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View Full Version : About the forgotten items

08-31-2012, 02:28 AM
Ok, Sts, I just want to know 1 question. ARE you guys going to nerf the forgotten items? This is not trolling/spamming... I sincerely want to know, is the answer yes or no?

08-31-2012, 02:36 AM
They've had enough time to nerf these items if they really wanted to. so my guess is a big fat no:indecisiveness:

08-31-2012, 03:27 AM
They've had enough time to nerf these items if they really wanted to. so my guess is a big fat no:indecisiveness:

I guess:( If they have time to make a new campaign they certainly have time to nerf them:( Sigh, were they meant to make the bows that op or was it an accident? Just wanna know:/

08-31-2012, 04:21 AM
I thought people were done with "NURF FORGOTTEN WEAPONS ", but I guess not: ( Isn't people playing pvp with forgotten getting rushed anyway? Also I have a 22 ssc farmer and thanks to forgotten bow I can solo more bosses besides magnetic golem. I don't think sts is going nurf though.

08-31-2012, 04:26 AM
I thought people were done with "NURF FORGOTTEN WEAPONS ", but I guess not: ( Isn't people playing pvp with forgotten getting rushed anyway? Also I have a 22 ssc farmer and thanks to forgotten bow I can solo more bosses besides magnetic golem. I don't think sts is going nurf though.
How can they get rushed if theyre superior and when everybody uses em xD Yea its really good for pve, so why not ban it for pvp and be allowed only in pve? Imo they really need to nerf these:/ think we can all safely say it ruined pvp.
Need a reply from devs! Think theyre sleeping :P

08-31-2012, 04:59 AM
It's called team work Lol ive had ffas were my team can throw out Mega combos (actually that hasn't happened in awhile wonder if Megas are still in), if that didn't kill one person with a op wep I'll definitely join this train to nurf. Is everyone using them in pvp? If so then OK nurf, but honestly like nurq said they've had plenty of time I mean even a double xp weekend and no nurf. So probably not, pvp been messed up for awhile now also. I don't know the current use in pvp for forgotten as I'm working out some kinks on my 51 bird for pvp and I've only seen a few using forgotten, but some could still take em down. I'm Well aware these are op and if sts nurfs (still going say they won't) please don't do it for pve

08-31-2012, 01:18 PM
In the chatbox a few days ago, Samhayne said that Technoemail will be releasing a statement & possibly a patch regarding forgotten items in the near future, so just give it some time.

Yich was the witness and the person who deserves credit for asking Samhayne personally.

08-31-2012, 01:52 PM
In the chatbox a few days ago, Samhayne said that Technoemail will be releasing a statement & possibly a patch regarding forgotten items in the near future, so just give it some time.

Yich was the witness and the person who deserves credit for asking Samhayne personally.

I saw it as well I was just looking for the thread or maybe it was the chat box on my PC... but what Apollo said
Is true

08-31-2012, 06:06 PM
In the chatbox a few days ago, Samhayne said that Technoemail will be releasing a statement & possibly a patch regarding forgotten items in the near future, so just give it some time.

Yich was the witness and the person who deserves credit for asking Samhayne personally.

Ty:) My question is now answered!

08-31-2012, 10:30 PM
Thanks for the thread, I'm sure they are likely to reply in your thread as opposed to the 35761922349075603925691785964 threads asking the same question.

09-01-2012, 06:30 PM
Probably not. They changed the stat requirement already, and would have done it then.

D:...you serious!? I just got into 17 pvp and now im bored cos of those forgotten bows......

09-01-2012, 06:39 PM
In the chatbox a few days ago, Samhayne said that Technoemail will be releasing a statement & possibly a patch regarding forgotten items in the near future, so just give it some time.

Yich was the witness and the person who deserves credit for asking Samhayne personally.

I asked Mjolstin as well in chat box, he sai Samhayne will be saying something about them soon... Odd bunch those devs are.. Odd bunch.

09-01-2012, 08:11 PM
In the chatbox a few days ago, Samhayne said that Technoemail will be releasing a statement & possibly a patch regarding forgotten items in the near future, so just give it some time.

Yich was the witness and the person who deserves credit for asking Samhayne personally.

The title of the thread said "for the devs" not for informative players! Get out! Lol

09-04-2012, 01:52 AM
I don't think it's such a big deal to them as they have better things to do for now I'm guessing this is just on the bottom of there list right now ..

Sim Jing
09-04-2012, 03:04 AM
Well look on the bright side, at least you might take your hands off PvP for now and buy a new forgotten bow and start making more friends in PvE and introduce them to PvP. =D

09-04-2012, 03:20 AM
At the moment they nerf i will ask back all the platinum i used to farm these weapons.

