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View Full Version : Scorn 2: Boss strategy

09-21-2012, 07:30 AM
Boss 1:

Attack and kill the boss first
- boss heals his guards

Boss 2:
(no clue)
As what we did. We just kill him as normal.. commando spamming stims
Our strategy is painfull but we killed it at the end.

-charge and shots laser

Boss 3:
Attack and when he sommuns . Kill his minnions leaving just ONE Minnion to slow down his calling.

-boss sommuns minnions

If you discover how to kill Boss2 in an efficient way pls let us know:)

09-21-2012, 07:51 AM
I got him killed in a pick up game with people coming and going helping out. I ain't gonna lie at level 42 with the epic comm armor it took about a half an hour, and 1400 red stims. I was spamming stims and push and pull to keep him aggro'd when available and left the gun on autofire. As long as nobody that came hit a skill, it stayed on me only. so I held the wall up until he died. Organized with a couple engineers to alternate heals and couple ops to damage and get those two console guys quickly before they full heal the boss I think is functional and probably efficient unless there is a trick to it.

So, my dream team would be 2 eng, 2 ops, and me the comm getting pounded against a wall :)

09-21-2012, 09:13 AM
Yea 2eng for alternate revives.

Also the way they design the "entrance" might also be the key of staying alive and.killing boss. You can hide from its lasers on those curves.