View Full Version : Return to Picnic Pastures! Fourth of July event this year

06-09-2023, 06:12 PM
Thank your for return of the 4th of July event this year.

Those who missed out on the event last year will appreciate getting the items this year around, especially the Old Glory Banner which awards you +15% Gold Loot.

Would you consider adding Red, white and blue themed vanity items to the The Locked Badge of Freedom Crates. Such as:

Pa's Lucky Memorial Cap
A very exclusive cap during Memorial Day 2012

The Uncle Sam Vest

The Centurion of Liberty

The Freedom Star Eye Patch

The Blue Trail of Freedom
The Red Trail of Freedom
The White Trail of Freedom

The addition of these cool vanity items in the locked freedom crates will generate buzz and income for STS. Please consider these awesome event related items to the crates. Thank you.

06-09-2023, 06:14 PM
They’ve got to add some new stuff this recoloring bs is getting old, FAST

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

06-09-2023, 07:11 PM
Hmmmm, as much as I would have to say I agree that adding some exclusive rare items to the crates will help generate buzz and more revenue for STS this event I personally do not agree that we should bring back older items... Doing this in my opinion ruins the integrity of collecting in PL, which is basically the only aspect left to the game at this point in time.

If there is not enough time/money/demand to work on new items for the crates I would have to agree with Sunny that maybe adding a suuuper rare drop to them will help create more interest this event.... Maybe a SUPER rare Red / pink / Green PAS

06-20-2023, 09:59 AM
Can't wait for the event , it's been a while (https://1921681001.id/) (https://19216811.cam/)

07-23-2023, 05:16 PM
If sts wants to make money then they should add some extra items in hollow crates as i said in my post before this

08-10-2023, 05:35 PM
Doing this in my opinion ruins the integrity of collecting in PL, which is basically the only aspect left to the game at this point in time.

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