View Full Version : INT Bird PvP

King Solomon
09-07-2012, 08:12 PM
First off, I'd like to say, there are too many haters in PL.. I decided not too long ago, to "revamp" my cute little level 20 bird. It was like everyone elses bird at the time. Forgotten bow, huge damage, and a little bit of dodge to annoy the mages. Lol
However, I decided to try out an old build of mine from a while ago.*
And before you ask, NO! No it does not utilize the horribly OP forgotten bow.. Now.. I know what some of you are going to say, (just like in gamers) the bow isn't OP.. But that's my opinion and I've been playing for quite sometime and have seen how pvp fluctuates. Moving on, this isn't a flame thread..
So... I picked apart the bird, from detail to detail... I was crunching my brain on how to increase the functionality of my birdie. So I went waaay left field and decided to go with INT (mostly). I realized one of the biggest issues I and other people surely come across.
REGEN!! If a bird could regen just a bit more than normal, it could be über. *So I used my spare level20 plat pack *for "mages." It has decent dodge, decent regen, and okay armor. Minimal damage is the sacrifice here.. I got the fire wand, some kind of eyeball shield, a nice helm, and some mediocre armor. I also used a level20 acrobats ring for dodge.
To make a seriously long story into a shorter one, and that one into an even shorter one, it's a breath of fresh air. You know the feeling when you have something new, and everyone notices it. Yeah, like that.*
Sadly, where the worshippers were the haters were sure to follow... I was called noob and stupid from trying something different.. Lol okay...*
But if you're craving that new bit of INT bird, try it out. I have had a successful run with it an enjoyed every minute. Any input? Ideas? Opinions?

09-07-2012, 08:25 PM
Birds with enchanted wand set are beast in 55-56 PvP. Only fortified birds could beat me.

09-07-2012, 08:28 PM
Int bear/bird is fun to play with in pve but in pvp...its not good. U lose hit debuff proc from forgotten bows and have much lower damage and skill damage which is critical in pvp.Not sure whether u were planning to go pvp or pve with it ;/

King Solomon
09-07-2012, 08:34 PM
Well I have been playing PvP with it for quite a while now. I have a 1.76 kdr with it. I made a twink just for the build. And contrary to what you may believe, my build is working. I'm not saying i am beating all of the elites around level20, but I am def making people rethink INT birds at that level. ;)

King Solomon
09-07-2012, 08:34 PM
Not to mention, this is in a PvP thread. ;;)

09-07-2012, 08:38 PM
Hmm it depends on WHO u fight...pro dex bears or new players..LOL

King Solomon
09-07-2012, 09:52 PM
Well I dont discriminate. Lol! I have fought against some solid pvpers and have won against some surprising opponents. Oneangrymage or something like that. The 23. I beat him more times than he beat me. He then got angry and recruited a few buddies and rushed me over and over lol

09-07-2012, 10:03 PM
Intbirds are good. I believe in this. I know how it feels when someone calls you a noob because you are an intbird, they said I sucked at pvp but i was rather decent in level 66 and 70 and I'm actually a noob at pvp I'm an intbird by the way

King Solomon
09-08-2012, 05:50 PM
Good to know! I haven't really dabbled into birds any higher than 35. I have 1 main PvEr and 20+ pvp twinks. I will have to start grinding a bird out for PvE.

King Solomon
09-08-2012, 05:53 PM

The level 20 bird is still doing well, it seems as though people are warming up to the whole concept. I now have people actually defending me! Lol! And I quote..
"You just can't rush an INT bird, they are too G"
Also I recently have made a tiny little level 14 INT bird. He's cute and all, super squishy, but when/if my dodge starts working, he's tough. Sadly its all based on sheer chance at that point.. But isn't all dodge?

09-09-2012, 08:48 AM
I hate how I was called a " Gay bird " when I was a l18 Int bird. Nevermind that, owned them hard in the end though. End of story, happy ending. :)