mechanics. He's working with limited resources as we build across four products right now.

Please try it before you slam it.

yeah we did jump the gun on seeing numa maps again. i wont knock it until i try it. im just wondering what happened to Veteran Reward and atleast SL birthday event

09-04-2012, 06:00 PM
0.0 is that Numa??.....:(

09-04-2012, 06:07 PM
The problem is, recoloring old assets and adding a new mechanic or two, doesn't sate people who have been waiting this long.

Hopefully those screenshots were just extremely misleading, and the maps are extraordinarily dynamic and awesome. But I somehow doubt that is the case.

Or maybe these reused maps won't be that bad, as long as they come with a SLEW of pinks and itemizations so that we can customize our builds. However, I doubt that is the case. Custom, or plat armor will still be king.

I will definitely stay positive and look forward to trying it out, but I have some fears building inside of me. On first glance, it seems like an update that will keep me interested until I cap, then retire again... for another year until the next cap update/chance at awesome content.

I fear for my beloved SL at this point. You guys made some great games (SL being my favorite), but now more than ever I fear that adding all these new games is killing your old games. With G's comment of working on limited resources as you build across four products, and the recolored assets, it kind of solidifies to me that you are indeed spread a bit too thin. I'll maintain hope that AL will be the last game for a good long while, and those precious resources will be redistributed back into creating quality content for the games we love. Don't get me wrong, new games are awesome, and I love seeing them. But I would much rather not get a new game, but get quality/kick *** updates for the games I already love.

But I won't say another word on this until i try it. Just the first impressions are unsettling after this long.


09-04-2012, 06:10 PM
Hey guys, Gibber is putting in some pretty interesting and new gameplay mechanics. He's working with limited resources as we build across four products right now.

Please try it before you slam it.

with all due respect and true love and trust in Gibber (no irony here - he showed us that he rocks)... and i am waiting for this new content with awe.. but...

..BUT why SL left with 'limited resources' AGAIN?!! c'mon guys! it's our plat - make something FOR US please, not another DL/AL/WL/whateva

IT's been 10 MONTH with 'no resources' 'limited resources' 'apple approval'..... but DL is updating regulary and AL is comin out.. and i bet 10k to anyone it will be out BEFORE uor lvl cap



you and your creative team are the only hope!! Please make those maps ROCKIN

we trust you, Captain..

09-04-2012, 06:13 PM
New content on PL! Yay.

09-04-2012, 06:25 PM
"limited resources" :0

09-04-2012, 06:29 PM
Sorry folks, all games have limited resources, even ones in development (Arcane Legends). We have about 50% of the studio devoted to Live right now (PL, SL, and DL), and 50% to bringing you something like you have never seen before.

Please be cool, and remember that the devs on SL love this title as much as you do.

09-04-2012, 06:29 PM
hm...me no comprehendo

09-04-2012, 06:39 PM
Lol *smh*

Sent from my Nexus 7

09-04-2012, 06:45 PM
I feel somewhat assured. Thank you G.

09-04-2012, 07:16 PM
Wow, mid September... I guess I am not playing till then!! ;)

09-04-2012, 07:16 PM
Gibber it's ok. I kinda like this beard I have gotten because of no update . I think there's something growing in it though...@.@ . Oh Chet my beards alive! Wtf . ... *end of transmission

09-04-2012, 07:25 PM
Lvl 40 and can't cap because I'm sick of the hive... And these new maps hopefully would let me cap the 46 one if they're good... Please don't let us down Dev's ;)

09-04-2012, 07:32 PM
It's ok gibber my beard must live on! I feel like its gonna be historic one day u know like the different parts of the earth dating back to the beginning of time well ya my hair is the same way XD . Keep the history going!(not really an update would be quite nice. Thank u.)

09-04-2012, 07:50 PM
Oh... mid september....

09-04-2012, 08:13 PM
Looks awesome!

09-04-2012, 08:52 PM
My bad for my beard comments was kidding :P sorryz. And ya thanks for doing everything u can to get us an update sts:) much appreciated :)

09-04-2012, 08:54 PM
My bad for my beard comments was kidding :P sorryz. And ya thanks for doing everything u can to get us an update sts:) much appreciated :)

But you're still gonna keep the beard, right? right??

