View Full Version : Boot button missing?

09-02-2012, 01:37 AM
Was the boot button removed deliberately for solo games?
even the /boot command doesn't work despite the fact that I created the solo game.


09-02-2012, 01:52 AM
Why would you want to boot yourself from a solo game?

09-02-2012, 02:00 AM
Why would you want to boot yourself from a solo game?
lol. I'm asking if the ability to boot others (that have entered upon my invitation) from a solo game has been removed.
thanks for the laugh though.

09-02-2012, 02:09 AM
So you made a solo game and want to invite people. Your saying that you can't boot players that have joined because you invited them?

09-02-2012, 02:21 AM
Your saying that you can't boot players that have joined because you invited them?

Yes, the ability to do so appears to have been removed.

I suspect it may have something to do with how I and others are currently unable to join lower level players in their multiplayer games also - the update seems to apply the PvP arena conditions to 3D missions.

09-02-2012, 12:25 PM
Yes, the ability to do so appears to have been removed.

I suspect it may have something to do with how I and others are currently unable to join lower level players in their multiplayer games also - the update seems to apply the PvP arena conditions to 3D missions.

Begs the question i think skelly was hinting at. Why would you invite someone then boot them?

If it was taken out (i didn't even know there was a boot feature), kudos. I'd be pissed if a friend invited me and i stopped what i was doing only to get booted.

09-02-2012, 04:59 PM
As they have said it would suck to get invited then booted by your friend that invited ya to join.

On topic. There has never been a boot feature active. It may be added in the future since the command obviously hints at it. But, to clarify, that command has never worked at all up until this date. It is not a bug.

09-02-2012, 05:50 PM
Begs the question i think skelly was hinting at. Why would you invite someone then boot them?

If it was taken out (i didn't even know there was a boot feature), kudos. I'd be pissed if a friend invited me and i stopped what i was doing only to get booted.

As they have said it would suck to get invited then booted by your friend that invited ya to join.

On topic. There has never been a boot feature active. It may be added in the future since the command obviously hints at it. But, to clarify, that command has never worked at all up until this date. It is not a bug.

Trust me guys. It was there previously and it did work.
While I mostly used it in jest, I do find that there may be circumstances which warrant booting someone from a game that you have invited them to.
e.g. when that said person was invited by mistake and/or is a troll.

I will respond to both your points through reductio ad absurdum.
Consider the boot/remove function in Guilds or in the Friends list.

People who join a guild, like friends in a solo game, have to be invited. Why is the option to remove them available?
Similarly, why befriend someone and still have the option to remove them at a later time?
Let's deactivate these options all together.

I hope the above has demonstrated my point on why I would prefer the freedom of choice.

09-02-2012, 07:22 PM
We are not dissing your freedom :vsmile:. In my personal case I usually invite one person at a time and have made sure to be talking to them beforehand to understand they are capable that they can complete the entire run. Why have a troll as a friend if you dislike trolls? If it was a mix up I would tell them it was a mistake and to ignore the invite. Being my friends they would more than likely understand.

Guild wise I would usually never have a reason to boot a friend. If they are my friends they will usually play nice and warrant no need for a boot.

Like I said my personal experience. Everyone has the right to hold their own and I respect yours. I said there never was one because I never booted anyone before and never noticed a boot button. I suggest directly messaging Carapace for a more direct and trustworthy response. :) Best of luck. :vsmile:

09-03-2012, 04:54 AM
Thank you for your response.

The problem with the word "never" is that it is so definitive.
Hence the statement, "There has never been a boot feature active" is inaccurate.

The word "usually" however is not as definitive and to say, "I would usually never have a reason to boot a friend" is first a contradiction, and at the same time, suggests that there may be or may have been an occasion where there was a reason to boot a friend. This supports perfectly the previous reductio ad absurdum.

Appended below is a picture of the boot button and proof positive of its prior existence.

http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?63920-Pwnie-Masquerade&p=720727&viewfull=1#post720727 (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?63920-Pwnie-Masquerade&p=720727&viewfull=1#post720727)

Now to go back to the topic, I asked "Was the boot button removed deliberately for solo games?".
I believe this to be a perfectly reasonable question to ask in such a sub-forum.
While I do appreciate your response and the suggestion to directly message Carapace, I'd rather refrain from doing so as this sub-forum appears to be an appropriate avenue.

