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View Full Version : Warrior or Archer / Str or Dex?

09-01-2010, 01:20 PM
Hey there, I hope you can help. I've seen lots of discussions on the forums regarding the relative strengths of races like the warrior compared to the archer, or attributes like strength vs dexterity and I'm a bit confused...

The reason I'm asking is that I want to create a second character (I'm currently an Int Mage) and I want to try and maximise the effectiveness of the current game setup. I'm not interested in the rights or wrongs of the relative strengths/weaknesses but I guess my questions come down to these:

1. Is a warrior that is purely Dex effectively "the same" as an archer that is purely Dex, or are there fundemental differences in the races/classes that effect "strength/power".

2. If I make a warrior, I could respec him so that he is purely Dex. This would enable me to use Dex items obviously. But would it be better to make an archer which is "designed to be Dex" as perhaps there is an advantage in some of the skills an archer gets vs the ones a warrior gets.

And vice vera, if I make an archer, I could respec him so that he is purely Str. This would enable me to use Str items obviously. But would it be better to make a warrior which is "designed to be Str" as perhaps there is an advantage in some of the skills an warrior gets vs the ones an archer gets.

Or does it not make any difference?

3. If I had a warrior that was Str, would you recommend to put all remaining skill points in Dex rather than Int? I assume yes, although natually I loose out with mana.

And if I had an archer that was Dex, would you recommend to put all remaining skill points in Str rather than Int? Again, I assume yes, although natually I loose out with mana.

Or should I split between Int and Dex?

So hopefully you get the idea of the questions I'm asking and any advice/comments you can give would be greatly appreciated.


09-02-2010, 12:53 AM

...or am I not being clear in what I'm asking?

09-02-2010, 09:15 AM
1) There are fundamental difference. Pre 1.4, I believe the warrior made a better pure dex character. While I still believe over all it better, with 1.4 the archer now has a power output advantage.
2) This is a really big discussion, so not sure I want to get into it, but lets say that a warrior has better survivability while the archer skills may output more damage.
3) Why would you put any points into a Int for a warrior? Even with the new buff to heal skills, your getting all your mana and health regen from equipment at level. Till then, chug pots.
4) Again, no Int for an archer. An archer would always be pure dex. As for the warrior, dex vs str is still being evaluated.