09-04-2012, 03:33 AM
At the moment they nerf i will ask back all the platinum i used to farm these weapons.

Yea I bought heaps of shamus and classy loooter on farming crazy D: But I think at the end a nerf will be the best thiing.

09-04-2012, 06:46 AM
At the moment they nerf i will ask back all the platinum i used to farm these weapons.

and the response to that request will be obvious

Techno Email
09-04-2012, 12:01 PM
We will "rarely ever" tell you that we're "never" going to do something. :single_eye: We will sooner give you guys new items to help balance these out than nerf the existing stuff.

09-04-2012, 02:03 PM
We will "rarely ever" tell you that we're "never" going to do something. :single_eye: We will sooner give you guys new items to help balance these out than nerf the existing stuff.

One of the main complaints is the very high dmg output of those weapons. The higher the damage, the less skills/hits it takes to kill an enemy and the more do dodges and crits (both completely luck dependent) decide about the outcome of the fight.

Indroducing even stronger weapons that outclass those forgotten ones is not gonna solve anything...

09-04-2012, 03:15 PM
We will "rarely ever" tell you that we're "never" going to do something. :single_eye: We will sooner give you guys new items to help balance these out than nerf the existing stuff.

UGHH!!!!:( New items!? That means we lost so much money on items before, and the diversity of each class such as dex bears tank bears etc got destroyed! If these items are even STRONGER than the forgotten items then it would be worse............... What would really make us happy is to just nerf their damage:/

09-04-2012, 03:17 PM
Maybe STS means better armour to come out to balance out the damage?

09-04-2012, 03:24 PM
Maybe STS means better armour to come out to balance out the damage?

Thats even worse........ ARMOUR AND WEAPONS are screwed then.... Won't it affect the market? Since all the people use will be the armour and forgotten weapons. D:

09-04-2012, 03:36 PM
We will "rarely ever" tell you that we're "never" going to do something. :single_eye: We will sooner give you guys new items to help balance these out than nerf the existing stuff.

This would be a good thing if the damage wasn't as high as it was. I'm sure the dev team likes the idea of moving forward into a new tier of weapons, but the damage on this is too high to have fun with. Let's keep in mind this isn't just endgame, the most updated level. Low level doesn't expect or ask for updates generally, if they want new content they simply level up. That's probably one of the major reasons low level players choose to stay low level, it's consistently fun. Endgame is undoubtedly fun. It is challenging in many aspects, but from time to time, the dev team has oopsies. They gave a certain set quite a bit of an advantage or simply had a graphical glitch. Many players dodge this by doing low level, but not since the forgotten weapons. As far as making new OP weapons, only logs onto the fire my friend. Rather than create a chain of super weapons only raising in damage until everyone 1 hits each other, why not just make these equal but different from the previous 2h weapons?
I know I'm just one guy with an opinion, but if you go around and actually ask players who have been around for awhile how they like the stats on the new weapons, you will get a pretty negative response. If you want some opinions uncensored, go to 10-20 PvP games with a new character and see what anyone has to say. I've found that the people who don't want these weapons to be nerfed, aren't even affected by them. Not that you'll read this or take my advice on it.

09-04-2012, 03:38 PM
Maybe STS means better armour to come out to balance out the damage?

Let's keep in mind this isn't Endgame PvP. These mostly affected low level and some other twinking levels. The day low level has over 150 dps with a ranged weapon and over 100 armor is a sad day.

09-04-2012, 04:40 PM
There goes my 2010 winterfest investments.... oh well, we live and learn.. so the old statement on never investing on new released items went down the drain.. winterfest sale

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

09-07-2012, 05:33 AM
I'm excited, at least you actually get different stuff instead of the sammmee olllddd voodoo and whatever else, the devs know what they are doing so I'm sure it will be fine.

09-07-2012, 06:10 AM
If the bows were to be nerfed, <l30 Pure Dex birds are gonna perish. :/

09-07-2012, 06:16 AM
If the bows were to be nerfed, <l30 Pure Dex birds are gonna perish. :/

Yea true, but then its back to the good old iceberg longsword warbird

Sent from my HTCEVODesign4G using Tapatalk 2

09-07-2012, 10:06 AM
Yea true, but then its back to the good old iceberg longsword warbird

Sent from my HTCEVODesign4G using Tapatalk 2

Longswords and hatchets are really cool on birds. :)

Techno Email
09-07-2012, 10:43 AM
Maybe STS means better armour to come out to balance out the damage?

