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View Full Version : Elite Weapons Overview - Part 2 - Return of the Shark‏

Sim Jing
09-05-2012, 09:21 PM
In the previous Elite Weapon Overview, I talked stuff about the Teamkilling bow.

This post will explain the functions of the Elite Marlin Sword.


The Marlin Sword is a Two-Handed Sword at a level requirement of 71, which is the current elite cap. This special weapon is one of the three 'Dark Pinks' introduced in Mystery Mash. It is generally considered the most popular elite weapon favoured by players, since;

1) It does not Teamkill unlike Elite Sea Blaster.
2) It has a special proc which I will explain to you later.

The Marlin Sword is also considered the best Two-Handed Warrior weapon around in EndGame. Correct me if I am wrong. :hopelessness:


When Mystery Mash was released to the public, STS also introduced 3 new Dark Pink weapons. Of which one was the Teamkilling bow as I previously mentioned. The other is a Party-helping staff that could be used as both offense and defense. The third weapon however, did not receive it's glorious status as it is today since even though the special proc works often, it does minimal damage and knockback plus stun. After the 'Famous' Marlin Sword Patch was implemented, today it is considered one of the best Elite Weapons around, suitable for Tanks, Dexbears, and Paladins.


The Marlin Sword offers a huge damage boost of 242-318 Melee damage, and gives you a strength boost of 33. It also offers you 7% dodge, 3% hit and critical chances, a health boost of 5 HP, increases your regeneration of health by 8, and your mana regeneration by 5. It also grants you 16 armor to add to your overall armor points.

The Bad thing about the sword is, since it is a Two-Handed weapon, Warriors would not be able to equip shields, thus rendering the user able to attain more aggro, at the cost of decreased capabilities of tanking. Another problem is the slow attack speed of 1.3 seconds per hit. This means that compared to weapons such as bows, daggers, wands etc, the weapon itself would be great to take down mobs, but would have it's efficiency cut down when the user faces a boss or any mob that has high defence and/or HP.

Special Ability

The special ability of the Marlin Sword summons a shark that 'jumps' from beneath the ground and literally 'eat' any target within an AoE 6m of any mob in which the special ability is triggered upon, Dealing MASSIVE* damage, knockbacking and stunning any Target still alive. Stunned units are unstunned after a duration of 2 seconds.

This means, in either a PvP or PvE round, the shark will ALWAYS follow the enemy from which the special ability is triggered.

Another point about the sword is that the user would always stand 1m away from the AoE splash damage due to his melee attacks. This means, in order to use the Special Proc to it's full effect, the user has to attack directly at the mobs standing around him.

*The damage from the AoE stated above depends on your attack range. Special Thanks to Deathofan!


Tanks - The weapon would be great for dishing out extra damage, not to mention it's special ability would do a mini-scatter of mobs, allowing even unskilled bears to be useful since mobs are stunned, the rest of the party could get them like easy pickings.

Dex Bears - With their already great damage and flexibility granted in their switch of about half their attributes to Dexterity, this weapon is, in Crapricon's way of saying things, Perfect! The weapon deals Massive damage in the hands of a Dex Bear, demolishing mobs way faster than Balanced Bears or Tanks.

Paladin (Enchantress) - This weapon would no doubt be useful if you want to deal extra damage, but do note that since it's a 2 handed weapon, your Tanking Capabilities would be quite.......suckish, since Mages are in a way, born squishy just like Avians. Consider equipping the weapon only if there is an accomplished Tank in the Front Line. Also consider the slight 1m range where the Weapon Proc would be triggered to make the best use of this Free AoE.

Amazon (Enchantress Str/Dex builds) - With powerful attacks and tanking capabilities, this weapon would be great only if you dont get wrecked by the mobs too hard, since with this build, your healing capabilities frankly sucks, and that some ignorant people would call Rambo or Noob on you. Like Paladins, consider the slight 1m range where the Weapon Proc would be triggered to make the best use of this Free AoE.

WarBirds - Like all melee weapons granted to birds when they decided to work out with bears in some random forest, This weapon would allow you to head close to groups of mobs to maximise the use of favored combos such as Cruel Blast or Nature Strike. Understand that you are not as tanky as others when it comes to Tanking though, so use it only if you are prepared to sacrifice tons of Health Potions to keep you alive when rushing in to make use of it's Melee Advantage and the weapon's AoE.


