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View Full Version : Seasonal rewards

02-11-2023, 12:46 PM
I think is time that they changue seasonal rewards . I am runner myself and we also spent plat and gold. Seasonal with pet and apps will cost around 200m or 300m (depends on how many apps you pay for).Now lb runners are making profit for the their hard grind and effort we also take time and effort to get top 10. After all the free badges sesosnal are starting to be more of a loss of plat/ gold/ time and runners are less active on them.Please give us some rewards we also can make gold for our hard work and will make seasonal more competitive and sts can sell more plat .

Sent from my moto g pure using Tapatalk

02-12-2023, 09:35 PM

Sent from my 21081111RG using Tapatalk

02-13-2023, 06:56 PM
Seasonal normal characters are gold sink only if you commit to them, initially gameplay does not benefit anyone else other than you. Seasonals are not designed for profit but for the initial rewards.

02-13-2023, 11:33 PM
Yeah sts bring back that all gold badge at least that was a troll I swear....makes it brown after I alrdy committed smh haha ...that was a good enuff reward itself...kinda off topic but yeah lol