View Full Version : AO3 Ideas

09-04-2010, 04:07 AM
Figured you STS folks working hard on AO3 Might apreciate some ideas for the new dungeon.

1) Mobs that attack as a group (Maby warriors use iron blood and mages heal) Would be way cool cos that way you'd have to structure each fight a little.

2) Harder bosses (That means more health not nuclear weapons!)

3) Funner boss fights - Maby ability to teleport around the room or use a 1 hit K.O. move that charges up. A cool idea would be a boss that keeps calling for assistance then putting up an impenetrable sheild that disapears when you kill the enemy that come to his aid.

4) rare spawning boss? maby in one of the levels there a room with the ao3 equivilent of a lesser djinn that every now and then is replaced with a rare boss that drops a cool weapon.

5) New weapon pocs. Some examples would be a 5 second attack speed boost or a 3 second 10% speed boost, or a double swing for a sword.....the list goes on... (only have these procs on the rarest of gear of course ;)

6) As for helms the things I would like to see is: matching colours with chests. Aiming cross hairs for archers and out there designs for mages.

7) A mothership with two massive alien king and queen fights!

Just some weapon ideas...
sniper rifles (3.0 speed very high damage and armour breaks.)
bring back maces and boost up 2h swords. maby instead of upping the damage a whole heap so they one shot in pvp, up it a little and maby give them a usefull stun effect.

Hope that helps!