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04-06-2010, 02:30 PM
Is it possible to change the role of your class in PL based on how skill points are distributed?

In example, an Enchantress acting more like a Mage for DPS rather than healing, or a Warrior specializing in DPS over aggro management?

04-06-2010, 03:01 PM
Yes - it is quite possible - whether you are spending stat & skill points as you advance or if you are re-spending all of your points with the Character Re-Spec feature.

First, in terms of Statistics:
There's no stopping an Enchantress from putting all of her statistic points in Strength. Nothing to prevent a Warrior from spending all of his statistic points on Intelligence or Dexterity or an Archer from focusing on either STR or INT to the exclusion of Dexterity. These choices will allow your character to use gear that is not standard for their class. A Warrior with enough INT can use a magical staff weapon and fire darkbolts, etc. An Avian Archer can build up enough STR to use a massive black-iron Claymore, and so forth.

Secondarily, in terms of Skills:
You can also spend skill points as you wish - ranking-up abilities that emphasize your preferred playstyle. Enchantresses can definitely spend all of their points on "Lightning" and "Firestorm" and "Ice Storm," while not spending any points on "Heal" or "Resurrect" or any of the "Blessing" party-buffs. The result is a very powerful DPS Mage who'll wind up chugging a lot of health potions (unless she's also spend a lot of points on her Strength statistic)... and possibly a lot of mana potions (because she won't have the advanced Intelligence statistics required for rapid mana regeneration and a larger mana pool). Additionally, a Warrior could spend all of his points on "Rage" and "Stomp" and his myriad "Slash" techniques to maximize DPS.

(It's also important to mention in this reply that each race / class combination is locked into a particular set of skills. You can re-spend all of your skill points on only those skills you prefer, but an Enchantress will never be able to unlock "Warrior Rage" or the "Ursan Hellscream." In turn, Warriors and Archers will not be able to learn the Enchantress' powerful elemental damage spells like "Firestorm" or "Lightning.")

Hope that helps!

- Cinco

08-11-2011, 07:50 PM

Lol, I thought this was interesting, so I'm showing it

08-11-2011, 08:39 PM
Good job bringing back a post that is almost a year and a half old that almost everyone knows about now.

08-11-2011, 08:41 PM
The origins of dual spec-ing.