This is an interesting idea!

09-07-2012, 11:19 AM
This is an interesting idea!

This makes me sad. Sure, what does my opinion matter to anyone, but if it did this would never happen. We are talking about level10-20 pvp. Why must we complicate it with higher armor and dps rather than just balance the forgotten bow.. Im losing my faith in you, Techno

09-07-2012, 11:47 AM
This makes me sad. Sure, what does my opinion matter to anyone, but if it did this would never happen. We are talking about level10-20 pvp. Why must we complicate it with higher armor and dps rather than just balance the forgotten bow.. Im losing my faith in you, Techno

Has it crossed anyones mind that a change in gear and stats actualy places a challange in pvp? We used to be able to stack gear and points making people work hard to put together a build, that was taken away, this turned low lvl pvp into a mess of screaming cying people.... We over came... Then only some of the gear had stats lowered we still over came... Lvl 10-15 is a bear world will forever be because mages and birds do not have buffs yet... But they over came... Every lvl cap better gear is given every lvl pvp has to adapt and overcome... For those who remeber GCD intro.... Mayham here in forums... Players screamed cried and pitched fits.... We all over came... Honestley we need other gear to play with in pvp other build abilities new challanges so what you die... Get up and overcome... If everyone wants a game that stays the same play a simple game that does not change.. Pl is a game of change, change seems to bring forth the complaints.. However just like life if you can not overcome a challange the. You will live in your comfort zone and NEVER grow and move forward. Change is good even when it is tough..

Into of armours, helmets etc that help balance of new gear is not a bad idea... People practice, with skill is what rocks pvp and pve..

09-07-2012, 12:33 PM
@Techno Email...

During the almost 15 years I've been playing MMOs (started with Ultima Online), one of the absolute worst trends, that inevitabely led to the demise of a given game, was adding more power to balance something that was overpowered.

players: "This skill from class A is too strong"
Devs: "OK, we're making this skill for class B stronger to counter it"
players: "Now class B is owning everyone"
Devs: "OK, we're making this skill from class C...."

IMO, which is quite humble, it's always better to adjust downwards, not upwards.

One of the biggest complains that I see in game, specific to PvP, is that everything happens too fast.
People complain that dex birds kill in 2 or 3 hits. faster with crit.
People complain that mages kill in 2 or 3 hits with drain, ice, etc...

You never hear about anyone with str as a stat killing too fast, whether it's a bear, pali, or warbird. Maybe the solution is to actually rebalance the skills and stats for less damage, and healing, across the board. instead of 3-shot average, it takes 10. Something overpowered at a specific level, like a forgotten bow, would lower that to 7 or 8.

Put victory back into the hands of the player instead of the realm of pure luck and extreme disparity we see now.

It's really sad that some classes/builds stand out with nothing more than the game mechanics, and not their own skill.

this is end-game, not mid-level... I see a mage. If I KNOW they have never PvPed before, I know my chances are 50%. If they have any amount of skill at all in PvP, there's a 98% chance they are going to drop any non-mage no matter how skilled that person is.

Same with Dex birds. Most don't even need to kite. 90% of your health gone in 1 shot does not take skill into account in any way.

Again, IMO, the best solution is to roll damage and healing way back so there is actually a level of skill involved.

09-07-2012, 05:27 PM
This is an interesting idea!

That is definitely NOT a good idea! Hasn't STS had enough of complaints regarding the Forgotten weapons? If new armors with high Armor stats were to be added, that could possibly mean that the prices of the l5&l15 Crafted's will drop! Meaning.. More complaints!

09-07-2012, 06:41 PM
I just want to know what nerfing is, I'm kind of confused here. Anyway, if nerfing means that they are gone, then thats a bad thing and I should get rid of all the ones I have now but if it won't last much longer then I should sell them ASAP. Is there like some specific time when the devs will nerf it? mean, I did spend my worth of thrashers, maybe 2 in the forgotten treasure dungeon and I dont want to have wasted that 76 platinum on weapons that will just dissapear randomly. I know I can make a lot of gold off of this so before they are nerfed if they are ever can there be a warning?

09-07-2012, 07:53 PM
@Techno Email...

During the almost 15 years I've been playing MMOs (started with Ultima Online), one of the absolute worst trends, that inevitabely led to the demise of a given game, was adding more power to balance something that was overpowered.

players: "This skill from class A is too strong"
Devs: "OK, we're making this skill for class B stronger to counter it"
players: "Now class B is owning everyone"
Devs: "OK, we're making this skill from class C...."

