View Full Version : Feedback: Gold Sinks

05-22-2023, 12:00 AM
I have a lot of threads saved about gold sinks, but I'm creating an official thread for you to add your suggestions!


Here are some of the saved threads: (link (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?639177)) (link (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?667426)) (link (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?679523)) (link (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?682441)) (link (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?686069))

05-22-2023, 12:47 AM
gold flow is too much in the market, ideas to sink some of this gold?

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05-22-2023, 02:37 AM
- Permanent bound blue/red gems in store.
Prices drops to normal during awake event
- introduce new currency (convert via gold)
- some exclusive pets that can be purchased by gold (events) e.g hero drauger for 500m
- crafting speed up be purchaseable by gold e.g 1hr kit>100k
- pet passive awakes (using gems) e.g hero drauger passive + 3% crit/ms/ or gl
- overhaul spendsalot lootable
- new buffs e.g 25% gl for 30mns > 100k gold
- add option to recolor/customize pet for gold
- add pet cosmetics for gold e.g hero drauger cape 50m (bound)
- convert gold > plat? xD e.g 5plat = 500k (stupid idea lol)
- add house land expansion + multiple houses for gold e.g 1 lot For 50m
- no more easy gold loot maps e.g erahab

05-22-2023, 02:49 AM
- Permanent bound blue/red gems in store.
Prices drops to normal during awake event
- introduce new currency (convert via gold)
- some exclusive pets that can be purchased by gold (events) e.g hero drauger for 500m
- crafting speed up be purchaseable by gold e.g 1hr kit>100k
- pet passive awakes (using gems) e.g hero drauger passive + 3% crit/ms/ or gl
- overhaul spendsalot lootable
- new buffs e.g 25% gl for 30mns > 100k gold
- add option to recolor/customize pet for gold
- add pet cosmetics for gold e.g hero drauger cape 50m (bound)
- convert gold > plat? xD e.g 5plat = 500k (stupid idea lol)
- add house land expansion + multiple houses for gold e.g 1 lot For 50m
- no more easy gold loot maps e.g erahabgold to plat is a very good idea

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05-22-2023, 09:41 AM
- Permanent bound blue/red gems in store.
Prices drops to normal during awake event
- introduce new currency (convert via gold)
- some exclusive pets that can be purchased by gold (events) e.g hero drauger for 500m
- crafting speed up be purchaseable by gold e.g 1hr kit>100k
- pet passive awakes (using gems) e.g hero drauger passive + 3% crit/ms/ or gl
- overhaul spendsalot lootable
- new buffs e.g 25% gl for 30mns > 100k gold
- add option to recolor/customize pet for gold
- add pet cosmetics for gold e.g hero drauger cape 50m (bound)
- convert gold > plat? xD e.g 5plat = 500k (stupid idea lol)
- add house land expansion + multiple houses for gold e.g 1 lot For 50m
- no more easy gold loot maps e.g erahab

- New currency seems a good idea?
- pet passive awak is the trashiest idea (awakening in gears alrdy was a bad idea)
- don’t expect gold to plat conversion lol if it happens then plat will loose it’s value which sts won’t let happen (plat should be only available by real money / plat eggs)
- Yeah e rahab gold should be nerfed badly (there should be option to loot good items neither gold , it’ll be fun )

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Bellicz Al
05-22-2023, 11:10 PM
I totally disagree the reason why things are so expensive is because of price manipulation and I do not think that there is too much gold.People have less pure gold to buy things and have lots of trouble selling items. May I suggest you rich people should spend more time watching out for price manipulation instead of making this game harder than it already is Ty.

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05-22-2023, 11:53 PM
Whatever gold sink comes it must be optional, not forced directly or indirectly to achieve aps or just support casual play.

Examples: awakening kits, vanity, gambling NPC, etc

Reason: new players and hardcore mode do not have abundance of gold to dump therefore should not be forced to spend it heavily.

05-23-2023, 01:00 AM
During Events

- I liked what you guys did during elondrian event where you had a separate zone (was it called Enclave? The one where we could loot vanquished chest materials).

