View Full Version : Crusade Feedback.

09-20-2012, 07:54 AM
OK I took the mentality of don't knock it till you rock it. And to be honest its nice to finally level but I find this update lacking.
First and for most the Xp rate is horrible, seriously 4 hours no enhancer and still haven't gained a level.
The pink chest that was supposed to be part of the new set is pwned by a level 42 green.... No new plat gear, implants or even fun vanities.
Now I'm not even sure we get a new skill if we do cool. In closing I'm glad to finally have something to do but this was not worth a 9 month wait.

09-20-2012, 08:08 AM
I posted thos else where but still applies here. It jumped from medium to extra hard in this updates. Now finding people to join your suicide mission is just as hard. This isn't what we expected when we wanted something fun. We need leveling help and no im not gonna burn plat on elix till I know it will be adjusted. Since being on elix and tons of deaths is counter productive.

To hard for everything this cap.
Armor, weapons, XP and cap 58k. I bet we have notime to level. It's like nuris all over again.

And that flag thing for cap vanitys that's helping me not cap.

I want blessings to make its way to sl. But they need to give xp and gold (not elix) To help you stay competitive.

09-20-2012, 08:14 AM
But after your countless of hours its worth it to get the best Elite Vanity yet! ;)

09-20-2012, 08:17 AM
OK I took the mentality of don't knock it till you rock it. And to be honest its nice to finally level but I find this update lacking.
First and for most the Xp rate is horrible, seriously 4 hours no enhancer and still haven't gained a level.
The pink chest that was supposed to be part of the new set is pwned by a level 42 green.... No new plat gear, implants or even fun vanities.
Now I'm not even sure we get a new skill if we do cool. In closing I'm glad to finally have something to do but this was not worth a 9 month wait.

Agreed!!! i dont like this update :(:( plus star legends doesnt have the free plat and elixir thing like pl and dl. looks like sl is dying!!

09-20-2012, 08:18 AM

09-20-2012, 09:05 AM
We do have a free elixer.

09-20-2012, 09:09 AM
A FREE ELIXIR? Woohoo!!!!

09-20-2012, 09:11 AM
A minutes one per day.
5 minutes in the new maps is around 10 enemies killed, yay, what a big amount of exp..

09-20-2012, 09:15 AM
Me and my guildmates/friends burn too much stims just to kill map2 boss.

Comando bleeds alot in this expansion.
Eng heals cant keep up ending to spam stims to stay alive or everyone dies.

09-20-2012, 09:21 AM
Since when do orange dual op pistols have a ton more defense than a shield and a gun? The stats on several items seem really messed up.

Like the above said, I find myself trying to keep myself alive more than focusing on the enemy...

09-20-2012, 09:22 AM
7hrs it took to me and some friends to go from lv41-42 simply hardcore way without any juice and playing the numa crusader level ....Please make the xp a little faster and increase the rate if you guys are not planning to release next cap again after 10months


09-20-2012, 09:22 AM
Since when do orange dual op pistols have a ton more defense than a shield and a gun? The stats on several items seem really messed up.

yeh but i find it cool!! at least u can do loads dmg + loads aarmor!

09-20-2012, 09:40 AM
Lets hope this legendary chest will actually make a set effect... Cause right now it's severely outclassed.

09-20-2012, 09:58 AM
But after your countless of hours its worth it to get the best Elite Vanity yet! ;)

I loled at the flag.

09-20-2012, 10:04 AM
I loled at the flag.

I still am.. or maybe it's crying... Lol

09-20-2012, 10:15 AM
i like the new campaign but the map gives way too low xp and 3,8k for lvl42? wtf? i need without enhancer probably a week for that! -.- and 58k?!??!?! umm.. i should be finished in a year?!?! well.. i like the new map and the new gear but the xp gain is just bs.. plz sts increase the xp alot or dicrease the xp which we need to lvl..

09-20-2012, 10:28 AM
I agree so much the xp rate is not good.. armor rate.. god.. and i have used lots of stims just for 500xp... i think its gunna be a struggle to get to lvl 46

Iron Hand
09-20-2012, 10:44 AM
Sorry peeps but if sts does not fix the bugs in this one and raise xp reward for enemy npc's i am done. Will check every so often to see if they fix as final boss on quest 3 cycorp is bugged and impoosible to beat as it resets even with live players in the room holding the ai bots. Looks cool but not really fun just frustrating after awhile. When does arcane legends come out??

