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View Full Version : Crim-a-thon: The Endurance Race for Ichors!

09-21-2012, 06:27 AM

So, I get home from work yesterday to learn one of my daughters has strep. Nothing any parent wants to hear, and I proceed to call in a sub for my class so I can be home if she needs anything. Since I pretty much have nothing to do other than listen for her, I have decided to see just how many Ichors I can receive in an all day marathon. Those who know me best know 12-14 hours of straight grinding is nothing for me. I have not grinded like this in a while so I figured "Why not?" :)

I am currently at 33/500. I plan on updating this thread every so often to show progress and provide screenshots to show just how crazy I am. HA! IF I am not running with guildies, all are welcome to join, elixir or not. If I ask you to leave, please do not be offended as I often forget in my old age to lock runs once I have a steady team. :)

This should be fun! Stay tuned to see how far I make it!

Brave Sir Robin
09-21-2012, 06:46 AM
Good luck with your runs :positive:

Hope your daughter gets well soon.

09-21-2012, 06:56 AM
Haha, good luck Tide xD. After your 100th ichor, it gets pretty tough.

09-21-2012, 07:08 AM
Good luck with your runs :positive:

Hope your daughter gets well soon.

Thank you, Brave Brave Sir Robin. Do you flee from strep? ;)

Haha, good luck Tide xD. After your 100th ichor, it gets pretty tough.

Thanks Will! Nothing is harder for me than winning a round in a pvp tourney and I did that a few weeks back. I GOT THIS!!

Brave Sir Robin
09-21-2012, 07:19 AM
Thank you, Brave Brave Sir Robin. Do you flee from strep? ;)

As Brave Sir Robin, obviously. It's my nature, can't help it :apthy:

As a parent I would never do that, but this is what Brave Sir Robin would say too anyway (especially after he runs away lol)

Hmph it gets confusing....

09-21-2012, 08:26 AM
Daughter just woke up so I thought I would give a quick update...

After 1 hour, 2 ichors gained and zero pinks. Here is my issue: Dodge. I am fine with the xp and strength of the mobs, however, when I can run through all my skills twice on a single monster because it dodged the entire first wave, we have a problem. The time factor involved with clearing each map is not sensible.

The solution? Either decrease the amount of dodge in the mobs, lower their xp, or decrease the number of monsters in the map. The drop rate for the ichors is a little on the ridiculous side but not near as bad as mob dodge.

09-21-2012, 09:42 AM
Hour #2...

6 Ichors gained. Not sure if this is worth it. The grind is not the problem. Outside of my "dodge" suggestion, the reward is simply not worth the risk. There are to I many other features to this game to spend this much time. As mentioned before, the inconsistent drop rate is what makes this quest a fail. To be at 40 after 10+ hours of grind time is far from reasonable for a gamble. Again, it is not the grind: I have 3000 songs to keep me truckin'. I just can't justify my time for this.

My apologies for a waste of forum space. :(

09-21-2012, 10:03 AM
My apologies for a waste of forum space. :(

Not a waste of forum space. Hopefully the lesson here is pretty obvious to the Devs.

Here is someone who decided to pick up the game and play for a lengthy period of time on the new quest you developed. It seems he got no fun or enjoyment out of playing your game from that and gave up. Something to seriously think about when you design your quests again. When players are prepared to devote lots of time to your game and give up without having received any reward or enjoyment from it, then the quest is probably not doing what you'd hope it would be doing.

09-21-2012, 10:32 AM
Hour #2...

6 Ichors gained. Not sure if this is worth it. The grind is not the problem. Outside of my "dodge" suggestion, the reward is simply not worth the risk. There are to I many other features to this game to spend this much time. As mentioned before, the inconsistent drop rate is what makes this quest a fail. To be at 40 after 10+ hours of grind time is far from reasonable for a gamble. Again, it is not the grind: I have 3000 songs to keep me truckin'. I just can't justify my time for this.

My apologies for a waste of forum space. :(

Crimson, you got this! I'm at 190...? I'll try to log on here and there for some runs with you. :)

09-21-2012, 10:42 AM
You wont make it!

09-21-2012, 10:47 AM
The key to the ichor mobs is that they are a pain individually but they go down easy in a group. There are some threads out about it, but you need to be roundin them up and dropping combo's. Once you get in the rhythm you can fly through the first part of the map with ease.