The Elite Marlin Sword truly deserved it's popularity due to it's outstanding and shocking proc, and it's status as the best Two Handed Warrior weapon all around. However, do note that if you were to use it, understand that your tanking capabilities is reduced, thus rendering you vulnerable to die at any time.

I hope you enjoy this Overview!

Sincerely yours,


Remake of Elite Weapon Overview Part 1 coming soon.
Stay tuned for Elite Weapon Overview - Part 3 - Leaps of Joys.

v1.1 - Tested Elite Marlin sword's Proc damage range.
v1 - Uploaded guide.

09-05-2012, 09:25 PM
In the previous Elite Weapon Overview, I talked stuff about the Teamkilling bow.

This post will explain the functions of the Elite Marlin Sword.


The Marlin Sword is a Two-Handed Sword at a level requirement of 71, which is the current elite cap. This special weapon is one of the three 'Dark Pinks' introduced in Mystery Mash. It is generally considered the most popular elite weapon favoured by players, since;

1) It does not Teamkill unlike Elite Sea Blaster.
2) It has a special proc which I will explain to you later.

The Marlin Sword is also considered the best Two-Handed Warrior weapon around. Correct me if I am wrong. :hopelessness:


When Mystery Mash was released to the public, STS also introduced 3 new Dark Pink weapons. Of which one was the Teamkilling bow as I previously mentioned. The other is a Party-helping staff that could be used as both offense and defense. The third weapon however, did not receive it's glorious status as it is today since even though the special proc works often, it does minimal damage and knockback plus stun. After the 'Famous' Marlin Sword Patch was implemented, today it is considered one of the best Elite Weapons around, suitable for Tanks, Dexbears, and Paladins.


The Marlin Sword offers a huge damage boost of 242-318 Melee damage, and gives you a strength boost of 33. It also offers you 7% dodge, 3% hit and critical chances, a health boost of 5 HP, increases your regeneration of health by 8, and your mana regeneration by 5. It also grants you 16 armor to add to your overall armor points.

The Bad thing about the sword is, since it is a Two-Handed weapon, Warriors would not be able to equip shields, thus rendering the user able to attain more aggro, at the cost of decreased capabilities of tanking. Another problem is the slow attack speed of 1.3 seconds per hit. This means that compared to weapons such as bows, daggers, wands etc, the weapon itself would be great to take down mobs, but would have it's efficiency cut down when the user faces a boss or any mob that has high defence and/or HP.

Special Ability

The special ability of the Marlin Sword summons a shark that 'jumps' from beneath the ground and literally 'eat' any target within an AoE 6m of any mob in which the special ability is triggered upon, Dealing MASSIVE damage, knockbacking and stunning any Target still alive. Stunned units are unstunned after a duration of 2 seconds.

This means, in either a PvP or PvE round, the shark will ALWAYS follow the enemy from which the special ability is triggered.

Another point about the sword is that the user would always stand 1m away from the AoE splash damage due to his melee attacks. This means, in order to use the Special Proc to it's full effect, the user has to attack directly at the mobs standing around him.


Tanks - The weapon would be great for dishing out extra damage, not to mention it's special ability would do a mini-scatter of mobs, allowing even unskilled bears to be useful since mobs are stunned, the rest of the party could get them like easy pickings.

Dex Bears - With their already great damage and flexibility granted in their switch of about half their attributes to Dexterity, this weapon is, in Crapricon's way of saying things, Perfect! The weapon deals Massive damage in the hands of a Dex Bear, demolishing mobs way faster than Balanced Bears or Tanks.

Paladin (Enchantress) - This weapon would no doubt be useful if you want to deal extra damage, but do note that since it's a 2 handed weapon, your Tanking Capabilities would be quite.......suckish, since Mages are in a way, born squishy just like Avians. Consider equipping the weapon only if there is an accomplished Tank in the Front Line. Also consider the slight 1m range where the Weapon Proc would be triggered to make the best use of this Free AoE.

Amazon (Enchantress Str/Dex builds) - With powerful attacks and tanking capabilities, this weapon would be great only if you dont get wrecked by the mobs too hard, since with this build, your healing capabilities frankly sucks, and that some ignorant people would call Rambo or Noob on you. Like Paladins, consider the slight 1m range where the Weapon Proc would be triggered to make the best use of this Free AoE.

