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View Full Version : Sorcerer idea for new skills

05-31-2023, 08:50 AM
Since we are getting skill revamp to all heroes sooner or later can we add more skills than the current 8?
Personally I like the complexity of a game and I think most players would agree (meaning that most players play this game for many years) that we need more skills. Since mage is an elemental caster can we add more elements for new skills?
Like water, earth & nature. These pictures are just my ideas.

-Water skill that knocks up enemy mobs and damages them (can we add this effect cause I don’t think it exists in the game, or something similar Crowd Control?)
-Earth skill that breaks the ground and deals dmg over times to mobs.
-Nature skill that could be either buff for the team or rooting enemies.
-Metal skill? 257042257043257044

05-31-2023, 01:33 PM
Cool idea for new skills, ultimate skills

06-13-2023, 01:11 AM
+1 I hope they would also consider elemental reactions specific for two skills that are cast on the same mobs/bosses

06-13-2023, 08:19 AM
This idea is great creating more specific and complex gameplay for each class that can be personalised would be amazing and give the gameplay a real fresh revamp.
I like the idea of adding elements to mage skills and reaction between all elements. It would give the class a major upgrade in teamwork aspect even between two mages like they can combo different skills and do a multi person combo by using synergies between their builds. (It would create like new classes aswell with specialisations)
Another idea for mage would be to make it abble to be an enchanter like a support mage who will be able to buff his teammates and himself damaged by enchanting their attacks with magic bonus damages.

I would like to see the rogue being able to deal poison or direct damages. Like they can stack poison with some spells to make dots and on another hand they can chose to get some burst damage on a single target and a CD reduction on spells on certain conditions like if you can land a combo you get 50% CD reduction to chain.

Warrior would be great if they could be oriented in two ways like on one hand you can chose to be able to feeble your targets causing them to deal less damage and making them miss their attacks with a better pool options of taunts that should be buffed. On the other hand it would be cool if they could do bleed damages and armor debuff that are stackable (like many times x5 as an example for one skill repeated 5 times)

Moreover they can remove the ultimates and add légendaires that would provide strong benefits on some skills like adding stacks on skills like you have many shots with different CD or upgrade one skill drastically like x5 dmg on some conditions and so on.

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06-17-2023, 09:55 AM
We are actively looking at new skills (active and passive), new ways of targeting mobs, new stats, and new skill progression for the skill revamp.


06-18-2023, 12:00 AM
We are actively looking at new skills (active and passive), new ways of targeting mobs, new stats, and new skill progression for the skill revamp.


New way to target mobs :
You had a game called call of champion that had a great targeting system. You can inspiré of this game for a new targeting system.

New stats:
Cause there is no point in displaying our points that isn’t our class main stat right now I’d suggest to remove the based stat répartition from the game. Make the stat évolution automatised.
Instead add a new stat tree that will make us decide of many paths possible. In with we can have crit chances, crit damage, haste, health regen, mana regen, armor, damage reduction, haste, boss damage, elite damage, damage.
New stat for war : parry

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