09-21-2012, 10:56 AM
6 Ichors gained. Not sure if this is worth it. The grind is not the problem. Outside of my "dodge" suggestion, the reward is simply not worth the risk.

alot of people have already finished the quest and we were getting more than 6 ichors per hour. like i said before the ichor drops are not random (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?69074-Ichor-drops-are-NOT-random) but nobody believes me.

09-21-2012, 11:08 AM
alot of people have already finished the quest and we were getting more than 6 ichors per hour. like i said before the ichor drops are not random (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?69074-Ichor-drops-are-NOT-random) but nobody believes me.

Fine, what is your secret?

09-21-2012, 11:12 AM
Fine, what is your secret?

Grind 18 hours a day. Then you'll have some hours where you can make that claim

09-21-2012, 11:19 AM
Hey Crim,

I wish your daughter a speedy recovery and I further wish you tenacity and perseverance in our search for those illusive Ichors. As for me, I sadly gave up a while ago. :*(

09-21-2012, 11:22 AM
Crimson, you got this! I'm at 190...? I'll try to log on here and there for some runs with you. :)

I'm not deleting the quest. Just not going to neglect my life for randomness.

You wont make it!

Anyone can make it. My children and wife are more important.

The key to the ichor mobs is that they are a pain individually but they go down easy in a group. There are some threads out about it, but you need to be roundin them up and dropping combo's. Once you get in the rhythm you can fly through the first part of the map with ease.

I was part of the development of some of those strategies. Problem is finding a consistent group who are able/willing to implement these. To many scatter bears and fireblast mages.

alot of people have already finished the quest and we were getting more than 6 ichors per hour. like i said before the ichor drops are not random (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?69074-Ichor-drops-are-NOT-random) but nobody believes me.

Because you have yet to show PROOF. Pretty simple concept.

09-21-2012, 12:15 PM
I'm not deleting the quest. Just not going to neglect my life for randomness.

Anyone can make it. My children and wife are more important.

I was part of the development of some of those strategies. Problem is finding a consistent group who are able/willing to implement these. To many scatter bears and fireblast mages.

i've heard those excuses before.

09-21-2012, 12:33 PM
i've heard those excuses before.

And we've all heard idiotic statements like yours. Stop trolling my thread.

09-21-2012, 12:35 PM
This marathon only takes 2hrs of playing pl? Were do I sign up? ;)

09-21-2012, 12:37 PM
This marathon only takes 2hrs of playing pl? Were do I sign up? ;)

I'm surprised you even know how to read! Hooked on Phonics?? ;)

09-21-2012, 12:39 PM
I'm surprised you even know how to read! Hooked on Phonics?? ;)


09-21-2012, 01:10 PM
Lol :D

09-21-2012, 02:29 PM
The key is to find a good group who can clear fire forest fast. Usually I join an elixer group but only use the 7-plat elixir. I also like having the luck boost as well. I'm up to 225 ichors and a couple of days ago I finally got a pink drop, and indeed it was a re-roll which I would not have gotten without the elixir. Usually in an hour I get around 10 ichors, soemtimes more, sometimes less. I had a streak a few days ago where I didn't get any for 15 straight runs, and then I had a streak where I got 9 out of 10 runs. So it's just random. Overall I find an average of about 2 out of every 5.

Suentous PO
09-21-2012, 04:25 PM
Anyone can make it. My children and wife are more important.
Take note young men; guardian in game but more importantly, in real life.
I was gonna say something motivational or encouraging but you know wassup. Hope the cub has a speedy recovery.

09-23-2012, 09:49 PM
Well like many have mentioned the key is the right group. I have a few friends that I can do thrasher/dumpster/blessing runs with and we'll clear the stage in 2-3 minutes. But my main guy e have got this down to a science. Before the update that strengthened the enemies, we would group 20 of the enemies in the middle and smash the **** out of them. Unfortuntely we would need a mage to keep us healed but we would do the stage in a minute thirty. Now that they're even stronger we have to group them in three separate groupings. Always go clockwise and bring them to the wall so you can smash them in groups of 8-10 easier. We're actually so good, the 2 of us can do the stage by ourselves in 2 minutes. If we group them together before other birds, bears, or mages screw up our obvious plan, they can help clean up the stragglers and we'll have the stage ready to be finished in a minute. I'll admit though that trying to roll with non steroid randoms who don't understand the concept of teamwork can be frustrating. But if you waited until now to start this quest, you may be too far behind the power curve. But I don't think it's too late finish this quest. Like you, I'm a full time working adult plus I live by myself. So my goal was 50 or so on the weekends in a few hours and 10-20 a day during the week if I was lucky. With my friend e, I get more money for the time because we get so many runs done in the same amount of time. I don't always get to to play with my bud, so I don't always get as many ichors during the week as I like.

