View Full Version : good player ISO good guild

09-24-2012, 02:34 PM
i just started pocket legends a few days ago. while i already have a 33 balanced mage (10:1 KDR), 28 int/str mage (100:1 KDR) and working on a 19 twink mage (100:1 KRD[in pve so far]) about half of my online time has been reading these forums.

it is getting to the point where my two pve toons have (or are ready to) run out of quests and places to gain xp while in the zones we can access. apparently, the only thing standing in the way is the frozen nightmares! ELITE dungeons. 1000 snowballs and 1000 pelts.

if there is a GOOD guild out there with a high number of higher level characters who would at times help in this dungeon, i would like to join.

i ask that anyone interested in having a good LOYAL, player at hand, please respond here with:
name of recruiter,
name of guild,
any interesting facts about your guild

when i get in game, i will then contact you.
