View Full Version : Guild Suggestions

05-02-2023, 01:38 AM
i) Can we have a system where guild leader/co-leader are able to send mail to everyone in the guild via NEW GUILD BOARD? Messages of the day are way too smol. We can click on the LETTER ICON and finds all the messages that were sent by leadsr/co-leader.

ii)Guild event in my opinion, deserve it's own board(same as leaderboard board)

iii) When will we have boss rush/boss challenge/boss hunt event? Where all member can INDIVIDUALLY participate on the event. (The damage counted as individual but the rewards depends on who scores the highest.) No need to have 30-50 members in one map, we just need one player in an INDIVIDUAL map and fight the boss 1v1. The reward can be damage done (total) and last hit kill boss.(bonus reward for player who last hit boss). Possible boss by order (easy to hard)
-Ursoth (Enormous boss, i like him)
-Super Hydra( More deadly and tricky)
-Jarl Gruwald of Hell ( Jarl is covered in hell vanities, allowing him to cast volcano upon his enemies)
-Rahabkor, Bael of the Frost, and Arcahna(Spider) (Hardest boss, need good strategy and timing instead of just only kraken).

iv) Guild Event. I think its better if we advance from giving the price manually to automatic rewarding system. Leader can put what he desires as prices before announcing/starting the guild event. At the end of the event, the winner(top 1 example) will get his price automatically sent to his inventory.

Thank you for reading, sorry for bad English but i guess you get it right.hehe.

05-02-2023, 10:52 AM
These are on the list for guild improvements.