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View Full Version : Opening Aps Services & Rentals!!(Housing Aps,Location,Antignome,Uller,Villi,Himi Set)

05-12-2023, 03:33 AM
Hiii all ! I am now reopening back this thread as I'm receiving quite alot of pm ingame/discord/forum pm regarding my rentals service that i opened before 3-4 months ago but sadly i have sold most of them and i cant rent it until few days ago cuz i managed to get my hands on them again...For now im only opening few services (not too much like before) for those who wants to boost their aps or even for those who simply wants to add their character achievements points ! This services is open to all characters and not just for Seasonal Lb Players

Without wasting any time i will give you insight of what services im opening and feel free to lmk if you are interested in any of this services :> and of course not forcing anyone too use my services , this is for those who dont want to spend lots of gold & times buying the items for the aps :>

Services List :

1)House Locations Rentals (Got all 11 Locations for Rentals , for further detail pm/housemail me)

2)Antignome Set Rentals ( for now i only got war set 5/5...still trying my best to get arm helm for mage & rouge to open rental for all classes , for further detail & guide pm/housemail me)

3)Uller,Villi,Himingleva Set Rentals (Just lmk which class you need ^_^ , for further detail & guide pm/housemail me)

4)100 House Slot Aps (This works by me renting you my Zodias House Deed which grants you 100 House Slot , the system is kinda delayed every single time so you have to restart your game/off for minute and relog until you get the aps , for further detail pm/housemail me)

And yeah thats all the services im opening ! Im still working myself to open few more services (Banished Set Rentals & More) which will come very soon :>

This is too long already i cant put all details of each service here , so again for any further details just pm/housemail me and i will reply them as soon as i read it !

!!!!! Important Notes !!!!!

As of all the Rentals Services , of course i need a collateral (in gold/item of the same value of the items im renting to you for my own safety) and also im charging a fee for every single items rented of course (pm me for further detail about the fee & collateral amount)

And of course i know some guild out there is opening some of the services like Antignome Set for their guildies and other , im opening this service for those who dont have and dont know where to get this services but wanted to boost their aps , and again im not forcing anyone to use my services if you need em i will do it for you its that simple ^_^

So thats all , Tysmmmmm for those who read this LONGGGG post from beginning until the end !

Contacts :

Ign : Resetseason/Urbestfriends
Discord : Resetseason #9348

Also can pm me here in forum !

05-13-2023, 02:19 AM
Now Also Got Banished Armor (Rouge),Banished Belt & Banished Amulet (this super rare af amulet with 0.1% chance to loot are finally on my hand !!!!!)

Just telling in advance im taking high collateral for the Banished Amu as you guys might know already how hard it is to be looted !