View Full Version : Elixers time stackin

09-18-2012, 11:20 PM
Hello I just noticed shamus was on DOTD today and I think it would be nice if all elixers could stack on time but have a limit. Example: I buy thrasher and I delete the 35% luck elixer and buy shamus elixer for 15plats but it only lasts 30mins, wouldnt it be nice to buy it twice and from 30mins it jumps to 1hr remaining? Imagine a 2xs 1hr combo just for 14plats, it could also work out with gold elixers but I think the time limit should be 1hr? What does everybody think bout this?

09-19-2012, 12:43 PM
Yes, I agree that you should be able to add time. It's annoying that every time my elixer runs out I have to run back to the guild hall to get a new one (at the discounted rate). I'd much prefer to just buy 4 or 5 half hour elixers and let them add up to a couple of hours and then I can do runs for a couple of hours and not have to be bothered.

09-19-2012, 10:43 PM
You forgot I said time limit of 1hr. This means no stacking thrashers just elixers below 1hr
What about half of thrashers on DOTD for 15 plat? Id just buy tons of these on 1 character and never have to deal with non elix leveling again...

09-19-2012, 10:53 PM
You forgot I said time limit of 1hr. This means no stacking thrashers just elixers below 1hr


Brave Sir Robin
09-20-2012, 07:12 AM
Hello I just noticed shamus was on DOTD today and I think it would be nice if all elixers could stack on time but have a limit. Example: I buy thrasher and I delete the 35% luck elixer and buy shamus elixer for 15plats but it only lasts 30mins, wouldnt it be nice to buy it twice and from 30mins it jumps to 1hr remaining? Imagine a 2xs 1hr combo just for 14plats, it could also work out with gold elixers but I think the time limit should be 1hr? What does everybody think bout this?

I like this idea very much.

PS. Out of thanks atm so will thank you later ;) --- edit: done

edit: And why not set this time limit to more than an hour? Maybe 2-3 hours so that you don't have to interrupt your thrasher runs to go back to the guild to renew.