So yeah special zones in big events that cost gold to enter that would give you a chance at rare loot.

You could also do what you did with enclave, where materials were the main goal.


- People have suggested aura and badge at spendsalot. Giving these directly would eventually make them to lose their "value" since they would be easy to get for richer players. if everyone has it then whats the point of getting it.

My suggestion is a chest at spendsalot that contains aura, badge, and a banner (it would also contain gold just like the other chest). To open this chest you would pay 1m gold instead of 10k. Make the odds of looting the banner, badge and aura slim (similar or lower odds than vanquished chests when it came to the weapons). Also make these items not tradable.

And they have to look good. This is the most important part.

Pet rescue event

Imho this was better than eggzavier. My only suggestion is if you're going to add a pet that was exclusively from the plat store then make it much much more expensive to craft.

For eggzample:

Heroic Elbert and Heroic Drauger are both heroics. H.Elbert should cost the same price you usually have for heroics (I think it was 1m? Cant remember). While H.Drauger should cost something like 10m+ to craft.

05-23-2023, 01:24 AM
If you wanna remove more gold in the game, do it (gold sink) right after you nerf. Considering that the drops are very low and there are less people who farms gold due to the discouraging drops of gold. Gold sink event right after a nerf is one thing to reduce gold in game.

Suggesting to add something to gamble with using a reasonable amount of gold.

Try adding a vendor that spawns randomly for 20mins per day. A vendor who sells random consumable goods.

For example :
Day 1 : Vendor spawns at City of Kelys for 10mins.
The vendor is selling Awakening gems for 35k each and will disappear in 10mins. The vendor does not have a specific time of spawning, it spawns randomly.

Day 2 : Vendor spawns at Great City of Kraag for 10mins. The vendor is selling 10 Crate Keys for 500k each and will disappear in 10mins. The vendor does not have a specific time of spawning, it spawns randomly.

Day 3 : Vendor spawns at Stronghold for 10mins.
The vendor is selling Awakening gems for 35k each and will disappear in 10mins. The vendor does not have a specific time of spawning, it spawns randomly.

Day 4 : Vendor spawns at Herecleion for 10mins.
The vendor is selling Elite Awakening Gems for 150k each and will disappear in 10mins. The vendor does not have a specific time of spawning, it spawns randomly.

Note : The vendor sells randomly it might be the same consumable goods today and tomorrow.

Why consumable goods? - Making it consumable means it will be out of stocks in a short time.

Why randomized spawn? - Making it spawn randomly will give players chance to take advantage of players who are offline. Those who are online when the vendor spawns can make profits for selling it to those players who are not active during the spawn time.

Why random item? - Making it sell random consumable goods will be a mind games for players whether if they will buy some to make profit later or will this same vendor spawn again tomorrow.

Why 10mins per day only? - 10mins is enough to spam buy in vendor. Making it longer will oversupply. Making it limited will prevent market to overflow in stocks of things, making it still in demand.

Why price of vendor lower on auction? - Well who would buy these if it is available in auction for 24/7. Who would buy it if they know they won't make profit.

Why not put vanities in vendor? - Overtime it will overflow in stocks and no one will buy it in vendor making it useless as a "Gold Sink".

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05-23-2023, 03:11 AM
I totally disagree the reason why things are so expensive is because of price manipulation and I do not think that there is too much gold.People have less pure gold to buy things and have lots of trouble selling items. May I suggest you rich people should spend more time watching out for price manipulation instead of making this game harder than it already is Ty.

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Yeah... You're one of those guys.


-House slots for gold? Let's say 200k for 1 slot
-pet level up ticket or pet experience chest for gold (price varies on higher levels)
-for expansion, similar to spirit marsh(?) Honestly can't remember the name, could you also please add another secret map and be able to spawn a secret boss there while under influence of special elixir that can be bought for gold.
-MOAR FURNISHINGS that can only be bought for gold

05-23-2023, 03:53 AM
put some awesome seasonal color vanities in sir spendsalot… only available during a season if possible new vanities every season not just recolor :D

the vanities should have same color as the seasonal banner.

