View Full Version : 51 Pvp Help

09-08-2012, 11:00 AM
Hey I need some help, I've been wanting to go to 51 pvp, yet I don't know what race to choose, where to put skill points, attribute points, and armor. What is the best race for 51 pvp? And where would everything go if it is the race that is the best. Thanks guys.

09-08-2012, 11:35 AM
Lol use bird and ask marc for help in gc. He's one of the best 51 bird or birds in general.

09-08-2012, 11:40 AM
Can't, when I try to chat on pl, it will have the thing where it shows u typing. (With the done at the right side) and there won't be anything below it.

09-08-2012, 12:16 PM
Bro i gotcha, I have one of each class lvl 51, and I'm really good at all of em, lemme know if ya got questions!


09-08-2012, 12:23 PM
Can u help me with bird cookiez?

09-08-2012, 05:37 PM
Sure! Whats ur ign?

09-16-2012, 01:19 PM
Sure! Whats ur ign?

Ign: Blasteh

09-16-2012, 01:33 PM
Choose the one you prefer :) :


LvL51 Mage (enigadaz’s build)

Base points : - 129 DEX, 130 INT
Skills points : 3 mana, 6heal 6 fire 6 drain 6 frost 1 rev 5 light 4 icestorm, 1 weak, 1 night, 6might, 6 vitality
Items : Mega mage set wand or staff
Combo : might, vitality, frost drain fire light heal RUNNNnn (use mana shield when ur gonna die and icestorm when ur close)
Tips :
- If u use wand set, its for defense, if u use staff set, its for attack
- If the opponent unfreeze the 1st froze, use the second just after lol


LvL50 Sentinel Bird:

Base points : - full dex
Skills points : 6 evade, 6 focus, 6 blast, 6 break, 6 root, 6 repulse, 6 blind, 6 shatter, 1 restore
Items : sentinel shotgun set + dodging ring
Combo : evade, focus, break, root, shatter blast, blind repulse heal RUNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnn
Tips : Shotgun has long range! Use it to kite ur opponent! Morever, sentine lset gives good dodge! don't hesitate to put Evade at 6!

LvL50 Sentinel/Hate Bird (invented by me ; not tested) :

Base points : 115 STR, rest dex
Skills points : 6 evade, 6 focus, 6 blast, 6 break, 6 root, 6 repulse, 6 blind, 6 shatter, 1 restore
Items : sentinel shotgun set + dodging ring or Hate set + dodging ring still
Combo : evade, focus, break, root, shatter blast, blind repulse restore
Tips :
- Shotgun has long range! Use it to kite ur opponent! Morever, sentine lset gives good dodge! don't hesitate to put Evade at 6!
- If you use hate, try to be close this time ! Be sure you have evade buff on to be sure to dodge some


LvL50 Sentinel bear:

Base points : 108 Str, rest dex
Skills points : 1 vengeful, 1 crippling, 1 SmS, 5 crushing blow, 6 stomp, 6 beckon, 6 hell scream, 6 rage, 6 iron, 6 evade, 5 taunt.
Items : Death axe set + dodging ring
Combo : Rage, iron, evade, taunt, reckon hellscream, crush(if he is close) stomp SmS, slashes, restore
Tips : be close from a wall when u full the guy, like it he will be stuck on it and u will be able to use ur slashes lol
Since you're using ShotGun, and since it has a veryyyy good range, try to kite your opponent.. if he comes too close, use the combo above

LvL51 Fury or Hate bear:

Base points : 108 Str, rest dex
Skills points : 1 vengeful, 1 crippling, 1 SmS, 5 crushing blow, 6 stomp, 6 beckon, 6 hell scream, 6 rage, 6 iron, 6 evade, 6 taunt.
Items : Fury sword set lvl51 or Hate hax set lvl50 + dodging ring
Combo : Rage, iron, evade, taunt, reckon hellscream, crush(if he is close) stomp SmS, slashes, restore
Tips : be close from a wall when u full the guy, like it he will be stuck on it and u will be able to use ur slashes lol

From my guide : http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?52628-The-mega-GUIDE-PvP-Gears-Skills-tips-for-all-LvLs

09-16-2012, 01:38 PM
There's no 51 bird build.

09-16-2012, 01:53 PM
.. Bird add 1 point on restore, 5 points on dex,

And get raid set ^^

09-16-2012, 02:56 PM
.. Bird add 1 point on restore, 5 points on dex,

And get raid set ^^

I have ff shield and sword, and royal helmet and armor.
that good?

09-16-2012, 03:02 PM
Nope. The best 51 birds are warbirds, use sewer str helm and armor, and use sewer dex bow.

09-16-2012, 03:28 PM
.. Bird add 1 point on restore, 5 points on dex,

And get raid set ^^


09-16-2012, 08:20 PM
Nope. The best 51 birds are warbirds, use sewer str helm and armor, and use sewer dex bow.


09-16-2012, 08:26 PM
Nope. The best 51 birds are warbirds, use sewer str helm and armor, and use sewer dex bow.


Lol sure I asked funkypaws u know the lvl 51-53 pvp tournament winner and he told me this. If this is "Wrong" then what's right?

09-16-2012, 08:59 PM
Lol sure I asked funkypaws u know the lvl 51-53 pvp tournament winner and he told me this. If this is "Wrong" then what's right?

What'd I say o_O? Royal sewer bird+Recurve/Forgotten is pro :D

09-16-2012, 09:02 PM
When I asked you ig what a good set for a 51 bird is would be str sewer helm and armor and sewer bow/forgotten/recurve ect.

09-16-2012, 10:36 PM
I'm trying to be a max dodge bird, so that's why I have ff shield and sword.

09-18-2012, 08:52 PM
Bears are VERY fun at that level. They also aren't too hard.

Read my post on that thread.