View Full Version : Another replacement of an button *wish

Sakura Bushido
02-17-2023, 04:24 AM
I had some ideas about reducing clicks,
We have an ally's button in login menu with dropdown for 3 different buttons. One of them is quest and i would suggest moving that out of the dropdown but on the right side next to ally's.
Seems there should be enough space on the bar to hold quest.

Also we have hotbars wich we are able to freely move, but one thing that botters me (maybe more do) is the lock hotbar option. This allows me not to accidentally press the fold button wich is perfect. But when i lock it the fold button still there :/ and claiming some area i cant press. I wish locking hotbar would hide fold menu and unlocking reveals fold menu. This would allow for some greater hotbar placements and not missing my pet ability or skills when my hotbar placed close to skills for fast usage.

02-17-2023, 04:27 AM

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02-17-2023, 11:59 AM
Allies were great from a world immersion standpoint, but I've never really liked them and even went so far as to create UI-based login rewards (a popup when you log in, escalating on sequential days to a large payout), but we have yet to make the switch. Next step is for me to see what it would take to remove allies from the game.


Sakura Bushido
02-20-2023, 05:14 AM
Great idea to be honest poor Ally's could use retirement.

How about the hotbar lock fold menu? Any way thats possible to hide fold menu when locked and show when not locked?

02-20-2023, 12:22 PM
Should be easy enough to hide the toggle if hidden.