IMO, which is quite humble, it's always better to adjust downwards, not upwards.

One of the biggest complains that I see in game, specific to PvP, is that everything happens too fast.
People complain that dex birds kill in 2 or 3 hits. faster with crit.
People complain that mages kill in 2 or 3 hits with drain, ice, etc...

You never hear about anyone with str as a stat killing too fast, whether it's a bear, pali, or warbird. Maybe the solution is to actually rebalance the skills and stats for less damage, and healing, across the board. instead of 3-shot average, it takes 10. Something overpowered at a specific level, like a forgotten bow, would lower that to 7 or 8.

Put victory back into the hands of the player instead of the realm of pure luck and extreme disparity we see now.

It's really sad that some classes/builds stand out with nothing more than the game mechanics, and not their own skill.

this is end-game, not mid-level... I see a mage. If I KNOW they have never PvPed before, I know my chances are 50%. If they have any amount of skill at all in PvP, there's a 98% chance they are going to drop any non-mage no matter how skilled that person is.

Same with Dex birds. Most don't even need to kite. 90% of your health gone in 1 shot does not take skill into account in any way.

Again, IMO, the best solution is to roll damage and healing way back so there is actually a level of skill involved.

@Techno Email...

During the almost 15 years I've been playing MMOs (started with Ultima Online), one of the absolute worst trends, that inevitabely led to the demise of a given game, was adding more power to balance something that was overpowered.

players: "This skill from class A is too strong"
Devs: "OK, we're making this skill for class B stronger to counter it"
players: "Now class B is owning everyone"
Devs: "OK, we're making this skill from class C...."

IMO, which is quite humble, it's always better to adjust downwards, not upwards.

One of the biggest complains that I see in game, specific to PvP, is that everything happens too fast.
People complain that dex birds kill in 2 or 3 hits. faster with crit.
People complain that mages kill in 2 or 3 hits with drain, ice, etc...

You never hear about anyone with str as a stat killing too fast, whether it's a bear, pali, or warbird. Maybe the solution is to actually rebalance the skills and stats for less damage, and healing, across the board. instead of 3-shot average, it takes 10. Something overpowered at a specific level, like a forgotten bow, would lower that to 7 or 8.

Put victory back into the hands of the player instead of the realm of pure luck and extreme disparity we see now.

It's really sad that some classes/builds stand out with nothing more than the game mechanics, and not their own skill.

this is end-game, not mid-level... I see a mage. If I KNOW they have never PvPed before, I know my chances are 50%. If they have any amount of skill at all in PvP, there's a 98% chance they are going to drop any non-mage no matter how skilled that person is.

Same with Dex birds. Most don't even need to kite. 90% of your health gone in 1 shot does not take skill into account in any way.

Again, IMO, the best solution is to roll damage and healing way back so there is actually a level of skill involved.

Sorry but this is a exaggerated statement. Its not lyck that wins its skill.

09-07-2012, 08:11 PM
I may be paranoid but they could be making expansions like crazy to squeeze the last of plat from the people who are dedicated pvers at endgame and giving up on everyone else because we don't spend as much thrashering to new cap or farming the new elites. Why not ruin the game and make us play AL? Bet plat prices there are going to be insane like DL was also. Idk if they're trying to do this, but most low lvl twinks are feeling like it.

09-07-2012, 08:28 PM
I don't pvp, so I can't speak to that, but as a pve-er, the forgotten bows are pretty rad. My bird with the 71 forgotten bow is a killing machine!

09-07-2012, 08:47 PM
Armour to balance it out!? D: Everyone uses the Forgotten Bows in pvp.... Now an armour to balance it out? You mean you want everyone to have the same armour and weapon? It was bad enough with just the bow..... In my opinion I suggest you guys just NERF the forgotten item damages like most people want. Please?:(

09-08-2012, 01:48 AM
I just want to know what nerfing is, I'm kind of confused here. Anyway, if nerfing means that they are gone, then thats a bad thing and I should get rid of all the ones I have now but if it won't last much longer then I should sell them ASAP. Is there like some specific time when the devs will nerf it? mean, I did spend my worth of thrashers, maybe 2 in the forgotten treasure dungeon and I dont want to have wasted that 76 platinum on weapons that will just dissapear randomly. I know I can make a lot of gold off of this so before they are nerfed if they are ever can there be a warning?

Don't worry. Nerfing means to lower the stats of an item to make it less powerful. :)

09-08-2012, 01:07 PM
Sorry but this is a exaggerated statement. Its not lyck that wins its skill.

This coming from a MAGE...

