View Full Version : Birthday Event Loot Issues

04-16-2023, 04:25 AM
Hello STS team,

I'm reaching out, partly on behalf of so many other players, to share that we don't believe the loot table is behaving correctly. It's now over halfway through the event, with only 5 days left, and not one person has confirmed seeing the Superlative party hat (no one has this year's bday title), there are no black starry pieces and no one can confirm ever seeing any of the classic wings, the multiple pet options, or even seeing any mythical drops.

For 115 players, we all drop experience orbs - an insane amount of them - from mobs, minibosses, and the main boss as well. We rarely (if ever) even see the elite 25 gear that drops, and last year those dropped exponentially higher too.

We truly believe that the loot table is not acting correctly, regardless if the table shows the items are included are your end. Perhaps you don't expect orbs to drop for 115s, and that would dilute the other vanities to a theoretical zero rate.

There was a recent update - it was a server reboot message in the game, and Futumsh's message nested within the main birthday announcement's thread - mentioning an increase in vanity drop rates. That was about 5 days ago, and yet we are not experiencing anything different. We don't know if that was referring to the locked birthday crates (although we assume it was boss loot) but there is no detail anywhere to help clear our confusion.

We beg you to take a deeper look into this - thank you!

04-16-2023, 07:39 AM
We're looking into it and will figure something out.

It looks like the birthday gauntlet dungeon doesn't go to a high enough level to give the top end loot.

04-16-2023, 10:59 AM
This has been addressed with today's update.