View Full Version : Platinum discount

09-15-2012, 03:07 AM
The standard price for platinum is quite expensive.
A lot of people in the game don't seem to buy platinum or hold off buying due to the price.
At the higher levels in the game, platnum is needed to buy elixa to get through certain levels or past bosses. This is especially important with the number of players at higher levels being less and it being harder to team up at times that are suitable.
As an example, with an Archer holding good gear, it's currently impossible (for me) to get past the final boss in Monster Bash Dungeon even with full Elixa. With almost no other players running that level (due to it costing 3p) it remains almost a solo level. With enough practice it is probably doable as a solo, but the cost of practicing is very high.

It's great that the developers constantly add to the game and I am happy to continue to support their development efforts, but the current platinum to game level ratio sees the game being a LOT more expensive at higher levels.

Can I suggest more regular platinum discounts, or a longer term fix that either rewards more platinum purchases (accumulated discount) or players can find platinum discounts in the game.

These are the words of someone who loves the game and would like to level another character type to 71, but is not sure due to the high cost of doing so.