05-23-2023, 05:50 AM
A house garden option would be nice and expanding with with gold

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05-23-2023, 08:23 AM
Housing could be a very big gold sink and a pretty logical and viable one as people who like housing are capable of going to go to any extent to make their house better , some things that could be added :

Custom Floor Designs and walls for each house , 100m per floor design [untradable]

Teleporter in house - 100m [untradable]

House slots & Gold piles purchasable directly by pure gold rather than events [untradable]

Peylon rusks Stash - 1b gold [let the players flex their riches in their house]

Pure gold walls/dividers/corners that cost 10m each [untradable]

Overall housing could be a great gold sink and a very effective one indeed .

05-23-2023, 06:42 PM
Add unlocked crates in events that doesnt cost an absurd amount of gold like freakin 2m gold for one, and 2.5k tokens for one while the event is only dropping 3 tokens per run (for exaggeration purposes its 3 tokens per run)

+200 to permanent bound blue and red awake gems in store

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05-23-2023, 08:21 PM
Sink as much as you want, you will only make the gap between rich and poor bigger. People who already have items and gold will just save up, they never farmed anything. Prices will drop only in the far future, you need to make events that will generate gold from platinum(money into gold) instead of time into gold (grinding).

05-24-2023, 03:41 AM
unlock crates for gold. Insta open. But make sure there is something in there worth it for someone to open and spend more. Maybe Arcane gears for the next level?

05-24-2023, 05:00 AM
permanent awakes in store for gold sounds like a good idea and give us for the daily rotation an awake day where we can get better awakes. We are getting so much gear to awake every event so why not. Thats the best gold sink

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05-24-2023, 08:42 AM
Special elixir for forgotten event. (Better loot chance for vanities and tokens.)

Make it 1m - 15 mins.

Also you can make an event for crafting slot kits // hotbars and other slots.


Crafting Slots 1,5m
Hotbars 1,5m

05-24-2023, 11:41 AM
More events catered towards the rich to spend money. But to sink the gold instead of giving to the poor.

Events like Easter doesn't sink the Gold, it just circulates the gold in the community.

An event where you'd open chests that can only be bought for gold from the game. Give a very good looking vanity as the lb reward. And watch rich players sinking billions each event.

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05-24-2023, 03:08 PM
I just recalled an idea that I saw in another game.

There's a gambling NPC which itself isn't new but that guy lets you try your luck for X gold each attempt for, let's say, 10 first attempts in a single day. Then next 10 attempts cost 2X, next 10 3X and so on until the next day when multiplier resets back to X gold per try.

That guy could be selling awakening kits, instant open unlocked crates or some sort of surprise box that have a chance to drop different stuff.

05-24-2023, 04:01 PM
The easiest idea is to limit the maximum gold percentage, that is, "900% gold loot" would be the maximum percentage, after that it would not have any more effect, with this we avoid overvaluation of weapons with 200%+ with excessively large costs and excessive loot when an imbalance occurs

05-25-2023, 04:50 AM
https://www.spacetimestudios.com/images/icons/icon1.png New Dungeon Type

exempli gratia -

- 100,000g-1,000,000 to enter, if you die, you respawn outside.
- Dungeon is randomized, different effects/enemies appear in each dungeon (but the dungeon layouts are identical).

Asommers shows some interest, but players... how about you? you like it? cool idea for hardcore?

05-25-2023, 04:53 AM
Also adding more useful items is a good gold sink.. that's probably really obvious but yea that my other idea lol

If those items can be bought from npc; that even better cuz then the gold just vanish into cinco pocket

05-25-2023, 04:58 AM
The easiest idea is to limit the maximum gold percentage, that is, "900% gold loot" would be the maximum percentage, after that it would not have any more effect, with this we avoid overvaluation of weapons with 200%+ with excessively large costs and excessive loot when an imbalance occurs

i must disagree with limitation of gold loot because big numbers give power fantasy and incentivise purchases.

