View Full Version : New gear price?

09-16-2012, 07:30 PM
I'm just wondering..what do you think the price of the new gear will be? Will it be pretty common and cheap like the current L40 gear? Or rare and expensive, like platinum XD

09-16-2012, 07:54 PM
Probablly for first day around 50k+ because everyone will want to custom it then pvp

09-16-2012, 08:26 PM
I hope crafting doesn't cost so so much geez I hate that

09-16-2012, 08:34 PM
Depends on drop rate lets hope its cheap!! and plentiful

William To
09-16-2012, 08:37 PM
40k+ first week

09-16-2012, 08:50 PM
So youre saying it's expensive at start then goes down quickly. Was the L40 gear expensive like that at start?

09-16-2012, 09:17 PM
So youre saying it's expensive at start then goes down quickly. Was the L40 gear expensive like that at start?

Yes went from 40/50k - 200 cred in a week or less.

Same lvl farming, so you would need to be lvl 40 before you can drop the gear (Enhancer dudes) and then it becomes redundant in a few days time.

Lvl 40 Epic gear was ridiculous. Worst thing they ever added to SL.

Basically if you aren't runnin Juiced up you will have no chance on making a few cred.

Lvl 36-39 run with lvl 40s and get nothing for their trouble, while 40s got epic drops lect right and center.

^^^^ Really hoping StS dropped that, but guess we will see soon enough (:

09-17-2012, 06:28 AM
It will be high on the first day. Then depending on the drop rates it will come down from there. From what i've seen once people figure out what the drop rates are the prices will never come up. DL has that right. Keep it low then make minor adjustments each day until right. Once the floodgate is opened there ain't no going back.

Voleria was disappointing in that aspect. Previous levels Purples were better for resale without being unreasonable. the droprate was so high on purples it made greens totally useless and worthless in voleria. I like to return to the rarity scale meaning something.

P.s. I will probably ragequit if the savant legendary chests start dropping like water on the new maps that I paid 40k a piece for to outfit my toons with.
That won't be cool at all. Lol. Probably not that extreme.

09-17-2012, 06:48 AM
Think you are missing the point made above.

Voleria Drop rates were silly high. However NO one got these drops at first, becuase you needed to be -1 Cap before they started dropping.

When the Enhanchers/Hardcore hit 40 they started dropping and selling for quite a reasonable amount. When the majority hit 40 they would under price them to sell quicker. After a few days - week old they were abundant selling at 200-400 cred mostly, a little higher for helm and chest, but that didn't last long at all.

I don't believe StS want SL to have an inflation level, just seems to stay at 0, unless you are lucky and drop a vanity or a merchant.

09-17-2012, 07:15 AM
Why do less people play on savant now? because hive? less people play on savant -less pink drop Pink prices became Expensive :|

09-17-2012, 07:47 AM
Talking about the initial release of the Cap, Epics. Not expansions. (Think there was 6 pink in Game at that time before 41 cap release)

If you (as in all that weren't around on Vol release) were there back last year, you would know what I mean.

Say all drops were redundant, Then what? People would just get full sets and move on again.

09-17-2012, 09:51 AM
Honestly I hope prices drop, that way more people can get the gear, and it's not limited to the Richie McRichersons.

09-17-2012, 10:06 AM
I'd bet the pinks will be rare drops unless you use a miners. I'm sure there will be 2 sets of gear epic/platinum then the legendary sets.

09-17-2012, 11:31 AM
Honestly I hope prices drop, that way more people can get the gear, and it's not limited to the Richie McRichersons.

I can't agree on that bro...

Legendaries should stay legendary - like their name - when they drop - those who got em becomes a legend..

If they will flood - everyone will farm a set and then again start to cry 'boooreeed' and 'idk what to do nooow' ..

Vanities and legends should be attractors for ppl to keep farming

09-17-2012, 12:08 PM
I agree with bod about those ppl with enhancers getting an advantage, but it works that way in all sts games for the cap. Those that get there first reap the highest rewards from the drops until everyone gets there.

