View Full Version : anyone know the stats?

09-11-2012, 03:56 AM
stats of level 31 cap item packs

1H wep:
Icy Talons: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 12 Attack, 34 Def, 60 health
Firebrand: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 37 attack, 14 defense, 55 health
Pestilence: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 36 Attack, 13 Defense, 50 health (same as Immortalius)
Immortalius: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 36 attack, 13 defense, 50 health (same as Pestilence)
Nightshadow: 44 damage, 70.8 DPS, 35 ATK, 14 DEF, 60 health

2H wep:
Flame Blade:
Frost Bite: 52 Damage, 50.5 dps, 16 Attack, 12 Defense, 195 health
Electric Headsman:

Ecliptic Moon Gem: 36 attack, 11 Defense, 45 health
Crimson Blood Gem: 10 attack, 12 defense, 185 health

stats of current level cap pack weapons.
Still need Flame Blade and Electric Headsman, thanks.

09-11-2012, 10:12 AM
anyone know the stats of a level 31 item pack weapon? please do contribute :P

Frost Bite:
Flame Blade:
Icy Talons:
Ecliptic Moon Gem:
Electric Headsman:
Immortalius: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 36 attack, 13 defense, 50 health
Nightshadow: 44 damage, 70.8 DPS, 35 ATK, 14 DEF, 60 health

need some stats thanks :).

Icy Talons: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 12 Attack, 34 Def, 60 health
Firebrand: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 36 attack, 13 defense, 50 health (same as Immortalius)

09-11-2012, 01:36 PM
anyone know the stats of a level 31 item pack weapon? please do contribute :P

Frost Bite:
Flame Blade:
Icy Talons:
Ecliptic Moon Gem:
Electric Headsman:
Immortalius: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 36 attack, 13 defense, 50 health
Nightshadow: 44 damage, 70.8 DPS, 35 ATK, 14 DEF, 60 health

need some stats thanks :).

Pestilence: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 36 Attack, 13 Defense, 50 health
Ecliptic Moon Gem: 36 attack, 11 Defense, 45 health
Icy Talons: 45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 12 Attack, 34 Defense, 60 health

All I have for now

09-12-2012, 06:09 AM
thanks guys. Anyone confirm these stats and anyone got Frostbite, Flameblade, and Electric Headsman?
Man, isn't that a waste to buy firebrand and Pestilence? They all cost the same as Immortalius! firebrand (25 plat) Pestilence (15 plat) Immortalius (5 plat) :P

09-12-2012, 08:09 AM
thanks guys. Anyone confirm these stats and anyone got Frostbite, Flameblade, and Electric Headsman?
Man, isn't that a waste to buy firebrand and Pestilence? They all cost the same as Immortalius! firebrand (25 plat) Pestilence (15 plat) Immortalius (5 plat) :P

Firebrand looks cooler though

09-12-2012, 08:14 AM
Firebrand looks cooler though

Only possible answer i can think of too.

09-12-2012, 10:14 AM
Only possible answer i can think of too.

Only answer there is.

09-12-2012, 11:15 AM
Firebrand will be getting a small bump in the next patch across all levels. You're right, what's the point if it's on par with immortalius?!

09-13-2012, 03:14 AM
Firebrand will be getting a small bump in the next patch across all levels. You're right, what's the point if it's on par with immortalius?!

Thats why I thought it was weird when one of my friends changed from immortalius to firebrand that there wasn't any stat change. You should give pestilence a teeny tiny bump to. It's on par with immortalius too.

09-13-2012, 08:09 PM
okayyyyyy, anyone got the updated firebrand stats?

09-15-2012, 10:13 PM
anyone know the new Firebrand stats?

Aaroniero Arruruerie
09-16-2012, 09:17 AM

jah mang, firebrand stats

09-16-2012, 02:20 PM

jah mang, firebrand stats


They just added +1atk +1def +5hp from the way they used to be.

I'll stick to my lvl31 Nightshadow then. X.x

09-17-2012, 05:50 AM

They just added +1atk +1def +5hp from the way they used to be.

I'll stick to my lvl31 Nightshadow then. X.x

but + 8 hp if u count the atk and def XD

09-17-2012, 05:51 AM

jah mang, firebrand stats

I see that you have a level 31 frostbite :P maybe electric and flame too. Mind posting the stats?

Aaroniero Arruruerie
09-17-2012, 08:43 AM
for some reason i cant upload from this computer. frost bite stats are

52 Damage, 50.5 dps, 16 Attack, 12 Defense, 195 health

I have no desire of getting the electric headsman nor flame blade since two handed weapons aren't my thing. only reason i got frostbite was because i needed another blue colored weapon to match my biomorph :)

09-17-2012, 01:22 PM

They just added +1atk +1def +5hp from the way they used to be.

I'll stick to my lvl31 Nightshadow then. X.x

but + 8 hp if u count the atk and def XD
Still less hp than NS. XP

09-18-2012, 06:27 AM
Still less hp than NS. XP

only 2 less hp :P
If i could chose between them I'll chose firebrand, but I don't have plat so I'll stick with my NS too.

09-18-2012, 01:02 PM
only 2 less hp :P
If i could chose between them I'll chose firebrand, but I don't have plat so I'll stick with my NS too.

I can get plat but the NS is actually working well for me. The changes to the FB doesn't make me want to buy it this time around. I.e. not worth wasting my money over it this time lol.

09-21-2012, 03:52 AM
New Crimson Blood Gem, already have stats.

09-26-2012, 06:54 AM
@ prefer nightshades over fbd....
I think... since improvement over attk, over dam. and over DPS... firebrand is like this... just for only the 2 less hp...
so therefore i'd choose firebrand > nightshades...
but then again... Ice talons for the same hp as nightshades, has a similar high stats....
But then again there is a much better weapon than ice talons... even though it's not defense specialized... :P
btw Biomorph =
43 damage, 69.2 DPS, 10 att, 9 def, and a fairly good 180 HP.
Duskstrikers (patrol wep) = 41 dam, 65.8 DPS, 11 att, 34 def, and 45 HP...... meaning lower than ice talons XD... but you get it in one go, with the vanity bundle.....

10-18-2012, 10:03 PM
*Bumps up Post*

Another item to post :)

1H weapon
Item : Bloodied Machete (Level 31)
45 damage, 72.5 DPS, 38 attack, 13 defense, 50 health

Pretty good weapon

Hope this helps people out when making plat buying decisions.

04-09-2013, 04:34 PM
Does anyone know the stats of the crimson and glacial sabres lvl 36?