I do however see your point about manipulation of prices for items with such high stats, it is bad.. but it helps keep awakening fun...

idk how to solve that issue without risking the game itself

05-25-2023, 12:49 PM
- 100,000g-1,000,000 to enter, if you die, you respawn outside.
- Dungeon is randomized, different effects/enemies appear in each dungeon (but the dungeon layouts are identical).

cool idea for hardcore?
Not sure if it is sarcasm or not 😂

Hardcore mode doesn't need any gold sink at all. It is only normal mode problem.

05-25-2023, 01:11 PM
1. Change auction system.
Paying 5% fee for listing an item on auction prevents people from listing their items on auction.
I would change it to paying no more than 1% fee, but if your item will be sold, you get 90-95% of the price you listed your item on auction.
2. Higher prices for potions and pet feed - these prices are outdated.
3. Higher prices for energy essences - 1k is way too low for nowadays. Should be 10-25k gold per craft.
4. Reduce price for event unlockeds in NPC shop. 2m for 5 plat worth of pull without guaranteed loot is a joke, if 25 crate keys cost usually 2.5-3m. Make it 500-600k per 1 pull.
5. Allow us to speed up adding jewels to our gear with gold. 1 minute = 5k of gold.
6. Make special 1 week lb events 2-4 times in a year, where we'll be able to buy "special" energy in NPC shop for 200-250k (only for gold, not for platinum). Normal energy kits wouldn't work here. We should be able to loot "special" essences, but their craft cost should be high, like 50k per 1 energy.
7. Limited sales of vanities with gold, similar to plat ones. Every 4 hours, you put in store 10-20 pieces of new auras and vanity sets (which can be purchased only with gold, not with platinum). Price for these should be around 50m per aura/set.
8. Increase the price of bound awakening gems to 15k per 1.

@asommers @devs

05-28-2023, 02:47 AM
Not sure if it is sarcasm or not ��

Hardcore mode doesn't need any gold sink at all. It is only normal mode problem.

Sorry.. that was pasted from my other post... https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?696376-New-Dungeon-Type

Please ignore the hardcore part in this thread

06-02-2023, 03:52 PM
1. Change auction system.
Paying 5% fee for listing an item on auction prevents people from listing their items on auction.
I would change it to paying no more than 1% fee, but if your item will be sold, you get 90-95% of the price you listed your item on auction.
2. Higher prices for potions and pet feed - these prices are outdated.
3. Higher prices for energy essences - 1k is way too low for nowadays. Should be 10-25k gold per craft.
4. Reduce price for event unlockeds in NPC shop. 2m for 5 plat worth of pull without guaranteed loot is a joke, if 25 crate keys cost usually 2.5-3m. Make it 500-600k per 1 pull.
5. Allow us to speed up adding jewels to our gear with gold. 1 minute = 5k of gold.
6. Make special 1 week lb events 2-4 times in a year, where we'll be able to buy "special" energy in NPC shop for 200-250k (only for gold, not for platinum). Normal energy kits wouldn't work here. We should be able to loot "special" essences, but their craft cost should be high, like 50k per 1 energy.
7. Limited sales of vanities with gold, similar to plat ones. Every 4 hours, you put in store 10-20 pieces of new auras and vanity sets (which can be purchased only with gold, not with platinum). Price for these should be around 50m per aura/set.
8. Increase the price of bound awakening gems to 15k per 1.

@asommers @devsSo you expect newbies to not play energy based event right? for example plat tier 100Run you think that newbies can afford 1-2.5m? for craft only?

Tapatalkkal küldve az én M2007J3SG eszközömről

06-02-2023, 03:56 PM
So you expect newbies to not play energy based event right? for example plat tier 100Run you think that newbies can afford 1-2.5m? for craft only?

Tapatalkkal küldve az én M2007J3SG eszközömről

1-2.5m can be farmed even by guy with no gear in 1 day at most.