I totally agree with flash except for vanities, some should be more common and others hard to get, some randomness to vanities since they are appearance only. But yes, legendaries should be legendary and commons should be just that, common. Everything else should be lootable based off of those two assumptions. If the drop rates could be maintained under those assumptions, (legendary is legendary, common is common) the rarity scale would be great and people would find use for rares again besides scrapping them.

Lets face it, to build credits in this game it's important to merch otherwise it is slow. Without things to buy and sell there is no economy. For that to happen things need to folow the rarity system and the market value will follow in kind.

09-17-2012, 12:46 PM
Though now the system runs like that, previously it didn't. And for SL that actually meant something, now its a Race to -1 cap or you lose out. Then moan that you want more content after a week or less.

Guessing it will never change, but still do not see the good that come's from this in general (: (Except S loads of Plat thrown into the game)

09-17-2012, 11:22 PM
'-1 cap' loot system is awkward.. Agree with Bod 100%

And my 2 cents about elix:

Some drops are really rare - like vular squishers or hive guns now.. So without plat-luck users getting them we might not have a chance of seeing them in game at all! Lol ...

Think about it the way those dudes are the Columbuses of the new gear ;) so everybody at least know what to expect .. Besides - it's a great chance to get rich for almost anyone..

09-18-2012, 05:49 AM
I can't agree on that bro...

Legendaries should stay legendary - like their name - when they drop - those who got em becomes a legend..

If they will flood - everyone will farm a set and then again start to cry 'boooreeed' and 'idk what to do nooow' ..

Vanities and legends should be attractors for ppl to keep farming

Was not referring to the legendaries, sorry if that is what you assumed I was talking about (It says New GEAR Prices, not New LEGENDARY GEAR Prices). I think we all know there is a 95% chance of epics for those who don't have plat/money to spend on enhancers/pinks. I'm saying I hope those epics are low, that way not only the rich players have good gear, but the commonfolk does as well, and they can then progress to the legendary gear, instead of just using weakling gear trying to PvP these rich people, or trying to loot in a map made for people with higher armor.

09-18-2012, 07:25 AM
I kind of wish the legendary drop rates were not affected by the amount of money you put in game. Instead, Platinum should only buy you cosmetics (vanities) and things that improve your "uniqueness". Money should not be used to find the best gear in the game. Sure people use it to get credits in the game, but shouldn't time spent farming be more valuable than someone who just bought their way? Don't get me wrong I have a lot of unused platinum right now, but what about those who aren't able to get platinum? They spend their time looking for a legendary that probably is not worth the time they spent? I guess what I'm saying is it should be more like the DL system where you can't buy your drops.

09-18-2012, 11:46 AM
Was not referring to the legendaries, sorry if that is what you assumed I was talking about (It says New GEAR Prices, not New LEGENDARY GEAR Prices). I think we all know there is a 95% chance of epics for those who don't have plat/money to spend on enhancers/pinks. I'm saying I hope those epics are low, that way not only the rich players have good gear, but the commonfolk does as well, and they can then progress to the legendary gear, instead of just using weakling gear trying to PvP these rich people, or trying to loot in a map made for people with higher armor.

Even so, Epic gear should stay Epic.. not redundant as if its like dropping Yellow/Greens. And not scale based on lvl either.

If it was scale based, people levelling from 41-44 could also have a chance at dropping the gear, even if it isn't usable. It's like we used to do before Voleria was released. Level up and by the time you were -1 Cap you had most of the gear without paying ridiculous amount of money, or having a ridiculously high drop rate (:

I kind of wish the legendary drop rates were not affected by the amount of money you put in game. Instead, Platinum should only buy you cosmetics (vanities) and things that improve your "uniqueness". Money should not be used to find the best gear in the game. Sure people use it to get credits in the game, but shouldn't time spent farming be more valuable than someone who just bought their way? Don't get me wrong I have a lot of unused platinum right now, but what about those who aren't able to get platinum?

That is a dream world you are talking about my friend. Will never happen unfortunately.