View Full Version : Feedback on latest patch

09-03-2010, 08:36 PM
Where is the next dungeon for level 45's? Who though that adding this "elite" players dungeon was a good idea? That person owes me 8 platinum, or a new level to grow in.

The Ranking patch
... only shows the top 5 in each section. Why would I care who the top 5 are? I want to know what MY ranking is.

I did my first, filled my main trait upto 150 or so, and wanted to play around with the remaining points. So after putting them all in, I wanted to move some around so I can see the numbers change.
There is no way to move them around. Theres no way to test without finishing the build and going to play it. In addition, since the attribute points are going to effect the skill. I want to see those changes in raw numbers too. How would one know what works for what?

I started as warrior bear, I restat at level 45 to mage (cause I was board with no level) and had very nice magic/strength char with good magic and powerful warrior specials.
Now I have weaker numbers overall, and specials are a joke. Did anyone account for the stats not matching the specials? Would I need a strong strength rating to have good strength specials?

Now I got my stats all messed up, unusable, So I guess I have to use the second one to try to fixed a HUGE oversight by the Devs. Since there is no actual way to see the changes without going to level.
I will end up worse off, combine that with the 8 platinum I wasted. Not only has this ruined my char set up, I paid for it!!

09-03-2010, 08:48 PM
Agree 100% next update is to have pets well atleast it should unless there threads and posts are lies.

09-03-2010, 08:55 PM
1.4 was ment to have auction house in it, but devs overlooked it i guess.

for some reason im really wanting pets all of a sudden... i really want a little dragon or somthing, that would be cool

09-03-2010, 08:56 PM
i want a cow. cows go moo.