09-20-2012, 11:23 AM
Here's my feedback to add to this thread: Xp rate is horrible. Too easy to die.


09-20-2012, 11:32 AM
They've designed this to hold us off for another year while they work on other games. Lol :P

09-20-2012, 11:50 AM
I'm a comm. Played 6hrs last night of crusades. Picked up 1300 xp, used 2500 red stims, and died 137 times. I don't know what else to say about that....

Oh and the comm arbiter back flag. Its a projection, I dont feel the offcenter arm/pole thingy is necessary (its the future afterall) and it makes it comical. The back without it, with or without the projection, would be fine in my opinion.

09-20-2012, 11:55 AM
The flag was comical anyway. I can't imagine the op or eng back piece.

Hey, weren't you guys supposed to feature an op this time around anyway? Disappointed that I'm still looking at Riley. I expected at *least* a new NPC.

09-20-2012, 11:55 AM
I'm seeing 600 to 700 xp per hour in level 3. I had to use about 20 stims. I am willing to buy some 2x elixirs for 5 plat, but it sure looks like a lot of grinding.

Iron Hand
09-20-2012, 12:01 PM
Not worth the time for me as boss on cycorp is bugged and there is not enough reward for the frustration.

09-20-2012, 12:16 PM
very hardcore map... I made lv42 my commando need 3k xp to lv43 tomorrow! keep fight!! :)

09-20-2012, 12:17 PM
The flag was comical anyway. I can't imagine the op or eng back piece.

Hey, weren't you guys supposed to feature an op this time around anyway? Disappointed that I'm still looking at Riley. I expected at *least* a new NPC.

Spoiler: It's just a Flag no matter what NPC is shown.

I'm seeing 600 to 700 xp per hour in level 3. I had to use about 20 stims. I am willing to buy some 2x elixirs for 5 plat, but it sure looks like a lot of grinding.

Not sure how you are pulling that off. Me and Art run for 10 straight hours and still didn't lvl.

2/3hr = Testing out all the levels

Rest = Numa

09-20-2012, 01:05 PM
They've designed this to hold us off for another year while they work on other games. Lol :P
Good answer wizzy lol agree 10000%

09-20-2012, 01:06 PM
XP lowered, and so i'm told boss nerf'd.

1k = 42 now

09-20-2012, 01:41 PM
XP lowered, and so i'm told boss nerf'd.

1k = 42 now

Great, now I played hours for nothing. But hey, thanks to them! :)

09-20-2012, 01:43 PM
Dude! I had 1300/3000 exp now 200/1000 .... :(

09-21-2012, 12:13 PM
Well, if du'rrex did get nerfed, what must it have been before...
Took like 15 mins to lower his health by maybe 15% and he reset when one priestess comes...

09-21-2012, 12:37 PM
Well, if du'rrex did get nerfed, what must it have been before...
Took like 15 mins to lower his health by maybe 15% and he reset when one priestess comes...

Thats right :-) It's an awesome boss now! Defeatable too!
Before it was almost impossible to beat. Took two of IU on x2 damage enhancements and a group to take that bad boy down.

Good on em ;-)

Now we can kill it a lot easier ^_^ But its still an awesome challenge!

09-21-2012, 01:06 PM
Small suggestion to the devs: Make this boss give some worthwhile xp.

In addition, to all other level-appropriate bosses, to also give proportional xp to difficulty.

09-21-2012, 01:18 PM
Thats right :-) It's an awesome boss now! Defeatable too!
Before it was almost impossible to beat. Took two of IU on x2 damage enhancements and a group to take that bad boy down.

Good on em ;-)

Now we can kill it a lot easier ^_^ But its still an awesome challenge!

Then i gotta go learn one or two things about him befroe retrying him haha. Oh well, for once one boss is nothing short of tactical. I had missed those fights like the director bot and the mysterious figure. Tyra Zael just didn't cut it.

