View Full Version : Epic pve battle - wld it were tht this wld be possible!!

09-03-2010, 12:46 AM
IF ONLY. . .

So I saw this vision see. Of a massive scale battle. I’m talking epick scale stuff that would make old Peter Jakson sit up and take note’s. And I thought maybe we could start a post to discuss it. Who knows.

Of course it would take mad lvl’s of implementation - but i’m sure sts can do it.

The real problem then come’s back to finding a phalanx of players that is actually good enough to act as a cohesive unit. Else the AI win’s.

But there you have it. Instead of a town full of dudes trading their pinks (!?!) I’d rather see a town under siege full of meaningful chatter - stuff like - mayday mayday we haf a breach in the northern wall. Reinforcements now. And other meaningful stuff like - Medic . . . .MEDIC. . .Blackhawkks down - Blackhawkks down - over!?!

This is as best as I can describe it. Perhaps some of the more techno-savvy people can comment on why it would or would not be feasible.

A Battlefield, A fortress of some-sort to defend - perhaps even a couple of damsels in dee-stress. Could even be loot in the fortress what need's to be defended. That kind of thing.

09-03-2010, 01:18 AM
I get u, nice idea like going to the frontlines.

09-03-2010, 06:12 AM
Okay so can settle for a lvl where at-least 10-15 players can go up against powered up baddies - or baddies in large-ish mobs. That sort of compromise on the concept should be workable no?

Also I want of Kite-Shield that say Mastercheff for contribution of such good idea to the community. Thnks very much. [kidding kidding]. . no really.

09-04-2010, 12:11 AM
finally found this post
saw it in chatbox
i completeley get wat u mean it wud be great perfect for guilds two
it has potential for the whole trade of characters u can have archers on def warriors out on battlefeild and medics to heal and clean out the weak ones
i was rlly waiting for a post like this and am happy to c it
i think ill email this two the devs i rlly want this in in game

09-04-2010, 12:26 AM
Great idea but this isn't a FPS but /Support

09-04-2010, 12:34 AM
reprhase that plz

09-04-2010, 04:54 AM
Demonicdevyn - Finally - Someone who understands us!!

Good to know good to know.

Implementation would be awesome. As you said - even for Guild vs Guild deff. going to need more than a 5v5 scenario. Also PvE groups larger than 5, say of 10-15 would allow for more effective players to group together. Which is to say there’s a better chance you land up with a mage that is actually aware of the other players health, or warriors capable of executing combo’s without any need for text based prompting. That sort of thing.

09-04-2010, 08:48 AM
I Agree

/10 Chars

-Peace, MC

09-04-2010, 11:32 PM
I Agree

-Peace, MC

I got's your back Masterchief. [I always want I should get to say that!]