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View Full Version : Possible tactics to increase rate of ichor drops

09-08-2012, 02:32 PM
This is a possible and I do mean that this is a possible tactic for increasing the rate of ichor drops.

Back story: started running Fire Forest yesterday I was on Thrasher and got 1 drop on my first run then none in the next dozen or so runs. Helped some guildies and went to bed.

Got up this morning & finished my OBD quest. And went back to Fire Forest. Pretty much the same results no ichor in the first 2 or 3 runs. But then a player joined who said to defeat the monolith first because the drops were better. Tried that one with some success. Maybe 1 or 2 drops in 4 runs or so. Not bad but still mildly discouraging.

Now to my theory: I started hosting runs but this time I let the party target the dragonet and I targeted the monolith. The drop rate JUMPED UP, to a nearly 100% drop rate in the course of 15 runs. The only time we did not get an ichor drop was when I died trying to target the monolith & was unable to re-acquire it before the dragonet was killed.

Keep in mind that this was only a small series of runs but still I felt that it was worth mentioning in case others want to try & see if their results matched mine.

Either way you can try it or not, but I am encouraged enough to continue testing. I would appreciate feed back if you do try this out or if someone has noticed a similar .

I'm keeping a running tally of 100 runs since I noticed the POSSIBLE tactic
16 runs - 15 ichor drops
8 runs - 8 ichor drops

09-08-2012, 02:54 PM
Well written, I think it really is a possibility. A lot of players are spreading the word to take out the Monolith first increasing drops for pinks or Ichor drops. Some of the players who are proposing this are the ones who dropped the Black Dragon stuff I believe.

It reminds me of Goblin King healing with the totem in the sewers but Dragonet doesn't heal that rapidly. It's actually easy to kill the boss without destroying the monolith. The party needs to split up between the Monolith & Dragonet or just take the Monolith first. Maybe that is a new twist the devs have implemented. Nuri the Gypsy was similar that ppl stopped even deactivating the mirrors & just targeted her.

Suentous PO
09-08-2012, 02:59 PM
I bet the monolith does have some other quirk we haven't figured yet, other than the heal. I'll try to do like a set # of runs (say 25 or so?) and record results, I'll post later.

09-08-2012, 03:35 PM
and this is how "do this for better drops" rumors start.... smh

Suentous PO
09-08-2012, 03:57 PM
So kill it with empirical data.

Suentous PO
09-08-2012, 03:59 PM
*Evil double post laugh*
Has anything ever dropped from it?

09-08-2012, 04:04 PM
I did two runs, people on thraher killed monolith first no drop 4 runs before it rushed boss first and got one all 4 runs

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

09-08-2012, 04:33 PM
so ur saying to target the monolith and dragonet at the same time?

09-08-2012, 04:39 PM
I just did 8 more runs, all pugs with the same results. I went 8 for 8 on ichor drops for a total of 25 ichor drops on 26 runs. I targeted the monolith each time and got an ichor drop each time. I'm not saying that this is a proven tactic if you read the subject line and the first line of my OP you would see that it is a POSSIBLE tactic. More testing is required, I may just be just be getting lucky.

I will keep a running tally of my results in my OP so that you can judge for yourself.

09-08-2012, 04:44 PM
I just did 8 more runs, all pugs with the same results. I went 8 for 8 on ichor drops for a total of 25 ichor drops on 26 runs. I targeted the monolith each time and got an ichor drop each time. I'm not saying that this is a proven tactic if you read the subject line and the first line of my OP you would see that it is a POSSIBLE tactic. More testing is required, I may just be just be getting lucky.

I will keep a running tally of my results in my OP so that you can judge for yourself.

09-08-2012, 04:45 PM
Drop rate is only Luck.. No special trick :) Sorry ^^

09-08-2012, 04:48 PM
Sorry for the double post.
@jcyee yes that seems to be what has been working for me.

Again: devs have not confirmed this it is just my personal observations. If anyone decides to try it out please let me know your results.

09-08-2012, 05:36 PM
Hey guys, take a look at this:

Quoted from RedStapler:

When you beat the Dragonet and the Monolith, watch the drops for dragonet ichor! Be warned: Making dragonet ichor is hard! You may not make it the first try, so replay the instance and try again!

"Making" it is hard?
Sounds like there is some sort of twist.
If we make something, it needs some brewing. Perhaps we make the ichor from the Monolith or something.
Some theory struggling to emerge here, but I believe it has to do with the Monolith.

It also seems pretty funny how the Dragonet is barely healed by the Monolith.
In Sewers, the Queen healed herself faster, and the Goblin King healed itself as well.
I believe something is going on here that we do not know.

Suentous PO
09-08-2012, 08:42 PM
Just did 25 runs on thrasher wearing bigger luck if it matters. In every case I went straight for the monolith. More often than not (but close) the boss died first.
Having always attacked the monolith I got out of 25, 12 ichor and, 13 times did not receive one. Never saw a pink drop.
I think it's notable that in about ten cases the monolith was destroyed first an no drop!

Conclusion: personal opinion is it doesn't affect.
Next I will do 25 and not count results if someone touches the monolith to compare.

09-08-2012, 10:37 PM
@ Whirlzap, that's what I was thinking also. That some how those two things are linked. Because in all of the other quests, while the item you needed might not drop all the time there was a fairly well established ratio of the required items that dropped, ie: shadow quest in AO3, you could pretty much count on finding 3 shadow monsters on each run.

@ Suentous, I'm wearing crafted sand goddess with bigger luck as well, plus thrasher. I don't know why my results are different from yours. My luck historically is abysimal. Which means I shouldn't be getting even a hint of an ichor drop if they are totally random, like pinks.