09-23-2012, 10:23 PM
Just an observation since I started playing this last week sunday... I get more ichors from non-trasher groups. More often than not, I don't get any from groups who kill Dragonet too quickly.... again, just an observation.

09-24-2012, 08:19 AM
I can totally understand ur frustration.
While the concept to clear the map fast is pretty easy, finding a proper team is not.
U always have scatter bears, ppl not willing to not use the ship cannon, mages that panic flee instead of healing...

After 2 weeks of running the map I can only say ... Good luck clearing the quest :)

09-24-2012, 09:00 AM
Well like many have mentioned the key is the right group. I have a few friends that I can do thrasher/dumpster/blessing runs with and we'll clear the stage in 2-3 minutes. But my main guy e have got this down to a science. Before the update that strengthened the enemies, we would group 20 of the enemies in the middle and smash the **** out of them. Unfortuntely we would need a mage to keep us healed but we would do the stage in a minute thirty. Now that they're even stronger we have to group them in three separate groupings. Always go clockwise and bring them to the wall so you can smash them in groups of 8-10 easier. We're actually so good, the 2 of us can do the stage by ourselves in 2 minutes. If we group them together before other birds, bears, or mages screw up our obvious plan, they can help clean up the stragglers and we'll have the stage ready to be finished in a minute. I'll admit though that trying to roll with non steroid randoms who don't understand the concept of teamwork can be frustrating. But if you waited until now to start this quest, you may be too far behind the power curve. But I don't think it's too late finish this quest. Like you, I'm a full time working adult plus I live by myself. So my goal was 50 or so on the weekends in a few hours and 10-20 a day during the week if I was lucky. With my friend e, I get more money for the time because we get so many runs done in the same amount of time. I don't always get to to play with my bud, so I don't always get as many ichors during the week as I like.

If you read my posts, I didn't start on Friday: I decided to grind on Friday. I actually began the quest the night it came out and have been frustrated from the onset.

If I were single like you, I would already have this completed on both my bear and bird. However, I am not single. After work, I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, help my wife around the house, spend time with my kids, and play PL when time permits. As I stated in the OP, I use to be a 4-5 hour a night/12-14 hour kn weekend player. Then I woke up and realized what I was doing to myself and my family. I took a 6 month leave from PL and really only came back for a few friends. I refuse to go back to my old ways, which is what this quest requires.

A weapon which may or may not be relevant after next cap is just not worth the inconsistency of these drops. Actually, nothing pixelated is worth the time lost in RL.

09-24-2012, 09:47 AM
This quest is def not for everyone because whatever you do, whoever you run with, short or long runs, the drop rate for ichors is really low (given that you need 500). I didnt clock the time it took me to complete this one, but that was really long. Longer than any other quest before. I have done many good runs with good parties (think the best time to clear I clocked was 1m27secs) but there are also times where you can't find good parties and you end up running around like a headless chicken to pick up the singletons a scatter bear volcanised everwhere in the map.

Anyways, as for the rewards, well my reward was to see 193/193 on my quest log really as this was bugging me :-) The staff is cool, might become obsolette but well, I dont mind that, I have it :-) and I can have two little dragons on my side when I want.

Ultmately, I;ve ran fang many many more time to drop dragon vanities so why not running blacksmoke. The main problem I see with this one is the deadline imposed.

09-24-2012, 09:57 AM
Well like many have mentioned the key is the right group. I have a few friends that I can do thrasher/dumpster/blessing runs with and we'll clear the stage in 2-3 minutes. But my main guy e have got this down to a science. Before the update that strengthened the enemies, we would group 20 of the enemies in the middle and smash the **** out of them. Unfortuntely we would need a mage to keep us healed but we would do the stage in a minute thirty. Now that they're even stronger we have to group them in three separate groupings. Always go clockwise and bring them to the wall so you can smash them in groups of 8-10 easier. We're actually so good, the 2 of us can do the stage by ourselves in 2 minutes. If we group them together before other birds, bears, or mages screw up our obvious plan, they can help clean up the stragglers and we'll have the stage ready to be finished in a minute. I'll admit though that trying to roll with non steroid randoms who don't understand the concept of teamwork can be frustrating. But if you waited until now to start this quest, you may be too far behind the power curve. But I don't think it's too late finish this quest. Like you, I'm a full time working adult plus I live by myself. So my goal was 50 or so on the weekends in a few hours and 10-20 a day during the week if I was lucky. With my friend e, I get more money for the time because we get so many runs done in the same amount of time. I don't always get to to play with my bud, so I don't always get as many ichors during the week as I like.