09-04-2012, 09:11 PM
Reused or non-reused maps, idc.
I'm just glad there's a cap raise after a long period of wait.


Sent from my ASUS Nexus 7 via Xparent Red Tapatalk 2

09-04-2012, 09:19 PM
Lol yes I like the beard although quite itchy

09-04-2012, 09:50 PM
Awesome finally a new lvl cap. Although its still in the mid sept. hmm!!!

Oh and great and happy new lvl cap and new campaign day. "May the odds ever in your favor" Quote from hunger games lol : )

09-04-2012, 09:59 PM
Yay! New cap raise! New items.. New adventures! :cheerful:

09-04-2012, 11:18 PM
Tip to devs: next time, just don't post any pics xD... Hoping that there is some good customization in this update. Really excited for what this may (or may not) have.

09-04-2012, 11:54 PM
i am gona sit in the corner and wait :tranquillity:

09-04-2012, 11:54 PM
This is a little bit disappointing(especially after a super long wait).
Nevertheless, i just hope awesome gear drops in those maps.


Sent from my ASUS Nexus 7 via Xparent Red Tapatalk 2

09-05-2012, 12:45 AM
agree with wht bod says. . . . :/

09-05-2012, 01:12 AM
What a bad idea to post those two pics. But u know what guys.. I'm gonna give it a shot . Besides the fact that i don't understand the storyline (I don't even know what a glyph is) I have a feeling there will be some very authentic new items. This is OUR game, the devs work for us and I'm glad there are so many posts cuz they truly need our feedback . They practically letting us in on the action with the weapon design ART contest and we are gladly contributing ...so will I. So Sam n Gibber I know It might be hard to read all this criticism but it will be the final result that counts. :rolleyes:

09-05-2012, 01:26 AM
All well said guys i will play but arnt "exited" about the new update i wasnt a beta player but was close to it have been around for a long time and u know what i think if u asked a few people around here they could help you out if ur stuk for idea's i mean seriosly double xp weekend was a classic example of people poorin plat into the game to cap there toons at the last minute i saw it myself 80 plat for that new elixure it was pretty hefty nice but i can CERTAINLY see alot of mony in ur pokets right now

Only wish is that i do really hope u finish off the last 3 maps for savent and well that said new pinks will just be the rest of the tech-priest sniperskin and com armors with the added 3 legendary wepons from each class that is player made

Do hope its better than it looks but i feel me capping slower than usuall this time round (:

09-05-2012, 01:51 AM
If you all need more money towards the game development. I recommend you do another Plat sale to say thanks for us patient ones.
Unfortunately I missed the last plat sale due to complications with work, I couldn't even put bread on the table on the week it happened.
Now I can afford to put some money back into this game, please please please give me and a few others the chance to catch another plat sale soon :-)

Thanks - Mitchturbo

p.s We should be getting new emotions soon too right?!

09-05-2012, 01:53 AM

09-05-2012, 05:11 AM
I knew that the game with the largest population (pl), newest launch (dl), or game in developement (al) would get all the love.

The MOST SAD thing is that if SL would get the attention and resources PL and DL gets - it WOULD BE the headliner and the most populated game!!

There are plenty of mmos/rpgs themed with medieval nonsence already as in appstore so in playstore.. But there is NO sci-fi rivar around (not countin Vendetta Online as it's closer to EVE)

I'm so sad you are neglecting your could-be-hit game STS..

I'm stopping spending money on your games because you use them not even nearly for what i am paying

You should be ashamed of yourselves for fooling your super-loyal customers

09-05-2012, 05:20 AM
Ive only played this game for 3 months and I can't be like everyone else saying they waited 9 months for the cap raise, but it does seem dissapointing that you guys are re-using some of the maps for the new Lvls... Especially Numa, probably the most hated map in the game in my honest opinion... I'm not saying I'm as disappointed as the rest of the community because I am only three months old into this game, but I understand why all the old timers are quitting and über dissapointed on the devs. This game out of all Legends games you have created is the best one out of all in my opinion, yet getting the least amount of attention... Fix that devs.. And if the SL crew is too small, do what 343 industries and Bungie was doing for Halo, recruit online ;) That will totally get this game back on its track!

