View Full Version : Filters when creating a game

09-02-2010, 12:05 PM
My current soapbox is all about making pickup groups easier to form. Here is another idea along those lines.

Copied from my response to another thread:

There is no way to tell if the maker of the game instance is intending to rush, to clear the map, to play the maps sequentially, to farm kills, etc. This hinders the formation of pickup groups because people have to take the risk of rejection every time they enter an unknown player's game instance.

The way to fix it, I think, is to give the maker of the instance some more settings. The default can still be that everyone can join, but the settings could be minimum level (a number defaults to 1), filtered by type (check either warrior, archer, enchantress, or any), minimum stats (stat Y must be X defaults to any and 7). Then, if an instance is created for rush farming, they can say level 45, warriors, str 145. Then they can stun and run all day. Another example, for a pickup game to clear all five maps of AO1 might be level 35, any, any. This would serve simply to filter out any moochers.

Also, you would be able to see the settings and know if someone is looking for you! This would automatically be friendlier. If I scan over the AO1 games and see that they need an enchantress level 35 and above, I could use that character, if I wanted to, and I wouldn't worry that I'd get booted for unknown reasons.

Also, it would be great if you could change it on the fly, so that, if your only enchantress leaves halfway through a map, you can basically advertise that you need an enchantress.

I believe this is the sort of improvement that will result in more pickup groups formed for common purposes.

p.s. If anyone knows of a similar suggestion, please put a link to it in this thread. I doubt any other one would be as detailed as mine, but I would like the reinforecement of knowing that others have asked for this.

09-02-2010, 12:55 PM
totally agree with the minimum level filter, but i think the other two filters may create bias to certain classes

09-02-2010, 02:18 PM
There already IS a bias. People who rush farm want only Str Bears. If you enter with you level 45 Dex Bird, you get booted. It is perfectly OK to have this bias. If the game said they are looking only for Str Bears level 45, you would know that they are biased. Plus, you wouldn't be able to enter, so there would be no need for someone to boot you.

But I am hoping that the opposite would occur. Instead of 5 level 45 bears each making a separate game and booting everyone else, they would see that one already is started and they could join that.

And especially, if a game has 1 person level 45, as it currently stands, most people assume they will be booted. But if that person who started that game put setting on to allow anyone above level 35 of any type, you would know that you are welcome there.