If you read my posts, I didn't start on Friday: I decided to grind on Friday. I actually began the quest the night it came out and have been frustrated from the onset.

If I were single like you, I would already have this completed on both my bear and bird. However, I am not single. After work, I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, help my wife around the house, spend time with my kids, and play PL when time permits. As I stated in the OP, I use to be a 4-5 hour a night/12-14 hour kn weekend player. Then I woke up and realized what I was doing to myself and my family. I took a 6 month leave from PL and really only came back for a few friends. I refuse to go back to my old ways, which is what this quest requires.

A weapon which may or may not be relevant after next cap is just not worth the inconsistency of these drops. Actually, nothing pixelated is worth the time lost in RL.

I can attest to crims statement he use to put insane hours in ( 3 56 cap bears right?). This quest is just an insane endeavor. I'd say leave it be man

09-24-2012, 10:16 AM
I can attest to crims statement he use to put insane hours in ( 3 56 cap bears right?). This quest is just an insane endeavor. I'd say leave it be man

It was a bear, mage, and 2 birds. Only one of them were on elixir. But yes, I had a slight addiction. ;)

09-24-2012, 05:03 PM
If you read my posts, I didn't start on Friday: I decided to grind on Friday. I actually began the quest the night it came out and have been frustrated from the onset.

If I were single like you, I would already have this completed on both my bear and bird. However, I am not single. After work, I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, help my wife around the house, spend time with my kids, and play PL when time permits. As I stated in the OP, I use to be a 4-5 hour a night/12-14 hour kn weekend player. Then I woke up and realized what I was doing to myself and my family. I took a 6 month leave from PL and really only came back for a few friends. I refuse to go back to my old ways, which is what this quest requires.

A weapon which may or may not be relevant after next cap is just not worth the inconsistency of these drops. Actually, nothing pixelated is worth the time lost in RL.

Join the party buddy. I work out as well and I don't have a wife to help take care of my child or clean up my house. Just because I am single doesn't mean I am going to shrug off my responsibilities as an adult in maintaining my place. If I didn't go to the gym, ordered out for all my meals, didn't cut the grass, do my laundry, clean my house, pack my stuff for work, do volunteer work, and go to bed at a reasonable hour, I'd probably be done with this quest by now. But I wouldn't be surprised if it takes me 3-4 more days to get my last 30 or so ichors. I definitely don't have the time to even play 4-5 hours a night or 12-14 hours on a weekend. Quite frankly, I didn't even expect to finish the quest in time because I figured it would be closed by now. At best I'll get an hour or 2 during the weekday and a few hours on the weekend per day off. Just for the heck of it, I downloaded the app onto my phone to try and get some during my lunch break since I eat at work anyway. Got 6 ichors playing with randoms in 45 minutes. Why? Probably because we were getting the runs done so quickly. If you're taking 5 or more minutes to complete a run, this quest is a bear. My goal was about 10-20 during the weekday and 50+ on the weekends. My only worry was if there was going to be enough time for me complete this based. But they've given us so much time, I'm just pecking away at the quest the same way I did for totems, furballs, and snowballs. A little here and there and the quest has to get completed at some point. I've seen the bad runs and experienced the bad runs. Had a friend who had 499. Took 13 runs to finally get the last one.