06-02-2023, 03:57 PM
1-2.5m can be farmed even by guy with no gear in 1 day at most.Tell me where he could farm 2.5m with basic gear no gl etc

Tapatalkkal küldve az én M2007J3SG eszközömről

06-02-2023, 04:02 PM
Tell me where he could farm 2.5m with basic gear no gl etc

Tapatalkkal küldve az én M2007J3SG eszközömről

jewels for example
also, u can just running gold farm maps without gear and slowly buying cheap gear like greed set etc

06-02-2023, 04:07 PM
jewels for example
also, u can just running gold farm maps without gear and slowly buying cheap gear like greed set etci got 160k worth of jewel(Skill issue imo) in hauntlet With elixirs idk the prices of the elixirs but im sure Maximum 80k profit thats 160k/H +- , But the main soruce of income and the most enjoyable way to get money is the events . i dont think we need to take away that from newbies

Tapatalkkal küldve az én M2007J3SG eszközömről

06-02-2023, 05:45 PM
- Bring back old Rahab. (Longer ome to open and don't auto remove mobs)
- Or, focusing gold farm on guntlet cause this cap is too much place to farming gold.


Purge all old banned account, and sell all valuable item with valuable price on auc as administrator/gm...

06-05-2023, 04:31 PM
Make another event that uses gold to buy elixirs. And the plat version not tradable that way players will definitely buy that said elixir. Couldve use forgotten event as a gold sink. Like example forgotten elix will be sold in the vendor for 1m gold and the plat store elix will not be tradable.

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06-05-2023, 04:34 PM
- Bring back old Rahab. (Longer ome to open and don't auto remove mobs)
- Or, focusing gold farm on guntlet cause this cap is too much place to farming gold.


Purge all old banned account, and sell all valuable item with valuable price on auc as administrator/gm...

+1 and make those said vanities bound.

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06-05-2023, 04:45 PM
Sir spends alot house deed and location. What gives a exstra 300-500 house slots as it will be massive Price 1b gold for the house and 500m for location Comes with rooms and a second floor location has a courtyard with a driveway gold fountain in middle of courtyard grand swimming pool you can swim in all the extra bits and maybe even add 4 locations for that house specifically so each location costing 500m with a unique bonus on the house make this house insane something what makes the guild halls look like a card board box
Add many unique features to this billionaires house and throw in some NPC butler and maids as new house items that you can move around. Interaction can use auction and stash and so on make the house so good with special features that you can change the walls wallpaper different floor designs will be gold NOT PLAT THIS IS ALL GOLD make those billions of gold burn. Just an idea I think could take out a few hundred billion only the insanely rich will be able to afford tho so it would be the ultimate flex for them

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06-05-2023, 05:44 PM
Removing 1b gold farming aps would be a good start.

06-05-2023, 06:08 PM
You need to run one more gold/gold dispersement event before the expansion"", gold sink should be small, frequent and needed. Could be craft, exchange, or all the above.

Design a vanity for a Sir Scamsalot type vendor, you could rotate rewards to keep it fresh.

06-05-2023, 07:29 PM
Idk if just me or if I’m hating but this event definitely sunk a lot of gold out of me lol 80m on elixirs ain’t profited off it not even alittle ,ggs to them folks who sold elixirs they made they bag off me I’m sure I’m not the only one idk if this was a form of gold sink or not because people made gold off buying the elixirs but a gold loot event would be nice rn yessir

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06-05-2023, 08:43 PM
chest that cost 1k each pull you can loot nothing or 1T gold sounds like a plan to me
Can't afford anything? try it, maybe you can suddenly afford everything forever

06-05-2023, 10:08 PM
chest that cost 1k each pull you can loot nothing or 1T gold sounds like a plan to me
Can't afford anything? try it, maybe you can suddenly afford everything forever

1T? Bruh 1 trillion u cannot even hold + even if it’s 0.0001% chance if someone spends like 1b he’ll most probably get it . Give suggestions which are possible to agree with , don’t give impossible suggestions [emoji28]


06-05-2023, 10:34 PM
1T? Bruh 1 trillion u cannot even hold + even if it’s 0.0001% chance if someone spends like 1b he’ll most probably get it . Give suggestions which are possible to agree with , don’t give impossible suggestions [emoji28]


Gamble game baby , all or nothing who’s willing to lose it all to have it all , yessir

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06-06-2023, 03:46 AM
Add heroic pets to sirspendalot.

