View Full Version : Lvl 17 dex bear pvp is SOOOO EASY!

09-09-2012, 10:37 PM
I had a bear with
6 rage
6 iron blood
3 stomp
All I had to do was buff stomp to SMS if stomp stunned go in for kill and if it didn't withdraw till it came back.
All u need is:
Lvl 17 your forgotten bow
Lvl 5 or 15 experts (jewel theifs leather is better IMO)
Snipers avian helm
Critical ring
U will win 95% of fights yes even vs entertaining or kawakasaki too

09-10-2012, 12:22 AM

09-10-2012, 01:37 AM
Lol.. Easy in the way with forgotten bows...

09-10-2012, 04:42 AM
That's what very low level twinking is all about. Even before and after forgotten event, forgotten bows just made it easier with your +30 dmg buff.

09-10-2012, 05:16 AM
It wouldn't be that easy if the Forgotten weapons get nerfed.. IF.. :tranquillity:

09-10-2012, 06:07 AM
It wouldn't be that easy if the Forgotten weapons get nerfed.. IF.. :tranquillity:

I'm sure even if they were nerfed they would still be the best weapon. I wish pros would have a fb boycott. And go back to talons which took skill

09-10-2012, 06:15 AM
The "pros" went to 51-56. Dont worry, we left Gundamsone so none of the noobs can say they are best 17 bear. 1 v1 me without forgotten bow at 17. You could try with the bow, but that wouldnt be as fun. As far as boycotting, I make people put it away or die. Usually.

09-10-2012, 07:04 AM

09-10-2012, 11:11 AM
U will win 95% of fights yes even vs entertaining or kawakasaki too

Obvious troll is obvious. You arent even worth my time of setting up a 1v1 between you and Ent. 95% huh? You dont even know what you're talking about.

09-10-2012, 02:43 PM
Obvious troll is obvious. You arent even worth my time of setting up a 1v1 between you and Ent. 95% huh? You dont even know what you're talking about.

Whoever u r I'm sure I've beaten u b4

09-10-2012, 06:52 PM
Whoever u r I'm sure I've beaten u b4

Have you beaten me before?
Hint: Don't say "yes, I have" because I don't even PvP at 17.

09-10-2012, 06:59 PM
Whoever u r I'm sure I've beaten u b4

Have you beaten me before?
Hint: Don't say "yes, I have" because I don't even PvP at 17.

Why yes I have
Hint: Don't say "No, you haven't" because I don't have a 17 twink either.

09-10-2012, 07:08 PM
I thought this was common knowledge??

09-10-2012, 09:06 PM
Whoever u r I'm sure I've beaten u b4

This is 17 pvp -.-" Low level is all about luck..

09-10-2012, 10:13 PM
This thread needs locked. Sick of people talking down low level, then when I have convince someone that low level isnt just a bunch of kids, a thread like this pops up. I think the reputation at low level is a contributing factor to the reason it is how it is. Say its full of kids on forums, adults will avoid it. Kids dont care. By saying low level is a bunch of kids, you only make it worse...

09-10-2012, 10:21 PM
This thread needs locked. Sick of people talking down low level, then when I have convince someone that low level isnt just a bunch of kids, a thread like this pops up. I think the reputation at low level is a contributing factor to the reason it is how it is. Say its full of kids on forums, adults will avoid it. Kids dont care. By saying low level is a bunch of kids, you only make it worse...

*Goes into low lvl pvp. Ask ppl their ages. Gets 11-14* hmmmm...
Guess it is just adults huh

09-10-2012, 10:32 PM
*Goes into low lvl pvp. Ask ppl their ages. Gets 11-14* hmmmm...
Guess it is just adults huh

*adult: hears low level PvP is all kids. Doesnt give it a chance. Reputation remains unchanged.

09-10-2012, 11:14 PM
When 17 was at its prime it was ran by the same people that are now running 51-56. So start talking down to 51-56 level bracket. Its the same exact people now. Also 51-56 is more about luck... I can earn an accidental death from a random person there pretty easy with them dodging or me non etc. while at 17, it was almost an exact science. You knew who you were going to beat and who was going to beat you. You can tell by them hitting 76 crits and you hitting 72 crits. The game was that close at one point (before forgottens). But back to the point. If low lvl was always a bunch of kids, now 51-56 is ran by kids also. Start flaming that level bracket also guys.

