View Full Version : Recruiting for infamous heroes!!!!!!!!!

08-29-2012, 09:30 PM
Hey Infamous Heroes is a new guild that was just started recently about 2 days ago. I made this guild because i hope it will be filled with officers that are kind and will help people level up or help them with missions. As your gm ign:Vaazar (40 commando) and alts Vazzar(10 engineer) and Vaazzar(1 operative) i will try making this a fun guild and i will always help you if you need help on a mission or a level. Also i will promote most 40+ to an officer and anyone to a recruiter but it doesnt mean that if you under level 40 you cant be an officer. Also this guild has few rules and its just no foul language and no harassing other players. And yes infamous heroes is a tier three guild and if you want to join just add a post and ill invite you or meet you in game. And please tell me if any officers have abused their power and booted you for not a good reason then please notify me. Well i hope that everyone will consider Infamous Heroes because we are a new and active guild that will try to be an awsome and fun guild.
Thank you for you support
-Vaazar you gm