Moreover, I do not believe it would be in the best interest of the dev team if every single issue were communicated via private message (exploits where public dissemination would further hurt the game/community and the like excluded). I know if I were a dev, I wouldn't want to be inundated with messages on not-so-high-priority issues.

The only drawback of posting a thread in a forum titled "DL Technical Issues and Bugs" appears to be the potential that the post/poster may be ridiculed and/or have the logic behind the post questioned by persons of differing opinions.

While I am happy that varying opinions exist with respect to the need for a Boot button in solo games (differing opinions are one of the things that make life interesting), I am merely asking if the button was "removed deliberately".

If so, fine. Otherwise, I'd like to report an unintentional change in the PvE level mechanics.

Srsly dude, it's a forum for discussion about potential bugs.
I'm fine with the replies - I'm thick skinned. But other, more timid, members of the community may refrain from posting potential issues if they perceive that typical responses to such posts are negative. I believe feedback should be encouraged - perhaps the community can do more to positively reinforce feedback.

p.s. I'm not an English teacher, pls don't be offended.
All I'm saying is - despite the differing opinions - the button/command and functionality did exist and that there may occasions where one would use such a button/command.
So was it removed deliberately? (see bolded text above for a continuation depending on the answer)

09-03-2012, 07:08 AM
...all of this over a boot button

09-03-2012, 07:47 AM
For starters, the "never" statement could easily be corrected as it was "never" existent to my knowledge. Simple mistake, OK? The contradiction of "usually" is because I have not until this dated booted a guildmember from a DL guild. It may happen in the future. I am sorry this became so technical. My best interest is for you to get your response and since I cannot provide a concrete response I will personally contact Carapace for you. I don't understand your logic, though. I suggested PM'ing a developer because obviously the community has been unable to provide you with the correct answer you seek. I agree with community discussion, but what's is the purpose of it if a thread seeks rather a concrete answer than an open discussion about a topic?

OK, well I will get you your response. :vsmile:

09-03-2012, 08:28 AM
...I have not until this dated booted a guildmember from a DL guild. It may happen in the future...

Precisely my point, it may happen in the future and should it happen, you would appreciate the boot feature.

OK, well I will get you your response.

Thank you, but pls do not feel obligated to do so. I'm sure the issue will eventually get the attention it deserves, however little that may be.

Pls understand, I am also of the belief that the disabling of the feature is a trivial issue.

However, the apparent inability of some to accept that others may have differing opinions or a use for such a feature was something I felt warranted a response.

Once again, the question was merely if the boot button was removed deliberately.
If so, I'd say, "OK". I wouldn't say "kudos" though because someone may actually have found it useful; whereas I merely used it for laughs.
If it wasn't removed deliberately, I highly suspect it is linked to the inability to join lower levels characters in PvE missions that have also been reported and will be fixed if/when that gets sorted out.

I half suspect that some members of the dev team did not realise that such a feature was available in the first place.
To confirm it, they'd probably have to load an old version on their test rig. But what do I know? It's merely conjecture.

Thank you all once again.

09-05-2012, 10:28 AM
Trust me guys. It was there previously and it did work.
While I mostly used it in jest, I do find that there may be circumstances which warrant booting someone from a game that you have invited them to.
e.g. when that said person was invited by mistake and/or is a troll.

I will respond to both your points through reductio ad absurdum.
Consider the boot/remove function in Guilds or in the Friends list.

People who join a guild, like friends in a solo game, have to be invited. Why is the option to remove them available?
Similarly, why befriend someone and still have the option to remove them at a later time?
Let's deactivate these options all together.

I hope the above has demonstrated my point on why I would prefer the freedom of choice.

The logic you used is slightly flawed. Although they seem similiar... they really aren't.

Inviting someone, then booting them is a DB move. If you accidently invite someone on your friend list, you should explain and ask them to leave (still a DB move). Really, you should just run the map. They are short enough. And you won't seem like a DB.

I'm all for adding the boot feature AND removing the invite only feature. But for what you are saying, its pretty weak. Just my opinion.

09-05-2012, 10:31 AM
whereas I merely used it for laughs.

Well, I guess I know where you stand.

If the feature was removed, it was probably because it was a bug. As the feature itself doesn't make any sense with invite only solo maps.

09-05-2012, 06:53 PM
Well, I guess I know where you stand.

Well he only said it twice: "used it in jest" & "used it for laughs". Kudos for catching on.

Anyhow, i find the solo game boot function useful so he's not the only one just like you're not the only one that doesn't use it.
Don't think it was a bug either.