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View Full Version : Power leveling in Alien Oasis 2: The Sandstone Hall

09-03-2010, 05:36 AM
Ok, So I was on my level 35 just looking for games about my level. I join a game in AO2:2, and there was a couple of people with exp pots. The levels were about 30's-43's. I asked them if they were doing exp runs, and they said yeah. The only problem is that they have to pass 1 Djinn. They don't kill the bosses at all. So I stay with them for a round or two to see how they Power Level.
I guess they found a new way of Power Leveling.

Don't flame or Troll me! I'm nice! :D

09-03-2010, 05:41 AM
Well spotted Sled, this was suspected. Nice to see other input to the discussion, oh and welcome to the forums

09-03-2010, 05:42 AM
Yup, and I for one am against powerleveling. I powerleveled one character, once I reached level 30, but I am leveling normal now, only to skip Forest Haven, since the XP and kills take FOREVER alone.

I hope the devs bump up mummy debuffs, or bring their speed up, since any dex, and maybe even int character at level 20ish can solo that place easier than LE.

09-03-2010, 06:07 AM
I hate how some people try to impose there will on everyone else just because you dont like it doesent mean you should have it stopped! If you dont like it then press the exit level button and done. People already cant power level in tombs of myans now you try to take a slower map too. I dont see them imposing on you that you have to play a certain way according to their wishes so dont do it to them grrrrrr

09-03-2010, 07:04 AM
Hello Gosumi, I am lvling in the sandstone tombs too with my bear so feel free to join me (Ill be back in an hour). The other djinns are optional but I still like killing them :) Especially the last room with three bosses.

09-03-2010, 07:11 AM
I hate how some people try to impose there will on everyone else just because you dont like it doesent mean you should have it stopped! If you dont like it then press the exit level button and done. People already cant power level in tombs of myans now you try to take a slower map too. I dont see them imposing on you that you have to play a certain way according to their wishes so dont do it to them grrrrrr

I think it is safe enough to say that a majority of us level 45 forum people don't like the Mynas generation from what I have seen. It doesn't give the players the feel of the game. They don't get to experience it, they have Sandy Robes, and Osiris staffs, and they don't know much about the game. They think getting to level 45 means you're the best, when that's not true whatsoever! It just gets annoying to see level 45s in that kind of gear, and you give them something to help them, and they sell it for dirt cheap, and they give you horrible offers. The list goes on and on, today a level 45 mage messaged me after I was advertising that I was selling my Ryylox blaster, and they said "How much" and I said "Offer?" and they said "Wait" "It is for mages right?" trust me, the whole list is very long. If you look around in town, you will see some level 45s with 800 kills, or wearing sandy robes, or asking very nooby questions, and that's because they have only been exposed to AO2:3 and now 2.

09-03-2010, 11:19 AM
I for one am happy they are power leveling on two. It makes it easier to jump in a game after them and farm the boss. The big problem with Myanas power levelers was there was no reason to farm Sobek, so you couldn't benefit from them clearing for you. Oh, and I actually powerleveled my bird from 40-45 in Two. I just happened to also stick around and kill the bosses with the other farmers.

09-03-2010, 11:35 AM
I power lvled my tank all the way which is why I have 900+ kills hah...But my first char I lvled totally legit...From Forest haven to AO2...And that is definitely what players need to do because if you lvl from forest haven to AO2 you will learn so much while you are lvling.

09-03-2010, 12:04 PM
I posted the math on this yesterday in the "Mynas Tombs *must* be fixed" thread.

You get about 75 XP (times multiplier), including one lesser djinni, and it lasts less than 5 minutes. In the old Mynas Tombs you would get about 90 xp (times multiplier). So, if it's red and you have an XP pot, you get 300 XP instead of the previous 360 XP, or expressed as a percentage, 83.3%. If you could make 10 runs for 3600 xp in one hour previously, it now takes 12 runs in one hour and ten minutes.

Basically, powerlevelling is alive and well.

They need to add a few D'Jin gangsters in the Sandstone Halls, is all. Green dudes with staffs and grey dudes, too.

I hate how some people try to impose there will on everyone else just because you dont like it doesent mean you should have it stopped! If you dont like it then press the exit level button and done. People already cant power level in tombs of myans now you try to take a slower map too. I dont see them imposing on you that you have to play a certain way according to their wishes so dont do it to them grrrrrr

The problem is, anything that is too easy gets old fast. Of course most people will ALWAYS take the path of least resistance. It is up to the devs to create challenges and trials that give the players an experience that is balanced between difficulty and reward. When there is an EXPLOIT like this, they have to clamp down on it.

All the work that they put into writing stories, mapping out the skelton complexes, the polar levels, the swamps, and the first part of the desert trilogy is WASTED EFFORT because of this exploit. They might as well have just handed you all 45 levels for 10 plat, and said, Here, you don't really need to PLAY this game, just repeat the same 5 minutes of massacre for three days and we'll give you the keys to the kingdom. You don't have to buy any other campaigns. You don't have to work for your levels like everyone before you. You can just buy the stairway to heaven. as if...

Nobody wants that. People just do it because there is nothing else to do.

Look, don't be in such a rush to get to the point where there is no more content!!! That's crazy. It's the journey, not the destination. Having is not enjoying. You don't chug a fine wine. What other cliche do I need to say so you will understand.

When you have to die a dozen times trying to kill Dead Eyes at the level he was designed, then your party adjusts there tactics and finally takes him down, the reward you get is a dopamine rush in your brain. It's been scientifically proven. This is what makes you want more. This does not happen for power levellers. That's why they move on to other games after a few weeks.

I for one am happy they are power leveling on two. It makes it easier to jump in a game after them and farm the boss. The big problem with Myanas power levelers was there was no reason to farm Sobek, so you couldn't benefit from them clearing for you. Oh, and I actually powerleveled my bird from 40-45 in Two. I just happened to also stick around and kill the bosses with the other farmers.

I had about two levels to go, at 43, and I decided to try power levelling. I did two runs, computed the math, and realized that all I had to do was run AO1 followed by AO2 completely and I would get to 45. So I bagged it and did the consecutive maps, which was a lot more fun... and I got two pinks.

09-03-2010, 03:26 PM
Oh, and I actually powerleveled my bird from 40-45 in Two. I just happened to also stick around and kill the bosses with the other farmers.

Did the same thing with my paladin! :D I wasn't looking to power level at first, but once I realized how much quick XP you get from the mummies, I couldn't resist popping some pots for that part. But it was also fun at <45 to tank for the two level 45 mages who were with me (in fact at some point just one mage remained and we did just fine between the two of us.) And I did get lots of experience at pulling just one djinn at a time from the big room.

Come to think of it, not sure if it's still power leveling if you actually stay to finish the level and kill bosses, and have to talk strategy with your teammates to do so.

09-04-2010, 09:04 AM
Wait lemme get an Isis wand then mess up sandstone hall

09-04-2010, 09:22 AM
Oh if I had a nerf stick.....I'd sharpen it and stab me some noobs.