09-24-2012, 05:38 PM
Join the party buddy. I work out as well and I don't have a wife to help take care of my child or clean up my house. Just because I am single doesn't mean I am going to shrug off my responsibilities as an adult in maintaining my place. If I didn't go to the gym, ordered out for all my meals, didn't cut the grass, do my laundry, clean my house, pack my stuff for work, do volunteer work, and go to bed at a reasonable hour, I'd probably be done with this quest by now. But I wouldn't be surprised if it takes me 3-4 more days to get my last 30 or so ichors. I definitely don't have the time to even play 4-5 hours a night or 12-14 hours on a weekend. Quite frankly, I didn't even expect to finish the quest in time because I figured it would be closed by now. At best I'll get an hour or 2 during the weekday and a few hours on the weekend per day off. Just for the heck of it, I downloaded the app onto my phone to try and get some during my lunch break since I eat at work anyway. Got 6 ichors playing with randoms in 45 minutes. Why? Probably because we were getting the runs done so quickly. If you're taking 5 or more minutes to complete a run, this quest is a bear. My goal was about 10-20 during the weekday and 50+ on the weekends. My only worry was if there was going to be enough time for me complete this based. But they've given us so much time, I'm just pecking away at the quest the same way I did for totems, furballs, and snowballs. A little here and there and the quest has to get completed at some point. I've seen the bad runs and experienced the bad runs. Had a friend who had 499. Took 13 runs to finally get the last one.

You didn't mention your "responsibilities", so don't take offense to my response. You made it clear that you have dedicated time to this quest, much more time than I even dedicate to the game in general.

Reading comprehension skills are a becoming less and less existent.

09-24-2012, 07:17 PM
You didn't mention your "responsibilities", so don't take offense to my response. You made it clear that you have dedicated time to this quest, much more time than I even dedicate to the game in general.

Reading comprehension skills are a becoming less and less existent.

Yep, I notice that reading comprehension skills are a becoming less and less existent as well. No offense taken.

09-25-2012, 05:45 PM
Good luck crim! Keep going!


09-26-2012, 01:53 PM
After 5 hours of playing your hands well be cramped after 8 hours of playing non stop it starts to go numb and after 12 hours u would have destroyed your hands play 2-3 hours a day

09-26-2012, 05:21 PM
Well like many have mentioned the key is the right group. I have a few friends that I can do thrasher/dumpster/blessing runs with and we'll clear the stage in 2-3 minutes. But my main guy e have got this down to a science. Before the update that strengthened the enemies, we would group 20 of the enemies in the middle and smash the **** out of them. Unfortuntely we would need a mage to keep us healed but we would do the stage in a minute thirty. Now that they're even stronger we have to group them in three separate groupings. Always go clockwise and bring them to the wall so you can smash them in groups of 8-10 easier. We're actually so good, the 2 of us can do the stage by ourselves in 2 minutes. If we group them together before other birds, bears, or mages screw up our obvious plan, they can help clean up the stragglers and we'll have the stage ready to be finished in a minute. I'll admit though that trying to roll with non steroid randoms who don't understand the concept of teamwork can be frustrating. But if you waited until now to start this quest, you may be too far behind the power curve. But I don't think it's too late finish this quest. Like you, I'm a full time working adult plus I live by myself. So my goal was 50 or so on the weekends in a few hours and 10-20 a day during the week if I was lucky. With my friend e, I get more money for the time because we get so many runs done in the same amount of time. I don't always get to to play with my bud, so I don't always get as many ichors during the week as I like.

Who is this friend of yours "e"???? Just curious lol

09-27-2012, 04:14 AM
His ign starts with e but it looks like one of those random names given by the game that I know I'll mess up if try to spell it here. Plus he has to be online in order for me not to have to sift through the long list of friends I've got. Plus, if he's online, I'm going to try and play with rather than perusing this forum.

09-27-2012, 11:49 AM
His ign starts with e but it looks like one of those random names given by the game that I know I'll mess up if try to spell it here. Plus he has to be online in order for me not to have to sift through the long list of friends I've got. Plus, if he's online, I'm going to try and play with rather than perusing this forum.

Just asking because his strategy sounds just like mine, and you said he's a bear just like me, and his name starts with an "E" and it's random just like mines (my IGN: Enisceloz) lol...

Suentous PO
09-27-2012, 03:52 PM
yup does sound like you Eni!
cracks me up, you pull soo much you have the quick chat ready; "i rmk join at your own risk!"
pro bear'in! :D

09-27-2012, 04:27 PM
I can attest to crims statement he use to put insane hours in ( 3 56 cap bears right?). This quest is just an insane endeavor. I'd say leave it be man

It was a bear, mage, and 2 birds. Only one of them were on elixir. But yes, I had a slight addiction. ;)

And kristie alley had a slight eating problem right?

