View Full Version : Campaign or Mission that gives the most gold?

08-30-2012, 08:05 AM
So what you guys think? I'm planning to farm for gold to buy something and I'm wondering if where can I farm to get the most gold every run. If you guys have any opinion you can share, it'll be much appreciated. Thanks!

08-30-2012, 10:51 AM
Check the player guides, specifically this one for ally missions (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?61416-Allies-Experience-amp-Gold-Breakdown-A-Guide) or this one for 3D missions (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?57151-Guide-Farming-kill-gold-execution-achievements)

For ally missions you could also just jump straight to my spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlUw1DUKH-TwdDB3VzMwZ2J6WDRycWxMSGkzVHFuWXc#gid=3) - I've calculated how much gold per energy and gold per hour (plus experience/energy or xp/hour) that you can get with all of the missions in the game.

Basically, here are the "best" options depending on what you want:

Most XP/NRG: 102. Fresnel Cemetary - Blake Jones - Question the undertaker
Most XP/Hour: 115. Worlmen Sepulcher - Cultist Spirit - Rob the deceased (best w/both full or empty energy)
Most $$/NRG: 111. Worlmen Sepulcher - John Cathaway - Supply Run
Most $$/Hour: 106. Fresnel Cemetary - Liegh Branagh - Take payoff (if you start w/full energy - 30 second mission)
Most $$/Hour: 104. Fresnel Cemetary - Night Watchman - Raid mausoleums (if you start w/no energy - 2 hour mission)

The spreadsheet can help you find your best options if you haven't reached the last 2 campaigns yet. All of the numbers were updated this morning to reflect the updates. Note that you'll get an extra 10-30 gold for 24 hour missions because of the item you get but that won't change teh numbers much.

I don't maintain the 3D missions data, but it looks like all but hte last campaign have been calculated through so far so you can see what is best for most kills or most gold usually found.

08-31-2012, 07:24 AM
In a furure update I would love something like this:

Each campaign has 3 allies, each with 3 timers (same as now)

But I would like to see the 3 allies broken down where one awards just xp for their timers, another awards just gold, and the 3rd ally awards a balance of both. The 3rd ally would look much the same as now, but the other 2 would give more of their award type.

So if you are capped, or do not wish to level (twink), you could choose allies that award only gold. If you are focused on leveling as quickly as possible, you could choose allies that award just xp.

09-01-2012, 02:28 AM
Thank you Webster! That helped a lot mate :) .. Much appreciated guys

09-01-2012, 06:09 AM
At least for me, not sure if it's level related, fresnel cemetery gives me the most for any campaign. It's 20 xp and 20 gold per level which is the best if you want to lvl up that way in between ally missions.