View Full Version : Ultimate Tenkaichi

09-24-2012, 06:40 PM

The new and bright shining guild called Ultimate Tenkaichi is open and this time i wont let it down with the other guilds that I made until its over!
This guild will be successful this time because i will be there to help everyone in need
we will be leveling together
farming together
and helping each other out
We will have a forum soon to discuss stuff
Forum Website: (Coming Soon)
Level Requirement: All levels may join

How can i become a Recruiter?
Everyone can be a recruiter, But there will be 5 Loyal Recruiters and 3 Head Recruiters. The 3 Head Recruiters will be Controlling the other recruiters

How can i be a Royal/Head Recruiter?
Royal Recruiter: In order to be one, you have to be loyal to the guild and help them if needed. But i dont pick anyone just because they do it doesn't mean they can be one those were just the basics. you have to do more and i will believe it when i see it.

Head Recruiter: You have to start of with the basics the ones above but this time its challenging because you will have to be trust worthy and have challenging trials

How can i become an Officer?
You Will be picked by me very wisely and see,But start with the Basics and then begin your journey. There is no limit of how many officers there will be.

How can i become a Head Officer?
There will be 3 Chosen very, very wisely by me since this is the best one there is there are no hints because you must know what you are doing.

NOTE: Head Officers will be the bosses of Head Recruiters. Officers/Head are in charge while im offline

Head Officers

Head Recruiter

Loyal Recruiters

- No Begging
- No Bullying
- No Smack Talk to other guilds
- Follow the ToS Rules

we will be recruiting ingame and on the forums add me IGN: Zraorizer

09-24-2012, 08:26 PM
Good Luck.

William To
09-24-2012, 08:52 PM
Good Luck on ur new guild! :P Best of luck and wishes to ya! GO ULTIMATE TENKAICHI! :D

09-26-2012, 08:06 AM
Good luck on your new guild! And hey, I maybe can be one of your guild member! My name is Masteric and I'm still a level 2. I'll add you!

09-26-2012, 08:46 AM
Zraoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Goooooooooooooooooood luccccccccccccccccccccccccccck!

10-01-2012, 07:48 PM
Hey! What time does you usually active?