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09-28-2012, 11:06 PM
So I jave been farming nuri's funhouse map and got a couple average pinks(56) but what I wanna know is if the map drops glyph? (items that make up the 56 sets) Any info would be great. If they don't drop there then I don't wanna waste my time there. Ty all

09-29-2012, 12:00 AM
All nuris pinks, minus the 3 plat dungeon, should drop there. Drop rate just isnt as high as in regular, single boss maps

09-29-2012, 01:11 AM
Ok ty for info. Guess I wasn't wasting my time :p

09-29-2012, 05:01 AM
The drop rate is the same as in the other dungeons, ie very low. Its just that there are five bosses there but the overall map doesnt drop more. U just get a chance to drop any type of gear whereas the other maps only drop specifics.
Symphony only drop helms, strongman drops shields, tamer drps armors, snake drops 1-h and nuri drops 2-h. In funhouse u get a shot at dropping any one of them. Thats all.
If u are looking to get a full glyph set 56 tho , good luck. The drop rate for those is crazy low so unless u run the 3plat map on shamrock, you will still be trying to build ur set in 12 mnths. That or you are the luckiest person i know :-)))

The Flash
09-29-2012, 05:45 AM
Sets come only for lv60.
Scaled items dont make sets.
Good luck

09-29-2012, 05:55 AM