View Full Version : More Shields and Implants

09-20-2012, 09:00 PM
Ok, while I generally loath the "Use Pistol+Shield for everything" mentality that some SL players have, I have to admit that shields are incredibly useful under some circumstances.
So I'm saying that its time for new shields. We haven't gotten a new version since lvl 35 (xmas ones don't count), and I'm wondering why STS hasn't release new ones (especially given how much money they likely made with the lvl 35 pistol and plat shield item set).
And While they're at it, a set of new implants would be nice as well, since they've been as neglected as shields, and are even more useful.

09-21-2012, 08:19 AM
Oh, idk, the new engi gloves give a big fat armor boost, something like +315, which is better than the current shields. The other class weapons do too. I see your point, though. Especially about the implants. Still, I think we have a crafting update coming soon, so maybe there will be new implants to craft and possibly shields.

Tapatalk? More like MoneyGrabTalk, amirite?!

09-22-2012, 01:52 AM
Just check CS, there are new implants available, must be drops.

09-22-2012, 01:58 AM
And While they're at it, a set of new implants would be nice as well, since they've been as neglected as shields, and are even more useful.

Implants are in game buddy and class specific. You most likely have dropped a few, and not even realised.

I had 4 by the time I checked after I heard they were dropping.

Com one gives 5+ Crit.

Engi one gives 3+ Dge and 2+ Crit (Not 100% on this one, just hear say on stats, the actual thing drops tho)

Op havent heard yet.
