View Full Version : Uh-Oh oh well... have fun.

09-18-2012, 01:53 PM
EDIT- they allowed my entry Ty guys!

Well guys first off missed the Weapon design contest by 10 mins its sux ik.

but still id like to share my entry with you guys maybe you will like it. ^^

Name of weapon- Acid Galaxy Destroyers of the Scorn

ign: (not gunna write)


in action-16797


"You go in first," says Rob.

"We shouldn't be doing this, it's against the Commandos order," I say.

"Forget him! We could be the first to lay eyes on the Gift." Replies Rob enthusiastically.

"Rob, you know it's forbidden, even the Star Guard aren't permitted to see the room, which the gift is held." I retort, "Plus, the room is surrounded by traps and lasers."

"Hmmm." Mumbles Rob.

"What if there are enemies in the gift or a evil source of some kind, thats why the Star Guard forbid it." I say cautiously.

"Well there only one way to find out!" Shouts Rob, jumping from his crouching position behind a large rock.

"Oh boy," I mumble.


As we enter the base, we dodge soldiers who are passing, trying not to grab to much attention.

"This way," Wispers Rob.

We then step into a sphere shaped room made up of glass and other substances that show the moons.
As I cower beneath the glowing planets I let my body take control and I let my mind stay concentrated on the nearby danger.

"Hurry this way!" calls Rob hurriedly.

As we rush into the left corridor I halt, unwillingly to move.


A open room sat before us. In it was a Massive bow. It had a titanium door with walls made up of bronze and many other different substances. The walls glowed, the hyper electricity surging through its structure. The next few moments were such a blur. I couldn't tell I it was from the static in the air or from my nerves. Rob robotically tapped the door. Nothing happened at first. So I laughed and took out my pistols swung them and shoved them back into my belt.

"GROOAAAGGHH," went the box as the door swung opened. I in turn took out my guns. I saw Rob walk a half step inside. I watched intently. As he looked in I saw saw his head twitch a bit, then it quickly snap awkwardly to one side. Then his limp body tumble lifelessly inside the now glowing cage. I backed up. Then I held out weapons to shield me from whatever was about to happen.

"GAASPURT," the box erupted a cosmic acid full of dark demonic substances. This was the end I thought as the acid hit my guns and then and luckily then a wave of air swept by and mocked me back. I now know it was from the pulse of fumes that made me fly. I sat up and looked then ran, ran until I was out of the building and until I couldn't run. The base had turned into h*** itself.

Hardly out of the building I happened to glance at my hands and guns.

"Whaaa!?" I shouted.

This was definitely not from this galaxy.

I saw black.

enjoy seeing something that u could have used lol. it was fun indeed in the making fun indeed.


09-18-2012, 02:22 PM
Very good one! I really like! Kinda sad that you didn't made it in contest, i'm sure you would have a big chance because it's a really awesome one :)!

09-18-2012, 02:25 PM
WOW bro that just awesome! if i was a dev i wud def get ur design and make that wepon! nice job!

09-18-2012, 02:33 PM
If you explain this to RedStapler or Delphina they might just squeeze your entry in. I believe it should be part of the contest!

09-18-2012, 03:06 PM
Good job on the story (;

If you explain this to RedStapler or Delphina they might just squeeze your entry in. I believe it should be part of the contest!

I do agree, it is a sweet entry. But if one is allowed to be entered in after deadline, how many others are going to feel left out thst didn't make the cut?

Maybe an expansion would be necessary, to ensure all got their entries in (:

09-18-2012, 03:13 PM
Shame you just missed it, It's beautiful mate. I love it!

09-18-2012, 04:23 PM
I'd be happy shooting those anyday!

09-18-2012, 05:33 PM
Ty for nice comments. ;') I'll pm Delphina now.

EDIT- Yes! He allowed my entry! Ty guys for encouragement.

William To
09-18-2012, 05:36 PM
Nice job bro and sorry to hear ur 10 mins late entering! ik that feeling when i go to class late or somethin, anyways great drawing i would sneak u in :3

09-19-2012, 09:26 AM
Umm he wasn't 10 minutes late... Uhhhh he was in just under the wire on the last seconds.... Right right time zone issues and such... Yeah that's it!

Glad you got in. it's an awesome entry!