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09-02-2012, 03:50 AM
So I would like to know why ao pinks are still in shadow caves? As I was using a Shamus luck elix farming shadow archer I got two pinks in two runs , guess what? They were crappy ao pinks. The first time was OK got me a lil ticked, second time I rage, why ? Because I believe that if ao pinks didn't exist in shadow caves I would've gotten two very good items. Also if I wanted ao pinks I would go to ao. Can someone explain why sts has these in sc? OK done raging , but you can't tell me that wouldn't make you rage too

09-02-2012, 04:35 AM
Once upon a time, the only way into the Shadow Caves was via the portal that has a small chance to appear in a Victory Run map after it has been cleared. One could assume that maybe some of the djinn came through the portal and stole some of the AO pinks. Ah memories :)

09-02-2012, 11:37 AM
Once upon a time Shadow Caves dropped pinks at a near 100% rate.

I've gotten countless AO pinks in there from farming, and probably only one full elite shadow set.

09-02-2012, 01:38 PM
Oh the uproar about shadow caves lol the good ole days of yore lol

Tupac legend lvl 63 bear
thugimmortal lvl 50 mage

09-02-2012, 10:43 PM
And if only purples, greens, oranges, whites, and trashes all just disapper from the loot table, we d get soooooo many pinks.

Anyways, its the rarity of these drops that make it valuable. If you get a premium pink every 2 runs, it'll be worth as much as the Skellar Returns pinks.

09-03-2012, 09:07 PM
No I understand the concept of farming and I'm perfectly fine with it. In fact I've farmed shadow archer almost 3-4hrs a day for a month without a single pink, I raged cause out of those two both were ao. I say at least one of them should've been a shadow caves pink. Also both were rerolls from my elix. Either way, I raged I'm over back it back to farming. Nada else I can do