Iron Hand
09-21-2012, 04:35 PM
I have beaten that scorpion boss 4 times using a cool strategy. It rough on a mando but if you stay on a wall eat stims like drinking water n spam aoe to keep aggro others can deal with the npc engineers and shoot scorpion from behind. :)

Back on topic .. with recent bugs fixed and xp nerfed as well as bosses update decent. Also love the legendary lvl46 armor set, implants and weapons. Great farming potential and love the hidden map lots of drops there.

09-21-2012, 08:24 PM
I think the update is real neato, but I have no plans on going back to cycorp or to beat D'urrrrr again.
The real prize of the update is the forest map and the revolvers. Oh, and not having to get 28k xp to level up

09-23-2012, 10:33 AM
I'm totally against the new map, I dislike it ?

09-23-2012, 02:42 PM
I'm totally against the new map, I dislike it ?

I like it now :D.

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09-23-2012, 04:42 PM
Meh they changed , now I love it. Cept where is all the 46 pinks O.o

09-24-2012, 01:08 AM
I really like the new changes to the map and gear (especially now that Cannons have a huge armor bonus), though there are few things I also dislike about the gear changes.
1. New Cannons have returned to the old-style slow firing type, instead of the Flux Cannon style rapid fire. They also appear to have a smaller AoE radius.
2. Most commando armor has a vastly reduced Crit and dodge bonuses. The dodge bonus is particularly bad, since it's very useful for tanking, and coms can compensate for low crit chance with Grow Rage skill.
3. No new shields.
4. New implants seem underpowered compared to lvl 35 plat implants.

These are the big ones, and I'll post the rest of my thoughts (good and bad) about gear later. Once I finish testing new items, I'm making a thread about how the new commando gear affects commando gameplay.

Also: Why no new skill?

09-24-2012, 09:36 AM
I really like the new changes to the map and gear (especially now that Cannons have a huge armor bonus), though there are few things I also dislike about the gear changes.
1. New Cannons have returned to the old-style slow firing type, instead of the Flux Cannon style rapid fire. They also appear to have a smaller AoE radius.
2. Most commando armor has a vastly reduced Crit and dodge bonuses. The dodge bonus is particularly bad, since it's very useful for tanking, and coms can compensate for low crit chance with Grow Rage skill.
3. No new shields.
4. New implants seem underpowered compared to lvl 35 plat implants.

These are the big ones, and I'll post the rest of my thoughts (good and bad) about gear later. Once I finish testing new items, I'm making a thread about how the new commando gear affects commando gameplay.

Also: Why no new skill?

We get are Dodge from the legendary pieces. Try to imagine the epic battlefury as plat gear. But with the lack of 46 legendarys engis are the new tanks with their 44 Dodge...

Iron Hand
09-24-2012, 11:54 AM
I have seen parts for a comm lvl46 legendary armor set. They add dodge health but take away mana. Also the new legendary cannon at lvl46 has a dps of 138 with a level 35 condor implant, so with that said -12 dps but a massive gain in dmg, hit% and health. The down side is it seems the lvl46 legendary armor set is going to be hard to find as they drop so rarely it is almost like trying to obtain devourer's skull or a squid buddy.

My real dissappointment really lies with arbiter vanties especially the full commando set. It seems that after the helmet they just rushed to put together a set .. no clean lines or flowing colors as the other sets and what is up with the star banner in back??? They could have at least tried to make it look like a war banner or something other than old "TEXACO" gas station sign.

For me the update is okay but very under whelming compared to the voleria and previous updates. I do like the new armor sets look and some of the weapons but it seems they went for quantity of items rather than quality as most are a rehash of things we have seen before in the game just dressed up differently.

Overall I am very passive about the sl update and looking forward to the release of Arcane Legends as that seems where sts has used all thier resources. My only hope is that al is as good as the hype other wise i am afraid these games will become nothing more than a place to spend a few minutes or hours once a week or less when you are at the doctor's office in waiting or on a road trip.

09-24-2012, 12:09 PM
We get are Dodge from the legendary pieces. Try to imagine the epic battlefury as plat gear. But with the lack of 46 legendarys engis are the new tanks with their 44 Dodge...

I wouldn't say engineers are the new tanks. The new sets give them more survivability (And as a commando, I'm thrilled by more durable engineers), but they don't have the abilities like taunt skills or Aggro holding cannons to tank effectively. All it really does is let them survive longer if they don't have a commando, or have a bad one.