09-27-2012, 06:03 PM
Just asking because his strategy sounds just like mine, and you said he's a bear just like me, and his name starts with an "E" and it's random just like mines (my IGN: Enisceloz) lol...

That's it. Hey bud what's going on? Unfortunately now that I've completed the quest, I find myself using my 71 toon less and less. But if you find me online and I'm not doing nothing, I'll try and help you out since you helped speed through this quest.

09-27-2012, 07:01 PM
That's it. Hey bud what's going on? Unfortunately now that I've completed the quest, I find myself using my 71 toon less and less. But if you find me online and I'm not doing nothing, I'll try and help you out since you helped speed through this quest.

Hahaha how are you bro? I also finished the quest yesterday man. But since that's my only toon I'm still helping friends and guildmates do Fire Forest runs, so I'm still tanking around there lol. And thanks for the shout out on your earlier post!! I feel that with all these elixirs, there's no longer team work involved in runs and tanks have been thrown to the side. However if you have a tank that knows what he's doing and a decent team you can pretty much breeze thru any level this game has to offer!

yup does sound like you Eni!
cracks me up, you pull soo much you have the quick chat ready; "i rmk join at your own risk!"
pro bear'in! :D

Yoooo your're here too? Man I come here sometimes to entertain myself lol. And yea like my other quick chat says "The Eni Express...Choooo choooo!!" lol. How many Ichors you have? I'm going to get on for a bit tonight to help any team out!

09-28-2012, 06:19 PM
Now that I've finished the quest, if I do get on with my 71 toon, I'll try to help some of my friends. But now most of them are already in full games, so I'm just leveling up my 55 toon and helping my daughter level her 35 toon when she gets on. How do you like the axe?

09-29-2012, 12:37 AM
Now that I've finished the quest, if I do get on with my 71 toon, I'll try to help some of my friends. But now most of them are already in full games, so I'm just leveling up my 55 toon and helping my daughter level her 35 toon when she gets on. How do you like the axe?

The axe is pretty sick, however the Black Dragon set is not as good in armor as the L70 Sand Walker (Tiki Crusher) set. And you know I need tons of armor!!

09-29-2012, 07:52 AM
The axe is pretty sick, however the Black Dragon set is not as good in armor as the L70 Sand Walker (Tiki Crusher) set. And you know I need tons of armor!!

I agree. After looking at the stats, I sold all my black dragon stuff. Easiest 7m I ever made. I still keep the Humania set on with the axe although I'd like to farm for the marlin sword.

09-29-2012, 08:10 PM
I agree. After looking at the stats, I sold all my black dragon stuff. Easiest 7m I ever made. I still keep the Humania set on with the axe although I'd like to farm for the marlin sword.

When you getting on?? I want to do Mystery Mash too!!!!

09-29-2012, 08:41 PM
If you read my posts, I didn't start on Friday: I decided to grind on Friday. I actually began the quest the night it came out and have been frustrated from the onset.

If I were single like you, I would already have this completed on both my bear and bird. However, I am not single. After work, I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, help my wife around the house, spend time with my kids, and play PL when time permits. As I stated in the OP, I use to be a 4-5 hour a night/12-14 hour kn weekend player. Then I woke up and realized what I was doing to myself and my family. I took a 6 month leave from PL and really only came back for a few friends. I refuse to go back to my old ways, which is what this quest requires.

A weapon which may or may not be relevant after next cap is just not worth the inconsistency of these drops. Actually, nothing pixelated is worth the time lost in RL.

i am cry manly joy tears for you

respect of men

09-30-2012, 12:32 AM
When you getting on?? I want to do Mystery Mash too!!!!

I'll be on this weekend. I'll be on and off this Sunday as well. Send me an invite if you want to do some runs. If you have a time you want to get on, let me know.

09-30-2012, 02:04 PM
I'll be on this weekend. I'll be on and off this Sunday as well. Send me an invite if you want to do some runs. If you have a time you want to get on, let me know.

What is your IGN bro??

09-30-2012, 05:31 PM
What is your IGN bro??


09-30-2012, 05:34 PM
Lol Hades...

09-30-2012, 05:43 PM

I already got you man, I didn't know it was you lol. You are one of the best tanking partners I've had!!!!

09-30-2012, 11:46 PM
Lol Hades...

i felt is was highly appropriate, as everyone knows no gamer has a social life

so i trolled the idea of one having a social life