09-05-2012, 05:26 AM
I dunno if i could handle numa again.....*shudders*

Lol same here, Numa annoyed me so much!! Instill got quests there, lol due to the fact that when I hit the Lvl required for Numa, the Alien Deck event was on so I decided to Lvl up there ;)

09-05-2012, 06:13 AM
It seems us complaining isnt going no were its fallen on deaf ears. I for one will give the update a chance but wont promise anything after. Like every other sl player this was a shock.....9 months for trip lasers? Numa necro maps?. It seems i will be heading to AL for sure now since it will be getting all the funds.

09-05-2012, 06:18 AM
I like Numa :-) *looks strangely at everyone* Join Me :-) *Holds Zombie arms out*

09-05-2012, 06:41 AM
It seems us complaining isnt going no were its fallen on deaf ears. I for one will give the update a chance but wont promise anything after. Like every other sl player this was a shock.....9 months for trip lasers? Numa necro maps?. It seems i will be heading to AL for sure now since it will be getting all the funds.
DL and PL are doing pretty good, I gave both games a try and am already liking them... The bad part is starting out like a noob all over again... :(

09-05-2012, 06:48 AM
Mid september is less than 2 weeks away. I can wait that long to see.

Those two tiny pictures are causing a lot of controversy, lets not jump to conclusions based off of 2 still pictures, and wait and see what happens in the next 10 to 15 days.

I remember that it was posted when DL was coming out, and we would be delayed, scorn II and III were mostly set, they have had plenty of time to come up with new environments, (there may be some similarities in thoose 2 pictures, but that may be all there is to it, similarities.)
I would have liked to have seen a new tile set in those pics, but i won't jump the gun just yet over those.

If it's not awesome after 9 months it will be totally apparent once we get to play it. Until then relax, it's only about 2 more weeks away, then complain if you don't like it, or it didn't meet your expectations. I can honestly say after 9months expectations are high though...

09-05-2012, 07:12 AM
Numa again? Hm..gtg selling xray and squid ._.

09-05-2012, 07:25 AM
Numa again? Hm..gtg selling xray and squid ._.

Lol I'll be glad to buy depending on price -.- or even trade! ;)

09-05-2012, 07:43 AM
Numa again? Hm..gtg selling xray and squid ._.

Finally Rare Rabbit heads will become more valuable XD About time!!

09-05-2012, 08:27 AM
Feedback is good as long as its constructive, it shouldnt be deleted. People are just voicing their disappointment for those screenshots. I certainly didn't expect to see a scorn in....Numa. I understand the limited resources comment but I don't remember anyone asking for a new game but simply just asking for new content in the games already made. I myself have lost almost all faith in sl and so has a lot of the friends I made there :(. Im hoping those pictures are just teasers and actually have nothing to do with the update. I would hope after having 9months of prep time u guys wouldn't leave us with recycled goods lol I have a bit of faith in u still I guess. I will give it a chance though. I hope they finish the new armor sets and complete the savant campaign as well. New emoticons would be nice too lol I think better pictures and more info on scorn act 2 is needed definitely! Surely after 9months we can get a video like Sam did for the hive... Maybe that will settle some of this lol just a suggestion..

09-05-2012, 08:32 AM
Reaches for the Oracle, once again.

09-05-2012, 08:33 AM
Personally, I'm excited for the new update. Given that the screenshots show different backgrounds, it could be that the new levels have you going back to various places you've already been and fighting off the Scorn incursions there. That sounds cool. Also, I'm really excited for the new glimpses of scorn tech we're seeing, I've already found the few hints here and there to be extremely useful for my novel.

09-05-2012, 09:16 AM
Hey folks,

There's been a few of you that have been creating a fair bit of drama in this thread. It is a shame, but I am gonna close it up for now.