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View Full Version : Weapons/items hidden "powers"

09-04-2010, 08:51 PM
Hi, im pretty new to the game so i have some questions that might seem obvious to oldies.

I've read and heard about some weapons having a "breaking armour" hidden ability. Now I know because Ive read that those are spears.

My first question is if there are other weapons with this ability. Second, could some1 name other hidden "powers". Ive observed different staffs (fire/ice/lightning) have diff effects, buy Im not sure if i got it right. The same question arises for archer weapons (bows/crossbows/heavy crossbows/talons) and melee weapons (swords/axes/daggers...). Ive noticed I miss quite more hits with equipping a dagger (all the stats remain equal).

Third question is logical: are those hidden "powers" also present in hats, armors and shields somehow?


09-04-2010, 08:52 PM
The wooden shield can do some stuff I'll sale it to you for 500k deal?

09-04-2010, 08:57 PM
Some of the "powers" are called procs. Some of the proces are fire proc, ice proc, armor break, stun proc, lightning proc, and nightmare proc. Fire proc I am not too firmilar with since I never really used flaming axes, or swords, or bows, but I think they deal more damage. Ice proc freezes the opponent, such as ice auto crossbow, and icebolt staff. Armor break, well breaks armor, and spears, lances, and tridents havet his proc. Stun proc stuns the opponent, making it harder for them to move, which blasters have the power of doing along with lightning staffs. Lightning proc is held my plasma swords and has the ability to break armor. And nightmare proc is held by dark blades, and dark bolt staffs and wands, and this proc weakens armor.

I am not too familiar with proces. So I would refer to Royce since he seems more experienced with them.

Although it is pretty obvious, in most cases, don't listen to Auction (Laquint) ;)

09-04-2010, 08:58 PM
Laquaint...................please stop existing you scammer.....taking advantage of people is NOT cool

09-04-2010, 09:00 PM

09-04-2010, 09:51 PM
Thank you all for your answers.

Still one question remains unanswered. Do some weapons have better accuracy than others?

09-04-2010, 09:54 PM
no, unless the item specifically says that it increases hit%. however, the reason why you see a lot more 'misses' when you use a dagger than all your other weapons is because it has the fastest attack speed in the game and if your hit% isn't 100% then there is a higher chance that it will miss. for example, if you miss three times with a dagger you miss only once if you have a 1.0 attack speed weapon. therefore, this is why you see 'misses' a lot when you use dagger.

09-04-2010, 09:56 PM
Do some weapons have better accuracy than others?

No, unless they have a Hit% bonus shown. Your hit% controls accuracy, and while some weapons have a hit% bonus, I can't think of any with more than like 1% or 2%, so essentially all weapons have the same accuracy and your hit% is determined by your Dex.

09-04-2010, 10:35 PM
The wooden shield can do some stuff I'll sale it to you for 500k deal?

See when u say that I wanna punch you so hard

09-04-2010, 11:32 PM
The wooden shield can do some stuff I'll sale it to you for 500k deal?

AMG Another troll!

Doesnt its mouth look like a heart?

09-04-2010, 11:53 PM
Rare and twinktastical literally made me laugh my @$$ off right now :O