View Full Version : New campaign execution bug. No achievement given

08-29-2012, 04:54 PM
Hi all,

In the first campaign of the new update Fresnel Cemetery / The Forest's Edge, an execution named Raymundo Carlos Pena spawns mid map. Once defeated he does not provide an achievement.

As Raymundo Pena was part of the original lot of executions, I believe another execution (Jorge Mancalla?) should be replacing him.

As i very rarely log on to the forums, I wanted to profit to say a very big thank you for the quality of the new update and really appreciate the effort the Spacetime Studios team has put in it

Thanks for the read and all thumbs up for the awesome job.


08-29-2012, 04:56 PM
Yeah there have been tons of bugs in this new update!
With great updates, come great problems..
But the updates always overrule the problems! :D

08-29-2012, 05:59 PM
thanks for the tip! I will look into it

EDIT: I looked into it, and the mob that is supposed to be there IS there, Carlos just showed up on the map on his own. He must have been lost, but I took him out of that map in the next update. Again the intended spawn DOES exist in that map :vsmile:

02-02-2013, 02:06 AM
thanks for the tip! I will look into it

EDIT: I looked into it, and the mob that is supposed to be there IS there, Carlos just showed up on the map on his own. He must have been lost, but I took him out of that map in the next update. Again the intended spawn DOES exist in that map :vsmile:

I am glad to hear that the intended spawn is allegedly still in The Forest Edge. However, I must tell you that Ramundo Carlos Pena is still lost and showing up there as well. Most disappointing.

02-04-2013, 07:50 AM
I think it is okay to have to defeat more then one stronger apponent in one map, they should do more maps like that!