View Full Version : Stash Suggestions

02-21-2023, 03:59 PM
Could we have the option to have multiple stashes, for example you would have pages of stash (Stash 1 & Stash 2 & Stash 3 & Stash 4 & Stash 5)

This could cost gold/plat, one additional stash would cost like 10M Gold and 150 Plat.

This could also be an achievement too.

Here is an image of an example in the AQ3d Game: https://imgur.com/a/00ehEAD

This would help deflate gold and encourage plat usage.

02-21-2023, 04:42 PM
Less than a year ago, we increased doubled the stash size (500 -> 1000). I don't see it increasing any time soon.

I have on the back burner the concept of a character stash (see this thread (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?657036-Items-that-cannot-be-stashed)), but it's not high priority.


02-21-2023, 05:03 PM
This is even better than my idea actually, a character stash would be great.

04-04-2023, 03:07 AM
While character stash is coming can we have a separate quota for vanity items?

As a long time hardcore player I carry a lot of banners, event vanity, cryostar weapons and other stuff that keeps me close to inventory cap all the time.

Moving vanity to a separate category with its own limit would help a lot. Thanks!

04-04-2023, 10:18 AM
I doubt we would ever do a separate vanity inventory limit. If anything, we may consider combining them all. The separate ones were from an earlier time before stackables.

04-04-2023, 07:56 PM
I doubt we would ever do a separate vanity inventory limit. If anything, we may consider combining them all. The separate ones were from an earlier time before stackables.

I think what intruders meant, was to seperate Vanitys from gear Inventory and put all Vanitys into its own section such as crafting Inventory (slots) was seperated and not seperate all Vanitys from each other just the main gear Inventory.
Coz atm gears and vanitys have a 1000 limit whould be nice to get 1000 slots for gear and 1000 (seperated) slots for Vanitys.

04-05-2023, 12:36 AM
I think what intruders meant, was to seperate Vanitys from gear Inventory and put all Vanitys into its own section such as crafting Inventory (slots) was seperated and not seperate all Vanitys from each other just the main gear Inventory.
Coz atm gears and vanitys have a 1000 limit whould be nice to get 1000 slots for gear and 1000 (seperated) slots for Vanitys.
Yes, this is what I meant. I carry 340+ vanities (and no, I don't hoard duplicates) so a separate 1000 slots for vanity would be great to offload main inventory. Please make it happen, thanks!

04-05-2023, 08:03 AM
Two thumbs up for separating Vanity Inventory Slots from Equipment Inventory slots! It doesn't make any sense that they have continued to be lumped together as they have totally separate purposes anyways. And in the case of Hardcore mode please implement a personal stash as was being considered according to asommers over a year ago:
Feb. 2022: "After discussing this internally, we're leaning toward implementing a character stash (but this has yet to be fully decided). With a character stash, you'll be able to stash items for that specific character that you don't need to carry with you all the time. Also, since it's a character stash, hardcore players will be able to use it and you can put bound items in it."

We need more stashing options. Gears and vanities are increasing on a regular bases, new fighting gears added throughout a years time and especially new vanities/banners added at EVERY EVENT!! Also for Hardcore we have to hang on to low level fighting gears incase of death, we need the gear to lvl back up from lvl 1 to lvl 81 so all levels of fighting gear are held in our inventory unlike a normal character which never has to hold on to those items, then never have to level back up again from lvl 1, the Hardcore's situation is totally different from normal character in this instant.

Again, as a Hardcore player I, and many of my hc friends, suffer from having to clean inventory often throughout one days playing time. Soon eggzavier will come around again too and we need more space or more options for the items we already hold. Spending gaming time cleaning inventory is frustrating, it takes 50ish clicks/touches of the screen to clean unwanted items not hearted/needed/wanted in weapons, helms, armor, rings, amulets categories alone!!! It's too much wasted time when all we want is to run maps or events smoothly. Please ALSO you could consider a one button click to clear all un-hearted items in the gear inventory area.

Ilvias from last February: "Inventory on the character is filling up fast. We got various sets with different awaken for farming, pvp etc. Some vanities require 3 or 4 pieces for the effect, like the hellion or the winter king set. This all we need to carry with us if we wanna use. Components like the golden heart letter or cryostar splinter staff are going to inventory. While farming or running events we need to clear inventory every few runs.
We need more inventory space or separate vanities like the crafting components. This would help us a lot and we can enjoy the game more."
Maybe it's possible to create a stash for hc characters in which they can put their items and pick em up."

Tentenzz: "Its hard to do fast run when we have to take a break between runs just to clear the inventories. +1 to expand the inventories or personal stash for hc!!"

Crystalwiz: "Vanity inventory should be separated from gear inventory. I have close to 400 vanities and I have to keep my gear inventories at barebones to stay under 500. And you keep adding more vanities for us plus all the epic gear that gets auto deleted to stay under the cap. My stash is currently at its max too. Longtime players have more gear so please help us fit it in our inventories."

intruders: "Separating vanities to their own quota would be right step into this direction as amount of vanities in the game exploded in recent years."

Monelgr : "my Opinion hc is fine rn nothing need to change they just need to add a stash hc for the banners and vatinies cuz 1k inventory is not enough (Normal toons can't have access or others hc toons of your account).

Thank you for letting me air my thoughts.

04-21-2023, 11:00 AM
+1 I fill up stash often by accident

04-21-2023, 11:11 AM
+1 We need Separate Character stash

04-21-2023, 01:36 PM
I doubt we would ever do a separate vanity inventory limit. If anything, we may consider combining them all. The separate ones were from an earlier time before stackables.

I love u meow

04-21-2023, 07:00 PM
+1 Support this 100% very helpful
Instead of making 10 alts to hold stacks


04-21-2023, 08:50 PM
Cool idea in my opinion