09-10-2012, 11:31 PM
When 17 was at its prime it was ran by the same people that are now running 51-56. So start talking down to 51-56 level bracket. Its the same exact people now. Also 51-56 is more about luck... I can earn an accidental death from a random person there pretty easy with them dodging or me non etc. while at 17, it was almost an exact science. You knew who you were going to beat and who was going to beat you. You can tell by them hitting 76 crits and you hitting 72 crits. The game was that close at one point (before forgottens). But back to the point. If low lvl was always a bunch of kids, now 51-56 is ran by kids also. Start flaming that level bracket also guys.

51-56 isn't luck, it's timing.

Oh, also, everybody who is saying its luck...

First thing I need to say: Are you telling me you're going to need a back up plan when the lucky dodge happens? *gasp* Too much effort! Too many people throw down on end game PvP saying its all luck when they don't understand end game PvP completely.

If its all luck, please provide an explanation why there are pros in end game? Why do those same people win fights and come up on top? They surely can't be that lucky all the time.

My way to counter luck? Always have a backup plan.

Note: Vviked, apologies that I quoted you, this post wasn't meant to anyone in particular, just the first sentence applied to you, nothing else.

09-11-2012, 05:59 AM
51-56 isn't luck, it's timing.

Oh, also, everybody who is saying its luck...

First thing I need to say: Are you telling me you're going to need a back up plan when the lucky dodge happens? *gasp* Too much effort! Too many people throw down on end game PvP saying its all luck when they don't understand end game PvP completely.

If its all luck, please provide an explanation why there are pros in end game? Why do those same people win fights and come up on top? They surely can't be that lucky all the time.

My way to counter luck? Always have a backup plan.

Note: Vviked, apologies that I quoted you, this post wasn't meant to anyone in particular, just the first sentence applied to you, nothing else.

Its about making ur own luck weather its the combo rebuff u do or the gear u wear. I've lost many times to ppl in skipper cuz they dodge my attacks. So once u learn how to manipulate this luck even if by a little it will help. Sometimes luck isn't always on ur side so wear a rabbits foot when pvping

09-11-2012, 07:16 AM
All I'm saying is that it's easier to get a dry run of no dodges for 15 hits here and they get a kill when you're the obviously better one (hate to sound cocky) but at 17 that never happened. It was always an exact thing. That's my only point. 56 is my favorite level bracket, not talking down on it at all:). I might even try endgame one of these expansions. :3

09-11-2012, 11:00 AM
All I'm saying is that it's easier to get a dry run of no dodges for 15 hits here and they get a kill when you're the obviously better one (hate to sound cocky) but at 17 that never happened. It was always an exact thing. That's my only point. 56 is my favorite level bracket, not talking down on it at all:). I might even try endgame one of these expansions. :3

Endgame, huh? I'd love to see you there, you'd probably be a beast. :p

One of the few twinks I know that throughly understands his classes.

09-11-2012, 02:14 PM
Pffft... I taught vv all he knows.

09-11-2012, 03:36 PM
Under level 16 (espec lvl 15) the sbl shatter kite combo is better then forogt bow. This only works if u stomp first wich I early almost do.

Ill explain: in the time sbl hits u can stomp+ makw another shot if timed correct.
In the meantime ur ebemy cab just often shoot one arrow and if stomp to late its just the arrow.

The reason why I prefer sbl is shatter wich talon doesnt and full dmg is better then tank since forgot has very high dmg.

Also 16+ fails since ib tanks talon and sbl and doesnt tank forgot.

Also i probs spelled alot wrong, sorry ;)

Yes, I am 11-14 and do 10-17 pvp ;)

09-11-2012, 04:48 PM
Yich does know his classes very well too. As do I with birds. With low levels...

09-11-2012, 06:37 PM
Lol way to steal my thunder fellas :3

09-11-2012, 09:01 PM
Yich does know his classes very well too. As do I with birds. With low levels...

I know nothing, just ask Samhayne.

09-11-2012, 09:53 PM
If I don't will he rename <Sit> to <Sits Sanwiches>? Lol...

09-11-2012, 10:55 PM
If I don't will he rename <Sit> to <Sits Sanwiches>? Lol...

Dont give him any ideas.

Mage till the end
09-11-2012, 11:22 PM
You lots of threaded about pvp but I have yet to c u take up anyone offer on a fair 1-1 fight

09-12-2012, 02:26 PM
Who Mage?

09-12-2012, 02:26 PM
Dont give him any ideas.

Lol that would suck if he did..l

09-12-2012, 02:30 PM
You lots of threaded about pvp but I have yet to c u take up anyone offer on a fair 1-1 fight

I see forumers in game all the time. There doesnt have to be a set date, but if two forumers got beef and they see each other on, generally stuff happens.