View Full Version : Speed Up Kits need a rework

05-11-2023, 08:54 AM

Make the speed up kits count for all crafting items, not just one.
That way they will become much more sought after and have some real value.

When they were first introduced I used a 12h speed up on an item with 30m left, as I thought they counted for everything inside crafting :d.

05-11-2023, 09:30 AM
Eeeeeeenk. To solve that, they should just put out more speedup kits specifically 5mins-10mins kits at least with 1min (if theres any i forgot) being the most common.

>Then change 12hr kit to arcane and change 8hr to blue one/heroic
>Then keep all speedup kits avaiable in store, and make the 12hr kit exclusive to store for plat purchase only
>While all speedup kits are available for plat purchase in store, 8hours-mythic speedup kits should be the only kits to be rewarded in events with tiers.
>Speedup kits with lower-legendary rarity should be rewarded in some daily quests like shazbot, klaas, purchasable with story/fable tokens

Edit: i also thought at first that speedup kits will apply to all on-going crafting items but tbh itd be silly if it does so keep it as it is it
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05-11-2023, 09:45 PM
I think it should work based in general (total time) not per hours, something just like this, and you after craft something you could (or no) pick one of the craft speedkits to less the time and then start crafting.

The values for each speedup kit could be like this:

Heroic 75% less time
Arcane 55% less time
Mythic 35% less time
Legendary 20% less time
Epic 7.5% less time

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05-12-2023, 11:10 AM
They will always subtract from current time (no percentages or application of leftover time to other areas).

We're actively working making speedups more available as rewards (login, unlocked crate, loot, etc.).