I will continue to log my results for 100 runs to see what happens. It will either prove out or not, either way, It's a goal to work for and it will keep me motivated.

09-08-2012, 11:01 PM
I did some some runs earlier with someone saying if you stand I'm middle of mono, and kill dragon, they were getting higher. They said that's what it seemed like to them.

09-08-2012, 11:02 PM
I did some some runs earlier with someone saying if you stand I'm middle of mono, and kill dragon, they were getting higher. They said that's what it seemed like to them.
Seems funny to me..
Isn't standing in the middle of Mono like standing in the middle of that DPS Lavapit....which means intentional suicide?

09-08-2012, 11:09 PM
Straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak:

You won't get more or less Ichor by destroying the Monolith. The Monolith's only purpose is to heal the Dragonet :-)

Yesterday, I got around 7 or 8 ichor in a row with group where all we did every time was bum rush the boss and completely ignore the monolith. The streak only ended because I stopped playing. I think you're just finding patterns in what's basically a role of the dice. Furthermore, I suspect the quick update last evening may have boosted the "drop rate" of the ichor (because people were complaining that they weren't getting them enough), so if you played most of the day yesterday without getting many, and then suddenly started getting them frequently, you might think you had found a pattern, when in fact the chances were just increased globally. That may or may not be tied into what you're experiencing, but I thought I'd throw that out there. I think they also bumped the pinks, because they were non-existent all day until the update, and then suddenly people started getting drops.

@ Whirlz, the rate at which the monolith heals the boss may be based on proximity. Sometimes it doesn't seem to heal him at all, and sometimes he almost jumps immediately back to full health. Occasionally, he runs to the middle and sort of stands right on the monolith. I haven't double checked this, but it seemed like when he healed fast, it was when he was very close it.

09-08-2012, 11:26 PM
I did some some runs earlier with someone saying if you stand I'm middle of mono, and kill dragon, they were getting higher. They said that's what it seemed like to them.
Seems funny to me..
Isn't standing in the middle of Mono like standing in the middle of that DPS Lavapit....which means intentional suicide?

IDK. He didn't die but on a couple runs (no mage). And he was updating count. I'd say about 60-70%. With the testing you guys are going, I thought you might want to try one more method.

Personally, I think nothing is related, and it's completely random.

09-08-2012, 11:36 PM
So i was running with the same party for a bit and we decided to bring the dragonet out of the hoss room and not even touch monolith. It worked for 3 runs straight until my friend joined -.- i blame it on him lol

09-09-2012, 02:26 AM
So i was running with the same party for a bit and we decided to bring the dragonet out of the hoss room and not even touch monolith. It worked for 3 runs straight until my friend joined -.- i blame it on him lol

Lol that must be me lol sry dude

Suentous PO
09-09-2012, 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Cinco
You won't get more or less Ichor by destroying the Monolith. The Monolith's only purpose is to heal the Dragonet :-)

Thank you Mcbain, now we can kill this rumor wherever it pops up.

09-09-2012, 12:17 PM
Lots of great theories here. I will share this, for what it's worth, I did about 20 runs yesterday only killing Dragonet and I think we obtained Ichor about 13 times.

You can rub, kiss or blow on dice for good luck before a roll, but in the end the odds remain the same. I believe they developed this quest to be ultra hard and quite honestly to make money. This quest will take you approximately 30 hours (assuming average 3 minute Forest runs) if you drop Ichor 75% of the time (this is optimistic). 30 hours x 40 plat/hour (thrasher) = 1200 plat spent. That does not include the plat you'll spend to hit 76 when that arrives in a few weeks.

Well done STS and good luck everyone.

09-09-2012, 12:20 PM
Lots of great theories here. I will share this, for what it's worth, I did about 20 runs yesterday only killing Dragonet and I think we obtained Ichor about 13 times.

You can rub, kiss or blow on dice for good luck before a roll, but in the end the odds remain the same. I believe they developed this quest to be ultra hard and quite honestly to make money. This quest will take you approximately 30 hours (assuming average 3 minute Forest runs) if you drop Ichor 75% of the time (this is optimistic). 30 hours x 40 plat/hour (thrasher) = 1200 plat spent. That does not include the plat you'll spend to hit 76 when that arrives in a few weeks.

Well done STS and good luck everyone.

I've already used 2 Thrashers for the drops, will probably use a third before I run out of "spare Plat".
Then it'll be hardcore nonelixired farming from there on.

09-09-2012, 12:37 PM
Yes, the randomness equates into a good business opportunity for STS. Not only is it exclusive to level 71 players, most of whom spend plat regularly, but it throws out an almost impossible quest purely because its a random drop. People have spent a lot of time and plat already with not a lot to show for it. Not to mention how its being used to entice players into purchasing the 7 day 2x xp elixer so they can join in. Smart thinking.

Im 42/500 after 4 or 5 elixers, I can tell you it is 100% random, suggesting otherwise is nothing but wishful thinking. Hopefully they increase the drop rate when the level cap comes out otherwise this quest will take months, or more than likely I will never complete it.

09-09-2012, 03:44 PM
Why would you thrasher this map if you're already at 71? I can see using a luck elixir, but thrasher seems pointless to me.

Suentous PO
09-09-2012, 03:52 PM
I thrash it because it's faster, and because I join pugs allmost exclusively. There are some bad pve'ers even at that lev, if roided, I can salvage any mess. If "straight" I can't always take up the slack of some random person. I'm gonna speed through this on one toon, and cruise through it a second time on a diff. One.

09-09-2012, 05:21 PM
I'll be lucky if I ever complete this quest with my second character unless it's a level 100.