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View Full Version : My opinions on the new level

09-20-2012, 03:20 PM

all following text is purely imo
not aimed to start drama
the only purpose is to speak my mind and tell my friends about my plans

Ok.. Finally i got the time to check all levels..

Same enemies. Same zones. No really funny or funky stuff

New cool duals with armor boost. Ok

Devastator is impossible (call me a noob if u wanna)

No wish to run those maps again

I will probably cap just not to miss back van but not even sure

I will stay on forums so far to see what is going up, but i leave the game till next update

Best luck

09-20-2012, 03:41 PM
Agreed on everything!

09-20-2012, 03:56 PM
Flip :/ i agree but do you really have to leave?

09-20-2012, 03:57 PM
I told you so :o

09-20-2012, 05:53 PM
I disagree. Imo I find it fun :-)
Don't quit. Think of your guild.

09-20-2012, 06:02 PM
so true but the thing is that there is no new vanitys either and we waited 10 months to get this update i find it sad and i dont like that new cap vaanity flag it looks weirdo

09-20-2012, 06:03 PM
I disagree. Imo I find it fun :-)
Don't quit. Think of your guild.


09-20-2012, 06:07 PM
Flip :/ i agree but do you really have to leave?

Why stick around and play something you don't like?

09-20-2012, 06:07 PM

He's allowed to say what he thinks, no? ;)


09-20-2012, 06:08 PM
Think of it like this, Flash: the game storyline needs a good structure with good events. The return to Numa was a great move IMO. Some people just love that area (Me :o ) and not just that is included. They are expanding the story like: Oh no! The Scorn are attacking the Numa Prime! It gives it a sense that the UC controlled areas are being attacked.
Just think not of what we already did but what it is trying to say. We always wanted to know why a Riven Golem was doing in the 26 cap no?

09-20-2012, 06:14 PM
Think of it like this, Flash: the game storyline needs a good structure with good events. The return to Numa was a great move IMO. Some people just love that area (Me :o ) and not just that is included. They are expanding the story like: Oh no! The Scorn are attacking the Numa Prime! It gives it a sense that the UC controlled areas are being attacked.
Just think not of what we already did but what it is trying to say. We always wanted to know why a Riven Golem was doing in the 26 cap no?

You've got a point :D!

09-20-2012, 06:27 PM
first, when sts showed the first pics of the new maps i don't really liked it but then when i played it the first time it was so nice :) and after cahaun's story i just wanted to play more! you really have to see it like cahaun's story!
he told us all for what we fight! so flash, don't give up.. your guild needs you.. your friends need you.. the game needs you.. :)

P.S.: you can lvlup one time a day easily whit a few runs.. nice, huh? :D

09-20-2012, 06:33 PM
I agree. I got on yesterday after a long while and it's just a big rehash.
The flag on the com back armor looks ridiculous. What really put me off is the xp gain and difficulty. Make it challenging, but not have it so its necessary to have nothing but elixers

09-20-2012, 06:38 PM
I agree. I got on yesterday after a long while and it's just a big rehash.
The flag on the com back armor looks ridiculous. What really put me off is the xp gain and difficulty. Make it challenging, but not have it so its necessary to have nothing but elixers

Ran out of thanks, but thanks! :D

09-20-2012, 06:47 PM
Ardon is back :cheerful:! And yes, again, I agree with Ardon and i'm out of thanks too.

09-20-2012, 08:23 PM
This is only the second day of the expansion. They've already reduced the XP need and have supposedly fixed the boss. They will likely add new items over the next few weeks.
They did release new vanities: UC Marine and Veteran. They weren't listed as part of the new expansion, but in the past month or two, we've gotten Two new vanity sets, three new pets, a new item pack, a whole set of awesome new weapons (Hive), along with what is effectively a new level 35-40 campaign, plus the long awaited expansion. The problem, is people are only looking at the last item on that list.

Is the new expansion heavily based on ealier sections? Yes. Could the same be said of Star Legends as a whole? YES! I'd say there are little more than a dozen or so types of enemies in the game, they just have different skins and some gain new abilities in a later iteration. The Vular alone make up a notable part of at least a half dozen levels, and the only difference between Dyastar, Cycorp, and Slouch-o is wallpaper and some of the junk they have lying around (which is also copy-pasted junk). Voleria is Numa with a different color scheme, a few new set pieces, and some water instead of a cliff. Until you get underground, then it starts looking like a purple version of Delta-7.

And to forstall any complaints about weapon/armor design, I would remind you that until Voleria (generally speaking) We'd been using the same gear as from level one, with different colors and a rearranged configuration of the four little add on parts for weapons. Armor wasn't even that diverse. The new armor is totally unique (as far as being wearable goes), and while the weapons may be based on the Voleria ones, they have the new particle effects, and the stats are completely new, instead of being "Like the one from last level, but more so".