WarBirds - Like all melee weapons granted to birds when they decided to work out with bears in some random forest, This weapon would allow you to head close to groups of mobs to maximise the use of favored combos such as Cruel Blast or Nature Strike. Understand that you are not as tanky as others when it comes to Tanking though, so use it only if you are prepared to sacrifice tons of Health Potions to keep you alive when rushing in to make use of it's Melee Advantage and the weapon's AoE.

The Elite Marlin Sword truly deserved it's popularity due to it's outstanding and shocking proc, and it's status as the best Two Handed Warrior weapon all around. However, do note that if you were to use it, understand that your tanking capabilities is reduced, thus rendering you vulnerable to die at any time.

I hope you enjoy this Overview!

Sincerely yours,


Remake of Elite Weapon Overview Part 1 coming soon.
Stay tuned for Elite Weapon Overview - Part 3 - Leaps of Joys.

Depends on the level range( for best 2h weapon). You can't compare a level 71 to a level 30.
So yes, endgame it is the best 2h sword.

Sim Jing
09-05-2012, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the feedback!

Small edit to post!

09-06-2012, 05:52 AM
Reminds me of Skeletonlord @.@
Eitherway.. interesting read

Sim Jing
09-06-2012, 05:58 AM
Reminds me of Skeletonlord @.@
Eitherway.. interesting read

Thanks! Any suggestions Hunzzz?

09-06-2012, 06:45 AM
Thanks! Any suggestions Hunzzz?

Such as screenshots of the Proc?
The stats?
or even the item itself

Sim Jing
09-06-2012, 06:50 AM
Such as screenshots of the Proc?
The stats?
or even the item itself

I wish I could post pictures in my iPad2 though. Perhaps anyone could teach me how to upload pictures without it being sideways? o_O

Plus I won't steal uploaded pictures on the forums about it, I wanted to use my own.

09-06-2012, 06:57 AM
I wish I could post pictures in my iPad2 though. Perhaps anyone could teach me how to upload pictures without it being sideways? o_O

Plus I won't steal uploaded pictures on the forums about it, I wanted to use my own.

Download Photobucket or send it to your email then open up email through computer and save it onto your computer where you can edit the picture etc

Sim Jing
09-06-2012, 07:01 AM
Download Photobucket or send it to your email then open up email through computer and save it onto your computer where you can edit the picture etc

AWESOME! When I get back home from camp I will be sure to upload them ASAP.

Brave Sir Robin
09-06-2012, 08:24 AM
This is an interesting read.

You could add some videos with the shark effect, like Jay did here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?63852-All-elite-weapon-procs-caught-on-video&highlight=elite+weapon+procs).

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million. Well it actually depends on duration, frame rate but you get the... picture ;)

09-06-2012, 08:30 AM
I got one but for my feeling the share is just a gimmick. Never notice it stunning or damaging anything. I swer i thought it was just for looks. :P

09-06-2012, 08:49 AM
I tried pvp and pve with it and it seems the shark does the same damage as your normal attack range, so theres not a huge dmg when the shark hits.

09-06-2012, 08:53 AM
I have the Shark proc as my pet

Sim Jing
09-06-2012, 08:44 PM
Thanks for the feedback! I hope you guys could also teach me how to create and edit my own videos in order to contribute more efficiently to the forums.

Brave Sir Robin
09-07-2012, 05:02 AM
Thanks for the feedback! I hope you guys could also teach me how to create and edit my own videos in order to contribute more efficiently to the forums.

I usually play on Chrome, which means any standard screen action capturing application will do. I sometimes use HyperCam (free).

Since you have iPad 2, you can use Display Recorder like Jay here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?62485-How-to-tank-in-Humania-Sandbar-Lagoon&p=702449&viewfull=1#post702449).

Once you have captured your video, you upload it on youtube and when you post you use the 'video' feature to link it.

You could ofc edit your video before uploading it. Explaining how to do this is beyond the scope of this discussion (and forum ;) ) but some tools you might try are Windows Live Movie Maker, VirtualDub (free) and ofc if you want to get seriously into video editing, PowerDirector, Corel Video Studio, Adobe Premiere/Adobe Premiere Elements, Final Cut etc. Haven't tried any iPad video editing tools but I think it's more convenient to copy the video to your desktop/laptop and do the job there.

Hope this is enough to get you started.