View Full Version : tier 4 guild hall maybe?

08-31-2012, 11:16 AM
I think it would be fun and add a new tier of guild hall and that would have everything a tier 3 would have but introduce little arcade games with little mini games :)

08-31-2012, 01:29 PM
Hi folks, here I am again . .
Pulling out soap box & hopping up. :-)
What I think would be great for guild halls:
1) message board for the guild master to post messages on
2) more ranks for guild members:
3) co leader positions: no more than 4 of these
4) training room/practice room or practice dummies so that guildies could practice combos and pvp without earning deaths. Of course kills wouldn't count either
5) officers meeting room: can be accessed by any officer and low level members could enter by invite only.
6) CS access from the guild hall.
7) decorations for guild halls.

*hopping off of soapbox now. :-). Ya know I'm getting tired of dragging my soap box out. I'm really hoping for some upgrades to the guild halls. Most of those upgrades that I listed, I would be willing to pay plat for.

**note to devs, I stocked up on iTunes cards hoping for guild hall upgrades with the last update. I. Now have a lot more music on my iPod.

08-31-2012, 06:19 PM
I agree that guild halls could have a lot more interesting stuff in them. Some of the ideas seem like they'd be easier to implement than others, but I'd like to offer a related one for training/practice. It may be difficult to code up a pvp system that doesn't count and works in a "town" zone, but it would be easy to code a practice dummy. That is, some kind of object that can be targeted but has infinite health, which could then be used to demonstrate weapons/skills, practice mega combos, test range of skills, etc. We already know that if you insert a targetable object in a town it can be attacked (see totem from the elite staff) so it would be pretty simple codewise to support a target dummy type object.

08-31-2012, 07:05 PM
Thanks Fusion! I'd forgotten about the practice dummies. Yep I'd pay plat for a couple of those too.

08-31-2012, 08:43 PM
Aoa guild hall has it! They have a disco ball too! MUAHAHA! It's like a modified lobby on Call of Duty!

I just wasted 2 seconds of your life lmao!

08-31-2012, 09:53 PM
Aoa guild hall has it! They have a disco ball too! MUAHAHA! It's like a modified lobby on Call of Duty!

I just wasted 2 seconds of your life lmao!


u know when u walk into the tier 3 and u make ur first right if u walk four trees to ur right and u walk in the middle of the tree and u type /guildhall Alterras Collective (or any other guild name) it sends u to that gh, dont tell anyone ;)

08-31-2012, 10:03 PM
I'm confused.

09-02-2012, 12:58 PM
I think there should be a tier 4 with an auction house in there :)

09-02-2012, 09:44 PM
Hi folks, here I am again . .

1) message board for the guild master to post messages on
2) more ranks for guild members:
3) co leader positions: no more than 4 of these

You sir, speak wise truths. :-)

09-03-2012, 06:49 AM
Thank you, I listed mostly things that I thought would be useful and practical. I put the decorations in last because the guild halls are huge and empty and rather depressing. And that is more of an esthetic than an actual improvement to the functionality Of guild halls

I updated the post to include CS access.

09-03-2012, 08:39 AM
I had already posted ideas about it a long time ago..
Here are the links of the ideas :0 :


As a summary :

I already had made some Suggestions right there a long time ago : http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?50005-Guild-hall-relooking-%29&highlight=Guild+hall+relooking

Here are the ideas :

Old :

A training room,for pvp or ctf, where the kills wouldn't count, and where all lvls could fight, like it Higher lvls could teach lower lvls.. dead people would respawn at the entrance of the pvp room It would be funny and useful
A common stash with rich people would could be a good idea to help people who are needing, with Master Authorization if they want to take money,
A CS access would be awesome,
Some furnitures such as trees, rocks, sand, "bath", water ... Cool things to decorate the Hall...
Some monsters which don't attack, only for letting off steam xD
A room to regenerate (like oasis place) :O
Hiding places for hiding and seek lol..
A place with a leaderboard into guild would be funny with best kills,deaths.

News :

As you just said, a music room ? xD with uploaded musics from devices lol^^
(personal idea..) Little chickens running into the hall, needing to make strategies to catch them lol..
A money tree : you stand at it, and every minutes, 1 to 100 gold won.. :D
a place where the pets could rest together...
An official Guild meeting place
A furniture store, where each furniture could be bought like 50k gold or 5 plats.
A guild achievement place with Guild mission such as "get 20 lvls66 (or 71 o.o)" "don't boot any member for 1 week" or "reached 100 guild members" things like that.. And then, maybe there could be a Guild Achievements Leaderboard? :D
Official message by the master saying there is a guild meeting :)

Most important ideas are in Bold.

Those additionnal options could be bought (20 plats per options) by guild members :) Many guilds would buy some, and it would really give a "use" to the guild hall :)

If you have any more ideas, or any negative points to say about those ideas, please share them :D

I'll edit if I get new ideas :D

09-03-2012, 11:58 AM
All the points sound pretty good. Especially the practice arena.

Instead of the Tier 4 maybe revamp the current Guild halls. All of them look so empty. Practice arenas should be part of each level I feel, and an extra gold/plat purchase.

09-03-2012, 12:26 PM
@chicken: I knew someone had posted a comprehensive thread. I searched but I couldn't find it. Thanks for posting it again.
I know that these threads keep popping up. But sometimes, when a thread is far In the past it helps to start a new one to hopefully bring it to the devs attention that we still want these things for our guild halls.

09-03-2012, 12:39 PM
@chicken: I knew someone had posted a comprehensive thread. I searched but I couldn't find it. Thanks for posting it again.
I know that these threads keep popping up. But sometimes, when a thread is far In the past it helps to start a new one to hopefully bring it to the devs attention that we still want these things for our guild halls.

Don't worry :) Many things were said before, but it's really hard to find them back :) Everyone has the same problem :D!

I hope something will be done about Guild halls because it really needs some implements.. But devs don't seem to be interested in doing something about it :(

Cya everyone, and let's hope our words will be heard up there^^! :banana:

09-03-2012, 03:17 PM
Maybe if people continue to keep one or two of these guild hall threads active the devs will see that we really want these things and are really willing to pay to get some of them. Like I said I bought some iTunes cards hoping to be able to upgrade my guild. Techno can u please get us some upgrades to the guild halls?