Is the Crusade expansion perfect? No. Does it deserve all the scorn (no pun intended) that its getting. No.

09-20-2012, 10:06 PM
Think of it like this, Flash: the game storyline needs a good structure with good events. The return to Numa was a great move IMO. Some people just love that area (Me :o ) and not just that is included. They are expanding the story like: Oh no! The Scorn are attacking the Numa Prime! It gives it a sense that the UC controlled areas are being attacked.
Just think not of what we already did but what it is trying to say. We always wanted to know why a Riven Golem was doing in the 26 cap no?

u know what? i dont find it boaring at all..well lv2 in not impossible..itd easy for all lv45 group and if lv42 or stuffs wif damage elixerd and hella lot of stims..its not impossible...well idk i like the arbitters i like the cool new guns with star animations..i like the 42/45 sets..i kinda like everything...sorry


09-20-2012, 10:49 PM
u know what? i dont find it boaring at all..well lv2 in not impossible..itd easy for all lv45 group and if lv42 or stuffs wif damage elixerd and hella lot of stims..its not impossible...well idk i like the arbitters i like the cool new guns with star animations..i like the 42/45 sets..i kinda like everything...sorry


is it that good? i went on for a minute t c update but died 10 times in that 1 minute... but ill give it another shot :)

09-21-2012, 12:47 AM
u know what? i dont find it boaring at all..well lv2 in not impossible..itd easy for all lv45 group and if lv42 or stuffs wif damage elixerd and hella lot of stims..its not impossible...well idk i like the arbitters i like the cool new guns with star animations..i like the 42/45 sets..i kinda like everything...sorry


Cy lv 2 was terrible. Spend real money on a game just to beat a virtual boss?
What do i gain? Absolutely nothing.
Making Sl so "challenging" to the point where people are wasting like an hour trying to kill a scorpion is ridiculous.

Just my honest opinion.

09-21-2012, 01:18 AM
There's a trick to the boss which make's it quite possible (;

09-21-2012, 01:22 AM
There's a trick to the boss which make's it quite possible (;

nothing is impossible..as Bod said..


09-21-2012, 10:13 AM
Thank you guys!

I really mean it!

I'm NOT rage-quitting by all means. I stay at forums to help and i am still an AoB.

Your words are wise. I clearly see your point and it is absolutely right. If you remember i've written the post where i explained similar things at the time when preview pics were posted. I just don't find the gameplay appealing.. Not my fault..

Every campaign we had some new things that added to gameplay (like barrels in Red Sun, explosives in CyCorp, bags in Slouch-O, bombs in ShipYard, mines in Voleria) now - no new game elements were added (deadly clouds don't count as they r really not game-play-defining elements)

Well, again - i am not mad or anything - just want to see more effort put into playability of the content. More surprises and innovations or at least some

Your vision is really inspirational and cool. Thank you! You both with BattleGrinder motivated me a bit))) The story can inspire me indeed.. But again - the gameplay is boring imo.. And the more lvl you get - the more easy it gets - the more boring it becomes

The guildmaster is VintageJedi for september and half october - as you know we switch leadership monthly.. And i will go in to check the prices and stuff - so we will see each other bro and maybe do some runs too)

And i will definitely return with new update - cap or just good one

Thanx again friends! See ya around!

09-21-2012, 10:17 AM

09-21-2012, 10:48 AM
Sorry that you don't like the new expansion flashbackflip. We are listening to constructive feedback though and aren't opposed to making changes based on player consensus, so don't give up on it.

09-21-2012, 10:56 AM
Sorry that you don't like the new expansion flashbackflip. We are listening to constructive feedback though and aren't opposed to making changes based on player consensus, so don't give up on it.

Well now that you changed the EXP and made it easier, I find the update good now!


09-21-2012, 10:56 AM
Edit, just make the Engi's van look better....


09-21-2012, 11:36 AM
Sorry that you don't like the new expansion flashbackflip. We are listening to constructive feedback though and aren't opposed to making changes based on player consensus, so don't give up on it.

Thank you Captain Gibber!

The fact i didn't like this update doesn't mean i don't appreciate your work in general (i do!) :D

i will make a thread in suggestions forums, but i think it might be too hard to implement.. What i'm missing in the update is the tiny elements of gameplay diversity (like i posted- barrels, bombs, mines, sandbags etc). Clouds r one of them, but just not enough

thank you for listening, Gibber

by the way - the community have some questions and if you could possibly answer them - we'd appreciate that