Not to mention a mage that thinks he's uber, and that he's the best PvPer in the game, because at 67, he stand an even chance against fully crafted 71 birds and bears.

Stop making my point for me Eph.

09-10-2012, 03:46 AM
We will "rarely ever" tell you that we're "never" going to do something. :single_eye: We will sooner give you guys new items to help balance these out than nerf the existing stuff.
You mean by sets? full sets or just a mage wand and staff and a bears 1h sword and longsword..?

09-10-2012, 05:31 AM
I pvp at lvls 10-26. Imo, people who want the bows nerfed are dex bears that are getting owned by mages and birds now. Before the forgotten bows, low lvl pvp was dominated by dex bears. The bows gave lvl 10-17 birds and mages a fighting chance against these dex bears. I use all 3 classes in low lvl pvp and I've found that its not completely luck based. I've messed around with different builds for each class and different items with forgotten bows and found that its still skill that wins. If you ask me, bears are still dominant in low lvl pvp cause of their rage. I've said it before in another thread. Try different builds, rings and armor. Don't stick to the same build you used before forgotten bows. Experiment with different builds and gear. For pve, the forgotten weaps are awesome for farming. Bosses are easier to solo and in a group they come in handy to dealing damage. Why these weaps should be nerfed? I don't know anymore. There was a time that I agreed to have em nerfed but after I played with the bows and messed around with builds and gear, I honestly like them.

09-10-2012, 06:06 AM
Here's a interesting and surprising fact. -

I've seen many birds in game and in forum also to say that forgotten bows are op but in game they are using longbow set/xbow set (mainly)/str gear. So if fb is so op why are they using anything else. The real fact is fb alone is still underpowered compare to a proper dex set with combining its range specially mid-low level to highest level.

Its actually at lower levels bears and mid-lower level mages spam it with their ~+30 damage buff.

I also guess its most of the mages are shouting about fb, cuz they used to own dex birds in general, feeling a bit challenging now?

09-10-2012, 02:52 PM
Someone's always gonna complain whether they be a pro or a noob. Noobs complain fb is op cause they can't win. Pros complain fb is op cause they kill to fast. If someone decides to use different sets other than fb than great. If it works for them then awesome. Doesn't mean we have to nerf the fb's and ruin the game for other people.

09-12-2012, 07:48 PM
I pvp at lvls 10-26. Imo, people who want the bows nerfed are dex bears that are getting owned by mages and birds now. Before the forgotten bows, low lvl pvp was dominated by dex bears. The bows gave lvl 10-17 birds and mages a fighting chance against these dex bears. I use all 3 classes in low lvl pvp and I've found that its not completely luck based. I've messed around with different builds for each class and different items with forgotten bows and found that its still skill that wins. If you ask me, bears are still dominant in low lvl pvp cause of their rage. I've said it before in another thread. Try different builds, rings and armor. Don't stick to the same build you used before forgotten bows. Experiment with different builds and gear. For pve, the forgotten weaps are awesome for farming. Bosses are easier to solo and in a group they come in handy to dealing damage. Why these weaps should be nerfed? I don't know anymore. There was a time that I agreed to have em nerfed but after I played with the bows and messed around with builds and gear, I honestly like them.
That's at 15-20 pvp, but if you go higher like 30-40 even 45 maybe higher the bows kill your mana in an instant doesn't matter what build not much skill unless your faster or it's a battle of who has the fastest Internet it's pathetic and all you have to do is spam skills and you might win.. 40% Skill 60% Luck..

09-14-2012, 10:59 PM
Here's a interesting and surprising fact. -

I've seen many birds in game and in forum also to say that forgotten bows are op but in game they are using longbow set/xbow set (mainly)/str gear. So if fb is so op why are they using anything else. The real fact is fb alone is still underpowered compare to a proper dex set with combining its range specially mid-low level to highest level.

Its actually at lower levels bears and mid-lower level mages spam it with their ~+30 damage buff.

I also guess its most of the mages are shouting about fb, cuz they used to own dex birds in general, feeling a bit challenging now?

Eww. Are you even sure your correct?. The fact that the Forgotten Bow actually beats a Sanguine Longbow is already too shocking.

So devs wants to make new armor? Huh? A remembered armor? Make a set for forgotten weapons? Wow. Just wow.

Most games like this are ruined due to the fact of Overpowered equipment. It is sad that because of this, PL will never be the same. Old School Rules. Somethings are un-adaptable. I hope PL wont fall into that.

I myself even feel as if your making us quit PL and play AL. Please Dont Make me feel this way.