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06-14-2023, 08:43 AM
gold to plat is a very good idea

Nerfing E Rahab is not.

06-19-2023, 10:36 AM
The easiest idea is to limit the maximum gold percentage, that is, "900% gold loot" would be the maximum percentage, after that it would not have any more effect, with this we avoid overvaluation of weapons with 200%+ with excessively large costs and excessive loot when an imbalance occurs

I think having gold loot provide diminishing returns past a certain value would be better. That way, those that want to go for better gl awakens can still go for it and will still be useful, but it won't be as disruptive. It can also help lesser-geared players since it can help reduce the need for nerfing maps at their expense.

06-21-2023, 01:03 AM
How about a limited quantity vanity only aimed at people who own a lot of gold.

im suggesting a store sale vanity priced at 500m-700m but limited quantity. 3 available every 4 hours on weekend(2 days) during a specific event and not a repeated style of vanity. so it stays rare and goes around in trades.

The Lb rhine aura started at 1b and now the price is too high. i think these are the 2 reasons for its popularity - limited quantity, good looking(bright). Around 37(?) were won from the ties and people spent a lot of gold for the Lb. Ancient Predictions banner was similar, started at 600-700m and only ~45 existed and looked good/different from the rest of the banner styles available at that time.

The auras in store are 1750 plat and usually sell < 200m and have 20(?) per 4 hours.
So a good looking vanity in small quantity(< 30 in number. Total. Not 30 per class) can be priced at 700m on event weekend store sale.

The people who are new wont be affected by this, cuz its a vanity.
The price is too high but if we want to reduce the gold in game, taking from the ones who own high amounts is much better.

But this means the rare vanity cant be sold for plat.
Right now, the gold present in game is the problem and i think removing large amounts of gold using sale is a better option.
There needs to be gold sinks but something that sinks lesser from the people who started newly and sinks more from the ones who own high amounts. people with large amounts of gold dont play the pve aspect of the game much. so the gold sinks like energy/elixir rarely affect them.
Just my opinion, like to hear other sides for this suggestion.

06-21-2023, 08:41 AM
I agree with dev on link 1, links 2&3 are pay to play so pass on those, link 3 encourages snobbery, 4 is ok as long as is just another option and doesn’t interfere with ankh system.

06-21-2023, 08:45 AM
Housing items for platinum should be for gold instead and bound.

06-21-2023, 10:25 AM
Spendsalot where we can loot plat like encrusted weapon for gold, awake event ONCE a year so everyone will buy 30k kits heheheheh

06-22-2023, 11:44 AM
How about a limited quantity vanity only aimed at people who own a lot of gold.

im suggesting a store sale vanity priced at 500m-700m but limited quantity. 3 available every 4 hours on weekend(2 days) during a specific event and not a repeated style of vanity. so it stays rare and goes around in trades.

The Lb rhine aura started at 1b and now the price is too high. i think these are the 2 reasons for its popularity - limited quantity, good looking(bright). Around 37(?) were won from the ties and people spent a lot of gold for the Lb. Ancient Predictions banner was similar, started at 600-700m and only ~45 existed and looked good/different from the rest of the banner styles available at that time.

The auras in store are 1750 plat and usually sell < 200m and have 20(?) per 4 hours.
So a good looking vanity in small quantity(< 30 in number. Total. Not 30 per class) can be priced at 700m on event weekend store sale.

The people who are new wont be affected by this, cuz its a vanity.
The price is too high but if we want to reduce the gold in game, taking from the ones who own high amounts is much better.

But this means the rare vanity cant be sold for plat.
Right now, the gold present in game is the problem and i think removing large amounts of gold using sale is a better option.
There needs to be gold sinks but something that sinks lesser from the people who started newly and sinks more from the ones who own high amounts. people with large amounts of gold dont play the pve aspect of the game much. so the gold sinks like energy/elixir rarely affect them.
Just my opinion, like to hear other sides for this suggestion.

Greatest idea I ever heard.

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07-03-2023, 02:40 PM
Thanks for the feedback!